Sunday 5 December 2021

Love story – Episode 10 (Tension)


hi friends!!! is the next episode 😘. Iam sorry for late as i was traveling these four days continuously.

Akshara meets suwarna in temple and..

Suwarna:namaste aksharaji..

Akshara: namaste..

Suwarna:thank you for coming once i called you aksharaji.

Akshara:it’s okay..

Suwarna tells about what happened with naksh..


goenka’s very having tea time together except kartik and Ranveer..

Dadi: where is our Kittu and Ranveer?

Suwarna:i think they both went out..

Dadi:fine..then we will have tea time together. Ok..when will Keerthi come from her office suwarna?

Suwarna: actually Keerthi should have reached by now but i don’t know why she haven’t reached yet.

Dadi:i told you not to leave her to go office today as she is already injured but you never listened…see if she is in any problem now?

Suwarna: don’t worry maa..she will be back safely. Maybe she is having more works.

Suddenly aditya comes there sadly and..

Aditya:namaste maaji..namaste everyone.

Everyone greets aditya and..

Manish:what a suprise aditya? Why dint you inform us before atself that you are coming..if you have informed then we would have prepared tea for you also.

Aditya sadly:ji..i..i..came her hurriedly to tell you an important matter.

Everyone gets tensed and..

Manish:what is it aditya?

Aditya cries fakely and..

Aditya: i think your daughter loves naksh only..

Everyone gets shocked hearing this..

Manish:what rubbish?i know about my daughter..when she is fixed with you then why will she love naksh? She is not such a girl to dump you..

Aditya crying:i dint tell that your daughter is loving naksh but naksh is only forcing her to love him..he have changed her mostly towards him.

Everyone gets shocked while Manish gets angry..

Manish:stop it aditya..i know about naksh. He is a very good guy and also he knows about your and keerthi’s alliance so iam sure he wouldn’t have done such things.

Aditya:i know that no one will believe me but I swear that iam telling the truth..if you all don’t believe me then I’ll show you the proof.

Aditya takes his mobile and shows the photo sent by tara to goenka’s and everyone gets shocked seeing it while Manish stumbles..

Manish stumbles:h.? can th..this be true?no..i can’t believe this.

Aditya smirks:if you still don’t believe it then call naksh here and ask everything..even in the party i couldn’t dance with keerthi because he grabbed keerthi’s hands and danced with her. Then when keerthi was shot..i was running towards her to take her but before that naksh took her away.

Everyone gets shocked again and..

Dadi:aditya..we believe you completely but don’t try to break our trust by making fights in between our families.

Aditya:maaji..why will i do that?if i want..i could have come and rejected your daughter straight away for what she is doing but i came here politely to inform you all so that i can win my love back. You are all like my family and that’s why i came to tell what i felt but..

Aditya turns to leave but Manish holds him..

Manish:i trust you aditya because you have proven that you are good ceo by making your company first according to my sayings. And now i will confront naksh in sake of you..

Suddenly naksh enters there carrying Keerthi while everyone gets shocked seeing naksh carrying keerthi..

Aditya:see..even now he is carrying keerthi in his arms.

Manish angrily: don’t dare to enter naksh.

Naksh gets shocked..


Manish: did you danced with keerthi in party?

Naksh gets shocked and stumbles.. uncle as..

Everyone gets shocked while Manish gets angry..

Manish:stop it naksh. I believed you completely as i thought you as one of my family member but you betrayed us.

Naksh:u..un..uncle i dint do anything.

Manish shows that photo to naksh..

Manish:then what are you doing in this photo?

Aditya: he is trying to romance my fiance..

Naksh gets angry and..

Naksh: stop it aditya.. don’t dare to tell bad about me. I know what’s my limit so I’ll never do such things.

Manish shouts: did you keep your limits for snatching someone’s fiance? close you are standing. Even her fiance wouldn’t have stood like that but you shamelessly trying to get keerthi for you.

Everyone feels bad while naksh becomes upset..

Naksh:uncle..i swear..

Manish angrily: don’t dare to give false swear. I trust aditya as my son so i know he will never’s better you never come before us from now.

Suwarna:Manish..why are you shouting like this? please give him a chance to tell his point..

Manish:shut up suwarna..if we give a chance then he will marry Keerthi atself so it’s better to make him out. From tomorrow keerthi wont be working under naksh and i will conduct keerthi’s marriage within 2 days..

Manish goes away angrily from there while naksh gets broken and he makes keerthi lie on sofa and he leaves while everyone calls him..


Naksh doesn’t give response and he goes away crying and everyone gets sad..

