Imlie 14th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on
Neela tongue lashes Narmada for breaking her promise of getting Aryan and Gudiya married and humiliates Imlie. Aryan supports Imlie and says Imlie is his wife. He tries to take her blessings and apologizes that he didn’t know that she is coming. She yells if he would have given her a grandson if he had known earlier. Aryan says she doesn’t know Imlie well, else she wouldn’t have humiliated her. Gudiya acts as crying on Neela’s shoulder and says the spent so much and let a villager grab crores. Neela asks her to cry on Aryan’s shoulder instead and says she brought Gudiya here thinking she will be respected even after her devar/BIL passed away. Aryan says he is following his father by respecing his wife. Imlie thinks she cannot get distracted and should focus on her motto. Neela pinches Gudiya. Gudiya shouts. Arpita asks what happened Gudiya. Gudiya asks her to call her doll and says she came here with lots of dreams, but they shattered. She calls Aryan as Ari baby and starts her emotional drama on her. Aryan asks her to stand apart and speak.
Imlie starts her drama and tells Gudiya that they can be friends. Gudiya says she will never accept her friend request. Imlie asks if she loves Aryan since childhood. Gudiya says yes. Imlie thinks she got a chance to ruin Aryan’s plan. She apologizes to Gudiya and Neela next. Neela yells at her and says she had brought Gudiya’s kundali/horoscope to match it with Aryan’s kundali. Imlie says her kundali is not matched with Aryan’s kundali yet. Aryan says he doesn’t believe in kundali and walks away asking Narmada and Arpita to make post-wedding rituals from tomorrow. Imlie thinks kundalis will not match and marriage will end before it starts. Aryan thinks his plan is better than Imlie’s plan, he will marry her for sure, she should just wait and watch.
Imlie asks Narmada if she is angry on her. Narmada says how can she be angry on her. Imlie says she should be angry on her. Narmada says she wanted to, but cannot. Imlie asks her to bless her and thinks she will end the lies with her blessings and not give her sorrows anymore. Aryan joins her. Narmada blesses them both and hugs them happily. Imlie’s tear falls on Aryana’s hand. Neela starts her emotional blackmail again.
After sometime, Imlie in her room remembers Aryan’s condition to take back allegations on Aditya if she marries him. She thinks she will end every sign of this fake marriage but thinks why she is feeling pain, thinks she needs to focus of her career and tries to wipe out sindhoor when Arpita brings tea for her and asks if she married Aryan with her wish and if its not a part of revenge. Imlie says everything happened with her wish. Arpita says she, Narmada, and Aryan are very lucky to get her. Imlie says she is also happy to get them. Arpita says she cannot express her happiness and thanks her. Imlie thanks her back for taking care of her. Arpita asks her to finish tea and sleep soon as she will have post-wedding rituals from tomorrow.
Aryan hears their conversation. Arpita takes him away and asks if he was hearing their conversation; if Imlie had not said she is happy with this marriage, she would kept Imlie and kicked Aryan out of house. Aryan asks if Imlie is more dearer than him. She says even he loved Arvind more than her and says she is happy that he loves Imlie. Aryan says he doesn’t love Imile and is protecting her from Tripathis. Arpita says Imlie is still small and innocent, he should promise that he will take care of Imlie. Aryan promises that Imlie will never be alone until he is there, she will not be misused by anyone due to her age, she will not get the pain more than she deserves, he will take good care of her. Arpita says she trust him and asks him to go and sleep now. He heads towards his room. She insists to go and sleep in Imlie’s room. He nervously says he can’t as maa hasn’t accepted this marriage yet. Arpita says she will speak to Imlie and pushes him into Imlie’s room.
Neela insists Narmada to match Aryan and Imlie’s kundalis. Narmada says what is the use now when marriage is already over. Neela uses emotional blackmail and says she didn’t match Arpita and Arvind’s kundalis due to which Arvind died and Arpita became a widow, she doesn’t want Aryan to die because of Imlie, etc. Narmada agrees to match Aryan and Imlie’s kundalis.
Aryan nervously tells Imlie that Arpita pushed him saying married people should sleep together. She silently looks at him. He asks what she thought about her career as she cannot sit idle at home. He angrily throws pillows on him venting out anger on him. He says she is getting married and not a life imprisonment. She says one marries with wish and not forcefully. He says he is stopping her from wrong decisions and reminds her of mistakes. He then asks why didn’t she tell truth to Arpita if she doesn’t want to this marriage. She says she couldn’t spoil her happiness and picks pillows back. Aryan walks to bed. She warns to dare not try to sleep on bed with her. He pulls a pillow under her feet, sleeps on couch, and asks her to rest well as their post-wedding rituals will continue till 1 week. Imlie thinks she need not wait till next week as Aryan’s drama will end with kunalis don’t match.
Next morning, Imlie wakes up and sees Aryan working on his laptop. She feels cold and switches off AC. Aryan starts it again and keeps remote with him. She tries to snatch remote from him. Their nok jhok starts. Remote breaks. She says she will pay 50% money as she is married to him. Narmada walks in and says not yet as their kundalis are not yet matched. She informs Aryan that Neela called panditj to match their kundalis. She asks Imlie to note down her birth details in a book. Aryan says there is no need for that. Imlie taunts him and noting down her details asks Narmada to prepare her kundali and asks what if kundalis don’t match. Narmada says she will not accept their marriage. Aryan asks her to stop this superstition. Narmada says she accepted Arvind and Arpita’s marriage on his insistence and saw what happened, she will not take a chance this time. Imlie and Aryan’s nok jhok starts again.
Rupali informs Aparna that Arpita informed her that Aryan and Imlie’s post-wedding rituals are starting and their kundalis are being matched. Aditya hears her and says their kundalis will not match as Imlie belongs to him. Pandit checks Aryan and Imlie’s kundalis and says they completely don’t match with each other and if they are married, there will be a big disaster. He suggests Narmada to find another alliance for her son. Narmada tells Imlie that she loves her, but when fate is against them, she will not take a risk and will anull their marriage. Neela feels happy after her conspiracy works. Gudiya asks how does she do all this. Neela says she is named after Shivji’s name and will never lose. Pandit reveals that he is an actor and threatens to reveal their truth if they don’t give his money. Neela taunts him that he is poor and gives him money. Aryan passes by and thinks Imlie hired fake pandit to unmatch their kundalis and thinks now Imlie is caught and its his turn now.
Precap: Aryan hires many pandits to check his and Imlie’s kundalis.
Update Credit to: MA
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