Wednesday 13 January 2021

Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 75


The episode starts with Vansh surprising Riddhima after they have finished their food.
He surprised her when he lay on his knees in front of everyone in the restaurant and he gets a small gift from his pocket.
Riddhima got surprised from what Vansh has done.
Vansh: In this special day in our lives I want to express how much you are really precious to me sweetheart. You are the one who I always think about, you are the one who I always want to see her happiness. I always do my best to see your happiness sweetheart because your happiness is also my happiness. So in this beautiful day I decided to bought to you this special gift so I could be with you whenever you go.
He opens the gift and she got surprised when she has seen a lovely bracelet that it has Vansh’s name on it.
Vansh: When you will wear this bracelet, you will always see my name and I will always be with you so you will never have the chance to think about anyone other than me.
Riddhima got teared as Vansh’s words really touched her heart.
Riddhima: Wow Vansh! The bracelet is really adorable! I’m really happy that I will wear the bracelet that carry your name. As this is the most precious name to me so I will be very blessed to carry your name with me Vansh. I promise you that I will always wear it forever and I will always make it with me whenever am I.
He makes Riddhima wears the bracelet and they hugged each other very tightly.
Everyone in the restaurant was watching them and they clapped to them due to how romantic they were.
They start clapping very hard when Vansh and Riddhima have hugged each others.
The girls on the restaurant were dreaming to have a caring and a romantic husband like Vansh.
While all the men in the restaurant were sure that their wives will make a lot of drama after they will leave the restaurant because of Vansh’s romantic way.
Riddhima got shy when she found all the people in the restaurant staring at her and Vansh.
Riddhima: Vansh look how everyone is staring at us?! I really got very shy when they are looking at us in that way!
Vansh: Make them learn from our love story as they will never find a husband who loves his wife in that way like I love you and they will never find a wife who loves her husband like you love me so leave them try to learn from us, but they will still not be able to be like us even if they tried hard. Because our love is a very special and unique love that no one could try to copy just a half of it.
Riddhima: I’m sure that our love story will be a legendary story that everyone will cherish it.
She smiles and he joins her in smiling.
They were very happy of how their relationship is very strong.
Then they left the restaurant and they were very happy that they are spending their time together and they were enjoying every minute they are spending it in their 1st wedding anniversary day.
Before Vansh could enter the car, Riddhima stops him.
Riddhima: You have surprised me with a very beautiful gift that it will always be with me. I also prepared a gift to you in our 1st wedding anniversary and I hope that you like my gift.
She gets from her bag two boxes.
Vansh: Interesting, very interesting! You have bought me two gifts in our 1st wedding anniversary! Not bad sweetheart! I like it!
Riddhima: A gift from me and a gift from our lovely child. Let’s open my gift first.
They opened Riddhima’s gift first and Vansh got surprised when he found a beautiful wallet that is written on it Vansh and Riddhima’s name.
Riddhima: How much you have liked my gift?
Vansh: I liked it a lot sweetheart.
Riddhima: So now I will always be with you whenever you go. Like I have that bracelet that has on it your name you will always have that wallet that has on it my name.
Vansh: I’m really impressed of how we both bought to the each other a gift that it is written on it each other’s name.
Riddhima: That means how much we are really connected to each other and we are really think about each other very much.
Vansh: I promise you that this wallet will always be with me. Do you know what is the first thing that I will put it in the wallet?
Riddhima: What?
Vansh: Your picture sweetheart. So everytime I open my wallet I could be able to see the picture of the most beautiful person in my whole world.
She hugged him very tightly for making her very happy by saying those words.
Vansh: I’m really eager to see the baby’s gift.
Riddhima: So let’s open it.
They opened the gift and Vansh got amazed to see a picture frame that it has a unique decorations.
Riddhima: This picture frame will be empty until the arrive of our child so you could put on it the picture that the 3 of us will take it so you could put it in your office. So this will make me and the child be with you in every place.
Vansh: I really liked the gifts so much. Thank you so much my lovely wife. Thank you so much my lovely child for making me very happy like that.
They hugged each other a very long hug.
Afterwards, Anuprya called Vansh when he and Riddhima were in the car that is in its way to VR mansion.
Vansh: Hello mom.
Anuprya: Hello my son. How are you?
Vansh: I’m fine mom. What about you?
Anuprya: I’m fine Vansh. I was just checking on you and Riddhima dear. Is everything is fine?
Vansh: Yes mom don’t worry.
Anuprya: Are you going to be late?
Vansh: No mom. Actually, we are on our way to the house so I don’t think that we will be late.
Anuprya: Okay my son. Take care of yourself and take care of Riddhima and the lovely child.
Vansh: Of course mom. See you at the house.
Anuprya: See you my son. Bye.
Vansh: Bye mom.
Anuprya has informed everyone in the house that Vansh and Riddhima are in their way to the house.
Anuprya: Everyone must be ready as Vansh and Riddhima could come at any time.
Rudra: Everything is ready and it is waiting for them.
Kabir: I’m really eagerly waiting to see Vansh and Riddhima’s reactions.
Siya: I’m sure that they will like the surprise a lot.
Everyone was eagerly waiting for Vansh and Riddhima’s arrive.
At that moment, Riddhima starts thinking again about Sam and how she has forgotten to tell Vansh about her past with Sam due to all the beautiful things that have happened during the previous days.
