Meet 15th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Mohan Lal dead on street. Meet trying to wake him up and says to Meet Ahlawat this is not accident it’s murder someone knows about us that we will meet him today who could be who knows about us and looks at the locket.
Hawa Singh waiting with his bike. Ram walks to him. Hawa Singh congratulate him and says your work is done, the timing was perfect and he is dead now, no body can reach you whne Hawa Singh is with you atleast hug me and say thanks. Ram hugs him and says I’m still facing issues because of one mistake that’s why we are saving eachother. Hawa Singh we will workout same way in future after all Ashok Huddah is our only link. Ram remembers how he shot Ashok and killed him and says to that day when Tej was unconscious I was scared that he will tell truth to everyone, I tried to give him injection but Meet and Meet Ahlawat came in between and when I asked goons to do my job. Hawa Singh says that time your Meet came in between again she was about to make them speak who send them but I helped you that time.
Meet Ahlawat in police station says I need report a case, it’s an hit and run case and the senior officer was killed because of that bike. Constable ask him did you see the bike registration number. Meet Ahlawat says no there was no number, it was a sports bike and he was wearing black jacket.
Hawa Singh says to Ram now this case is closed,you should go back and chill after all a surprise is waiting for you. Ram ask what kind of surprise. Hawa Singh says who spoild your night has to pay and go away.
Meet calls to Anubha and says Mohan Lal is dead and I’m the reason for his death I made my father down. Anubha says you should not loose strength and now you are near the destination so you will not break and now you have to take revenge for Mohan Lal too so don’t loose hope. Two constable talking to eachother says Hawa Singh is so corrupt he always taking bribe from everyone and buy new things look at his bike it’s with no number.
Hawa Singh walks inside police station.
Meet see the bike. Hawa Singh walks to her says it’s look nice don’t she I call it Avatar it’s importate, your father can never thought of buying this he was honest person don’t let anyone take bribe and god need these kind of people so he called him, forget this and have sweet and try to make her eat. She threw away and says you took Mohan Lals life the way you took of my father’s. He says you are smart but you can’t prove I killed Mohan lal because like this 15 bikes are sold without number how you will prove that this is the same wife, you can file case against every 15bike, you were trying to reopen case of a dead men but you can’t do anything your last evidence is also gone and listen one thing don’t try to mess with police, he grab the stick and give to her says ediot girl and leave.
Meet remembers what Hawa Singh said to her and damages the bike with that stick she pour kerosene on bike and light it up. Constable looks at bike and says now Huddah sir will be in peace. Hawa Singh come out of police station and see the bike is on fire says you did wrong now who will save you from my anger, he walks in and says to constable go and arrest Meet for burning police officers bike. Constable go out to catch her.
Hawa Singh says now this will be fun when Meet will be in jail for two years, human should have control on there anger. Constable walks to him and says I filled the case for burning bike. Meet Ahlawat standing behind Hawa Singh and greets him. Hawa Singh remembers says to arrest Meet. Meet Ahlawat outside ask her to go away and says do you trust me if yes then go I know what I’m doing constable walks to Meet and ask his name and arrest him. Hawa Singh scolds constable and says don’t you know any difference between a girl and boy. Constable says there was no girl. Meet Ahlawat says you might have a misunderstanding my wife is at home and she cannot do like this. Hawa Singh she is at home. Meet Ahlawat says yes she is at home and cannot break a bike with stick and then lit it on fire bo she cannot do that. Hawa Singh says why she cannot do. Meet Ahlawat try to manipulate him. Hawa Singh I don’t respect you that much that you say anything and i believe it. Meet Ahlawat says no worries I’ll call her. He snatches his phone and ask constable to go to his home he is trying to be oversmart now after going his house we will get to know who murdered my bike.
Hawa Singh ring the door bell. Sunaina open the door and says it’s you Hawa Singh. Hawa Singh walk inside the house and says I need to do enquiry and ask Meet some question. Raj walks to him and ask what she did. Hawa Singh says we need to arrest her. Raj says wait a minute where is your arrest warrant can I see it, so you forget the law, till the time you don’t tell me I won’t let you take a step. Hawa Singh some time back you daughter in law came to police station she damaged the bike and then lit it up now nothing is left except number plate and this is a criminal offence. Raj says you said few minutes back but my daughter in law was in house she didn’t go out. Hawa Singh says has she applied mehendi on her hands. Meet says exactly you are an astrologer and how her hands and ask how do you know that. Hawa Singh ask female constable to check if it’s dry or wet. She checks and says it’s wet. Babita walks to her says you just rectified my wardrobe light but it’s still flickering, looks at her hand says you applied mehendi and looks at Hawa Singh says what police is doing here Raj. Raj says to her he have an misunderstanding he thinks out Meet burn his bike that too few minutes back. Babita says it’s impossible what are you talking. Hawa Singh says I’m right he lit my bike and he was at police station. Isha walks out says that’s not possible me and Meet were out watching movie look at my updated of 3hrs back and show him pic. Hawa Singh ask Meet about the story of movie.
Hawa Singh says I’ll not go empty handed if not Meet then I’ll take Meet Ahlawat and put handcuff.
Meet at police station says why did you take the blame on your head. Meet Ahlawat says you have to find the killer of your father this war is so important for us and we cannot win if we are behind the bars.
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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