Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Jagannath Aur Purvi Ki Dosti Anokhi 4th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Alok returns Purvi’s jewellery


Jagannath Aur Purvi Ki Dosti Anokhi 4th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on TellyUpdates.com

The Episode starts with Jagannath asking Kusum to handle dinner for Alok and Deepa. Kusum says Kashi and Purvi will handle that, I won’t go to them, they think I m mad and melt my heart, they both are selfish. She cries. He says its okay, nothing happened to me. She says they did wrong with you, I will not forgive them, why did they get after Purvi, I was mad to believe them. He asks her not to get angry. She says I will not show them my face, what do they think. He consoles her. Alok asks Deepa can she stay here in a hostile environment. She asks him to go and convince them. She says Bhabhi told me that you have come here because your job isn’t getting an extension. He says I will get a job soon, what is Purvi doing here, she has made mum and dad emotional, how do we know that she doesn’t want to take care of them. Deepa says even if she is clever, we can’t do anything, she sold her jewellery, she did a favor on us. He asks why is she doing this for them. Kashi comes to Isha and gets a corn for her. He says I miss you a lot. He jokes on her. She asks did you make any GF or not. Purvi comes. She sees Isha’s room messed up. Isha goes to get a shower. Kashi says she is a nice girl, we are childhood friends. Purvi arranges Isha’s clothes. She says uncle and aunty’s children have come, I wish their anger subsides.

Its morning, Purvi makes tea. She talks to Baby. Deepa comes. Baby says Deepa will tell me what to make. Deepa says yes, I used to do this before. She gives a saree to Deepa. Baby says its lovely. Deepa says I will make the food. Purvi says no, Bua, I will cook, what shall I call you. Deepa says call me anything, you won’t stay here for long, its my house, you are a guest, go and have a bath, I will send the tea and breakfast. Purvi goes. Baby says Purvi isn’t going. She takes the tea. Jagannath likes the tea and says Purvi might have made this, where is she. Baby says Deepa made this tea. He gets rude towards Deepa. Deepa says I will ask Purvi to make tea. Alok and Kashi come home. Alok calls Purvi and says I have to settle scores with her. Kusum asks what are you saying. Purvi comes. Alok returns her jewellery. Everyone looks on.

She says its my jewellery. Alok smiles and says I found out Sachin from Kashi, I went to the jewellery and bought this back, check if everything is right. Kusum asks did you get it for her. He says she did a lot for you, can’t I get back the jewellery, thanks a lot Purvi. Purvi says no, they did a favor on me by giving me place in their house, I respect and love them.

Alok says I know, my dad has esteem, he is idealistic, Kusum is upset, its right, I have hurt your heart, scold me but forgive me. He asks Kusum to forgive them. Kashi and Purvi ask Kusum to forgive them. Kusum gets back. She asks Alok to apologize to his dad first. Alok apologizes. Jagannath forgives him and hugs. Everyone smiles. He says forget it, go and apologize to your mum, she is annoyed, but I know she is longing to hug you. Alok and Deepa hug Kusum and cry.

Kusum says your children are good. Jagannath says yes. Alok says Purvi will go now. Jagannath asks Purvi for his medicines.

Update Credit to: Amena

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