Monday, 14 March 2022

Anupama 14th March 2022 Written Episode Update: High Voltage Drama At Shah House


Anupama 14th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Vanraj asks Anuj if he didn’t do any conspiracy, how did he get the contract and not Malvika’s company. Anuj says people look at his track record and trust and give contract. Vanraj says he is giving pravachan like his girlfriend with just one contract. Anuj says if one truly loves each other, their qualities exchange; he could get the contract because of Anu’s encouragement. Vanraj says he is not habituated to lose. Anuj says he should accept his defeat gracefully like him. Vanraj says he accepts defeat as he is habituated to it. Anuj sasys its not a habit but sharafat/nobility. Vanraj says he is naming fear as nobility which can be misused. Anuj says Vanraj can try if he can and he lacks nobility. Anuj stops them and says Anuj didn’t know that Vanraj is bidding that contract. Vanraj asks what would he have done then. Anuj says he would have worked hard twice to get that contract. Vanraj shouts Anuj’s name. Anuj shouts back Vanraj.

Bapuji asks Vanraj to calm down. Baa says Anuj is at fault. Anu says its not Anuj’s mistake. Baa says she has invited enemies home. Anu asks shall she leave. Kavya says she should. Baa asks who will take care of Kinjal if Anu leaves. Mamaji taunts didi learnt to bent. Vanraj says he didn’t though. Bapuji asks why Vanraj has problem with Anuj. Anuj says someone/Anu liked him, which Vanraj couldn’t digest. Baa asks Anu and Anuj to back off if Vanraj is not backing off. Anu asks why should they back off always when they know that Vanraj is always wrong. Vanraj shouts to stop their drama and blames them for spoiling their Mahashivratri pooja and coming to his house just before result is announced. Anu warns him to stop his blame game as he cannot fly high anymore as Anuj has taken over him.

Baa asks them to go home and party after spoiling her son’s festival day. Anu asks what about Vanraj ruining her life. Baa says she is standing here happily. Anu asks if she should cry, she will not. Baa says she still laughs and giggles with her son. Anu says she will to prove that she is still a mother and has many other relationships left and hasn’t broken down after his verbal and physical attacks. Baa says what about her and Anuj hurting Vanraj. Anu says he himself is responsible for that and if he doesn’t accept his mistake and change himself, he will be in trouble again. She then prays Mahadev with Anuj. Baa asks them to leave now. Anuj asks Anu to accept elder’s anger as prasad and leaves from there greeting everyone.

Paritosh/Toshu starts his drama next and blames Anu for ruing his and Vanraj’s dreams. Samar asks what is mummy’s mistake if they are not competent. Toshu says mummy’s mistake is she didn’t think of her son’s life and career and thought of Anuj instead. Samar says he is ungrateful to mummy’s favors. Toshu says mummy just followed her duty as a mother. Samar says he should understand his duty also instead of insulting mummy very often and stop blaming his fate instead of hard work. Toshu says when he was born, he had got promotion to papa, but his baby even before being born got a disaster in his/her father’s life. Everyone are shocked to hear that. Samar says he ruined his own life and sought job from his MIL and father instead of finding a job himself. Toshu continues blaming his baby and calling it as inauspicious and says he wanted to focus on his career but now has to spend money on his baby’s diaper and food when he doesn’t have any money in his account. Vanraj says they have money. Toshu continues.

Vanraj slaps him and warns to stop. Toshu asks him not to interfere as its his baby. Vanraj says he is his father and will not spare him if something happens to his grandson. Samar asks what is wrong with him, he will take care of baby and will not let anything happen to him/her or else he is not his mummy’s son. Anu warns Toshu to dare not talk nonsense again and make sure Kinjal is not around next time as baby can hear them even in a mother’s womb. She says she and Kinjal will take care of the baby and not say anything which will make him fall in his baby’s eyes. Toshu says its easy to speak, there won’t be anyone for this baby when Kinjal goes to work. Anu says she is still alive and will take care of grandchildren; he is humiliating every father, especially his father who cannot hear anything against his children. Toshu says as usual she is great and he is bad, she is right and he is wrong and walks away from there.

Baa blames Anu and Anuj again for all the issues. Anu says Anuj saved this house and stopped them for getting homeless, he saved Samar’s life, and gave job to her son and DIL. Bapuji says Baa always supports Toshu and Vanraj and hides their mistakes. Baa says Toshu was angry and they shouldn’t feel bad when someone is angry. Anu says if she should slap Toshu as she is also angry and says they should stop considering boys as right always and when a woman an control her anger, why not a man; Toshu should learn from his father’s slap or else he will get his mother’s slap next. She walks away from there and hears Vanraj consoling Kinjal and apologizing her for Toshu’s misbehavior.

Precap: Anu and Anuj share a quality moment. Vanraj argues with Malvika. Malvika cancels their partnership. Vanraj angrily looks at Anu.

Update Credit to: MA

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