Riddhima to herself: Oh my God! I have been totally forgot to tell Vansh everything related to Sam and my past. I think that this because the a lot of things that has happened during those precious days that made me didn’t remember to tell Vansh anything. I must to tell him everything very quickly because everytime I will be late on telling him everything it will increase the opportunity that he could misunderstands me. I must tell him everything related to my past like he has done as from day one in my relationship with Vansh and he was sure to tell me everything related to his past so I must to be like him and not to hide anything from Vansh.
Vansh has observed that Riddhima isn’t concentrating in anything and he has observed how she is in another world as if she is thinking about a very important thing.
Vansh: What is the thing that is making my lovely wife thinking about it that much?! I will start to be jealous by the way. You know that I always want my wife to think only about me so tell me what is disturbing you that makes you aren’t concentrating in anything?!
Riddhima thinks that this is the perfect time to tell Vansh everything as she observes how he is in a good mood so this will help her in telling him everything.
Riddhima: Vansh I was thinking about something that is related to my past and I didn’t have the chance to tell you about it and I was thinking that I must to say it to you so you could be knowing every single detail about me.
Vansh: You have said it. It is past and the past it is a thing that is ended so we don’t have to come up about it now in our present. Let’s just concentrate about our present and our future moments that we will spend it together with our lovely child when he/she will arrive soon. So what is the the need to talk about the past now?!
Riddhima: I know that this will not affect our present and future together, but I still want to make you know everything about my past. I will not be relaxed if I didn’t tell you everything so please make me tell you everything and please listen to me very carefully.
Vansh felt how Riddhima is very disturbed so he decided to make her tell him everything that is disturbing her so they could both of them know everything about the other’s past.
Vansh: Calm down sweetheart. The matter isn’t that big so please take it easy and don’t disturb yourself please as you know that I can’t see you disturbed. Just tell me everything you want to say and I will listen carefully to you.
Riddhima: But promise me first that you will understand everything I will say and you must to know that my past will always be a past and it will never interfere in our present and future as this past is ended and now I would never care about it and it doesn’t mean anything to me.
Vansh: I promise you sweetheart that I will understand everything you will say and I promise you that nothing could disturb our relationship. Just tell me what you want to say.
Vansh’s words encouraged Riddhima to tell him everything related to her past. So she decided to tell Vansh everything.
Riddhima: Vansh, I want to tell you that in the past I had a….
Before she could complete her words, they have reached to the house.
Vansh: I think that God doesn’t want you to complete your words. Let’s enter the house and then you can comfortably tell me everything.
Riddhima: Okay.
Regardless that Riddhima got disturbed that she got got interrupted from saying everything to Vansh, but she took the advantage of that situation so she could have some time to take some courage.
They entered the house and they found everything is in darkness.
Riddhima holds Vansh very tightly because she was very afraid of darkness.
Riddhima: Why everything is in darkness like that?! I’m really scared from darkness.
Vansh hugged her to comfort her.
Vansh: Calm down sweetheart. I’m with you and nothing could happen to you. I will go to switch on the lights.
Before Vansh could switch on the lights, he got surprised to see the whole family and they switched on the lights and they have thrown a lot of flowers and sparkles on Vansh and Riddhima.
Everyone at the same time: Happy 1st wedding anniversary Vansh and Riddhima.
Vansh and Riddhima were surprised from what their family have done to them.
They were very happy for that surprise.
Riddhima and Vansh have liked a lot the decorations as there were their pictures spread all over the house.
Riddhima: Wow! I really liked the beautiful decorations. Thank you all so much for all this effort to make us happy.
Vansh: Yes I really liked the surprise so much.
Kabir: We are all really happy that you both have liked the surprise.
Ragini: We decided that we must make this day very special to you both.
Anuprya: So let’s come to cut the cake to celebrate your day my lovely children.
Vansh and Riddhima went to cut the cake and they were very happy for all those beautiful moments that has happened in their 1st wedding anniversary day.
After they cut the cake, Kabir plays the music and he starts dancing.
Then he makes Vansh and Riddhima dance with him.
At that moment, Riddhima starts to suffer from a huge pain. Her stomach was hurting her a lot, but she was trying to forget about that matter.
She completes dancing and enjoying her time with Vansh.
Then the pain starts to increase more and that what she didn’t tolerate it and she starts screaming.
Riddhima: Vansh. I’m really feeling a huge pain in my stomach. I can’t tolerate that pain at all.
Vansh and the whole family were shocked and they weren’t understanding anything.
Vansh: Riddhima what is happening to you?!
Riddhima: I don’t know, but I’m really paining. Please do something. I think that I’m going to deliver the baby!
Riddhima said these words and then she wasn’t able to say anything as she was screaming so much.
Vansh and everyone were still don’t know what they shall do.
Vansh: We must call the ambulance of VR hospital now.
Angre: I will call them now don’t worry.
Vansh was very worried about Riddhima, but at the same time he was feeling excited that his child will arrive very soon.

The end of the episode. I hope you like it and don’t forget your feedback in the comment section below.

The post Love, Romance, and Revenge #Riansh Episode 75 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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