Dadi:i want to hear naksh’s point too but Manish never allowed us..iam really sad for naksh.

Suwarna:even me too..i don’t think that naksh can do such things.

Dadi:i don’t know why aditya is accusing naksh like that..

Suwarna:Manish trusts aditya blindly so he is accusing naksh but we should make the problems fine now..



Akshara gets shocked hearing this and she cries..

Akshara: my son can never do wrong..

Suwarna hugs akshara and..

Suwarna:i know about your values so don’t worry..we all trust you. I know naksh can never do wrong but Manish trusts aditya blindly and that’s why he have reacted such way. But don’t take his actions seriously..we will solve this problems soon.

Akshara wipes her tears and..

Akshara:thank you for trusting us suwarnaji..

Suwarna:it’s okay..and we will talk about our alliance later after this problem gets over okay?

Akshara:okay suwarnaji.

Suwarna: please console naksh..i really feel bad for him.


They both leave from there.


Later Keerthi wakes up and she gets shocked on hearing the problem happened recently..

Keerthi: what? How come dad trust aditya more than naksh?why did dad do this dadi?

Dadi:i don’t know..but your dad trusts aditya blindly and i also i don’t know why aditya is accusing naksh.

Keerthi gets sad hearing this..

Keerthi: before telling the truth to everyone i should first make dad understand.

Keerthi goes to Manish’s room and she tries to tell that naksh is innocent but Manish never listens to her and..

Manish angrily:i know naksh have made influence on you and that’s why you are supporting him..

Keerthi:dad but..

Manish:i don’t want to talk anything about naksh now. Please leave..i will conduct your marriage within 2 days so go and prepare for that.

Keerthi gets shocked..

Keerthi:dad..why within 2 days?

Manish angrily:it’s decided that’s all.. now don’t talk about that.please leave..

Keerthi leaves from there sadly and she goes to her room and shuts the door and starts crying inconsolably..


Kartik reaches to college and he goes to dean..

Kartik:sir..did you called me?

Dean:yes me.goenka.. actually professor David have quit the job due to personal reasons and we are handling his responsibilities to you mr.goenka.

Kartik:ok sir..i will do his duties best.

Dean: actually you have to handle 1st mba class from today..and there is a deaf student there so handle her by showing the lessons using board.

Kartik feels happy as he knews that it is none other than Tina and..

Kartik:sure sir..

Dean:and one more some important guests are coming to check our college presentations and so handle the class well before them.

Kartik: sure sir.. can leave now.

Kartik leaves from there and he goes out and walks on corridor and suddenly he hits a lady who is coming fastly and he holds her before she falls and she is none other than Tina…

Kartik smiles seeing her..

He makes her wake up and..

Kartik:Tina..why are you running as if someone is chasing you? can’t you go slowly..

Tina notices his lips and understands it and..

Tina:woh..iam sorry sir.

Kartik makes a face and..

Kartik:sir? Iam just kartik for you..

Tina notices his lips and understands it and..

Tina:sir..i cant call you with name in college and that’s why.

Kartik smiles and..


Suddenly Tanvi comes there and she goes towards Tina and gives a letter shocking Tina..

Tina:Tanvi.. what’s this?

Tanvi:a letter from..

Tina notices her lips and understands it and gets angry and tears and throws it away remembering Raghav..

Tina angrily:i hate letters..i hate letters. Please don’t give letters again..

Kartik and Tanvi gets shocked seeing her reaction..

Kartik in mind: what happened to her?why is she getting angry for just a letter?’s not any love letter. It is a letter from college staff asking you for a sign in this document but you tored it..

Tina notices her lips and understands it and gets shocked..

Tina:ohh noo..

Tina in mind:i.. i thought it was sent by Raghav. Now what will i do?

Kartik notices her sad face and comes in front of her and..

Kartik: don’t worry miss.tina khanna. There will be extra copies of this documents and i will give you go to your class peacefully now.

Tina notices his lips and understands it and..

Tina:thank you sir..

Kartik smiles while Tina goes along with Tanvi..

Kartik in mind: why did she get angry on hearing about letter?do she hate love or love letter?

Suddenly kartik phones ring and he attends it..


Suwarna tells everything of what happened between naksh and Manish which shocks kartik..

Kartik:what?how can dad do this with naksh?ok..I’ll come once the college gets over and i will speak with dad.


They cut the call and kartik tensedly goes from there…


Ranveer is going in his jeep and he crosses by the same area and suddenly he stops the jeep there..

Ranveer:let me enjoy this cool climate for sometime..

Ranveer gets down the jeep and he opens his both the arms and he starts feeling the cool breeze…

Ranveer: atleast this nature gives happiness..


Sirat is still hanging and she gets reminded of how naira fallen down from cliff and cries..

Sirat in mind:is this my karma?is god punishing me in the same way of how i killed naira?

Sirat gets panic attack remembering the past..

Sirat cries: now i should die in the same way like naira.. this is my karma.

Sirat starts coughing due to panic attack and she feels drowsy as well as she feels hand pain..

Sirat :i..iam going to die now..

Sirat’s eye’s gets teary and her hands starts to shake..

Sirat:i love you mumma..


Ranveer looks at the cliff end and smiles..

Ranveer in mind: standing at the edge of the cliff will be nice..let me go and explore it.

Ranveer goes to the end of the cliff and he sees sirat hanging and gets shocked..

Ranveer in mind:ohh my can this girl be here? i have to save her somehow.

Sirat closes her eyes and she leaves the hand as she can’t able to bear the pain but Ranveer holds her hand and pulls her up..

He finally manages to bring her up and he relaxes and caresses her face..

Ranveer:thank god..i came here orelse you ..

But sirat doesn’t respond Anything as she is in still panic state and she starts to cry..

Sirat cries:no..i have to die. My karma is to die..

Sirat runs towards the end and she tries to jump but Ranveer comes and holds her and cups her face..

Ranveer:what happened to you?are you mad?now only i saved you but you are trying to kill yourself again?

Sirat coughs heavily and she remebers naira’s fall and cries..

Sirat:i..i don’t deserve to live..even lord wants to punish me for my sins so i hve to die.

Ranveer gets shocked and he hugs her tightly to give her comfort and to make her relax..

Ranveer in mind: what happened to her?why is she behaving strange..

Sirat keeps on coughing and she slowly closes her eyes on ranveer’s shoulder..

Ranveer notices it and he carries her to nearby bench and makes her lie down and he sits nearby her and he gazes sirat…

Ranveer in mind:why is she so different?that day she shouted unwantedly and today she is blabbering something..


Vidyut takes Avni to a mandap..

Avni shockingly:why did you bring me here?

Vidyut:to marry you..

Avni gets shocked..

Avni: what?are you mad?

Vidyut:yes..iam mad because i have madly fallen in love with you.

Avni gets angry..

Avni:shut up..this is not a love okay?if you love me then you should support your lover’s opinion too..

Vidyut:but i know what will be my lover’s opinion and infact i don’t want to lose you so iam doing this forcibly.

Avni:but i will never marry you..

Vidyut laughs evilly and..

Vidyut: you wont marry me but i will only marry you now.

He pushes Avni to a group of ladies and..

Vidyut:make her ready fast for our marriage.

Ladies:sure sir..

Ladies forcibly takes Avni inside the room and they make her get ready..

Then vidyut sits readily in the mandap and those ladies takes Avni near to him and make her stand near him.. are looking beautiful sweetheart.

Avni stares him angrily and..

Avni:shut up.. this marriage wont happen at any cost.

Vidyut laughs..

Vidyut:lets see..ok ladies tie our knot soon. We have to complete the marriage before it gets late..

The ladies tie vidyut’s and Avni’s gathbandhan knot and he was about to take Avni for rounds forcibly but..

Suddenly a voice is heared shocking everyone..

Voice:you are under arrest mr.vidyut.

Everyone looks at Niel while Avni smiles..

Avni:i told right that this marriage wont happen..

Vidyut gets shocked and he goes near niel and holds his collar..

Vidyut:how did you gained conscious soon and how did you reach here?

Niel angrily pushes away his hands and..

Niel: i just acted to be unconscious to catch you red handed. And i followed you secretly to get the proof and make you arrested.

Vidyut gets shocked..

He gets angry and he starts beating Niel shocking Avni..

Avni in mind: ohh noo.. krishnaji please save Niel from this idiot.

Niel pushes him away and he beats him nicely while other cops reach there and they arrest vidyut while an inspector comes towards Niel and.. did great work by informing us. Though you have transferred to udaipur but still you are inspector for mumbai..once again thank you so much.

Niel: it’s okay sir..

Those policemen’s takes away vidyut while Avni gets emotional and she comes and hugs Niel emotionally shocking Niel..


Mishti and Abir gets shocked seeing each other..

Abir in mind:this is the same girl who shouted me unwantedly in flight that day…

Mishti in mind:this is the same guy who snored that day in flight..ohh noo i have shouted him very badly and now iam sure he will kick me out from his office..

Abir and Mishti gaze at each other and..

Abir in mind:she shouted me with such bad see how will i take revenge.

Abir:why are you standing? come and sit..

Mishti gets shocked..

Mishti in mind:why dint he get angry on me?

Mishti sits opposite to Abir and..

Abir takes the files from Mishti and he looks through it and..

Abir:so you are Mishti i right?

Mishti:y..yes sir.

Abir:you can pass this interview with answering my questions understood?

Mishti:ok sir.

Abir smirks seeing Mishti and..

Abir:your 1st question is…tell me how many hairs you have in your head?

Mishti gets shocked and stumbles.. question..

Abir:tell me the answer or say that you don’t know it but don’t drag it with some other talks please. This is interview so you can’t ask anything..

Mishti:i don’t know sir.

Abir:fine.. then atleast try to answer next question. Your next question is..tell me who is the president of Mexico?

Mishti gets shocked again and gets angry..

Mishti in mind:what type of CEO he is? Who know the president’s of other countries??..

Abir:tell me the answer quick or say that you don’t know. Kindly don’t waste my time please..

Mishti stares Abir angrily..

Mishti:i don’t know.

Abir smiles and.. couldn’t answer two questions.its interesting questions right?there is more one question and if you answer this then you will be selected directly.

Mishti in mind:iam sure he wantedly doing this to get me out in sake of taking revenge..

Mishti:ok sir.

Abir:third question is…how many fishes are living in the sea?

Mishti gets more angry but she controls..

Mishti in mind:th..this guy is irritating so much. If he doesn’t wants me then he should have directly rejected me instead of showing his foolish revenge.

Mishti:i don’t know sir..

Abir smiles and..

Abir:i know that foolish girls like you can’t answer this questions.

Mishti gets angry but she couldn’t show it off as he is a CEO so she gets up and..

Mishti:i know i failed in this interview iam leaving.

Mishti was about to leave but..

Abir:wait a minute..i dint tell you that you got rejected from this job then why are you leaving like coward?

Mishti stops and looks Abir angrily..


Abir:i know you failed in this interview but still iam giving you a chance to work here. From tomorrow you can come and work but if i feel that you are not proper then i may send you out.. understood?

Mishti in mind:he is only a coward but telling me as coward..what a guy he is?. Now i have to manage this guy till i work here..what a bad fate.

Mishti:ok sir..

Abir:now you can leave and come on punctual from tomorrow.

Mishti:ok sir.

Mishti leaves from there while Abir smiles..

Abir in mind:you did wrong with me on flight and that’s why i took a small revenge that’s all.


Tina is sitting in classroom and she was watching out..

Tina in mind:iam really scared about this Raghav..hope i dont see him at all.

Suddenly Raghav appears in the window and tina sees him and gets shocked and she starts to tremble in fear…

She turns her face away and closes her eyes and prays..

Tina murmers: krishnaji.. please save me from this Raghav.

Suddenly kartik enters with tension (because of naksh’s matter) while everyone stands and greets him except Tina who is overloaded with thoughts..

Students:good morning sir..

Kartik notices Tina not wishing and he gets more tensed..

Kartik strictly:miss.tanvi.. what is your friend Tina doing? can’t she wish teachers?

Tanvi gets scared on kartik’s angry voice and she stumbles..

Tanvi:w..woh si..sir..she..

Kartik angrily:just ask her to get up and wish me.

Tanvi shakes Tina and she tells everything while Tina gets shocked..

Tina in mind: because of this idiot Raghav..i couldn’t focus on everything.

Tina gets up and notices kartik strict..

Tina:iam sorry sir.

Kartik angrily:miss.tanvi..tell your friend this is the last warning okay. If she repeats this mistake again then I’ll ask her to get out understood?

Tanvi nods and tells Tina who gets shocked hearing this..

Tin in mind:why kartik is angry on me?i know i did mistake but he is my friend then why he is behaving tensed..

Tina:sure sir..i wont repeat this mistake again.

Kartik nods and shows the action to sit and..

Kartik: students..David sir have retired so i will handle his subject hereafter understood?

Students: yes sir..

Kartik starts taking his class by writing on board..

Later he finishes the class and..

Kartik: everyone write an assignment on an implementation in e- commerce and submit tomorrow without fail.

Students:sure sir..

Kartik:miss.tanvi tell this matter to Tina okay?

Tanvi:ok sir.

Kartik leaves the class very tensed..


precap: Raghav shocks Tina. Kartik argues with Manish. Keerthi leaves Goenka house. Akshara and suwarna plans something. Abir helps Mishti. Aly kidnaps twinkle from jail..

The post Love story – Episode 10 (Tension) appeared first on Telly Updates.

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