Wednesday 1 December 2021

Eternal Love Story (Part-2) #Our Riansh (Chapter-20)



Author’s POV:-

Riddhima: Who is there?

She asked and looked straight as even moving a part was just making her feel numb. Realization hit her when she got to know what has happened to her body.

Riddhima: Am I Paralyzed?

She mumbled to herself on not able to move her legs even her hand were numb.

Voice: Yes…you are…

She heard a voice from far and cause of difficulty she was not able to look back.

Riddhima: Who are you? Veer bhai…

She asked trying to recall his voice but too her no help.

Voice: No….Try Riddhima.

She heard again and closed her eyes due to the feeling of numbness passing through her body. She jerked her eyes open when she felt something to be pricked in her body.

Voice: Don’t worry it’s the antidote. Your pain will be relieved in a while.

He said and threw the syringe right into the dustbin with the ampule.


He was about to move out of the room when his eyes fell on the letter kept on the table under the glass. Picking it up, he looked at it.

“Vansh…You know first time we met in the classroom and how you asked me for friends, really that wasn’t even half an hour you had asked me. Then at library, we all eight were always best you know how see our not to soo good fight, Ishani and Aryan’s school fight, Kabir and Sejal always busy in making us stop and out of the blue Angre and Siya nothing but just a cute love buds. We all always used to stay as a gang. But then when everything had happened, I was not able to believe that Dad did. I hope he would have been with us now when I’m pregnant with our baby. Second when we went to Paris….Umm..

You know I want to confess something as you are already aware of Varun still I want to tell you. As you were not so close to me at that time Varun had helped me a lot in regaining back my self-confidence and position. And if you don’t believe I must have said ‘I LOVE YOU’ umpteenth number of times to him. No…No…don’t feel jealous I really love you a lot, a lot NO more than that to the square of…no…cube of infinite. Then coming to kiss we had… not even one but cheek was ok…

After coming back to Mumbai 6 years ago. I never had any contact with him. I thought to confess everything after our marriage but then Sejal. I totally forgot about him but I’m damn sure he must have moved on by now. After all I was always booked for you. Then when we got shot for the second time then and when we regained our memory I was soo angry when I got to know about Dad, I was hell angry. 

That night when I asked bhai to tell everyone that I’m dead for exposing Dad. I was aware that you will do something worst and you did, you idiot you cut your wrist. I was there only, I didn’t went anywhere it was just that I wasn’t allowed to come out or…. Even at night, I was there with you only when you were looking at the anklet sadly. I’m always there with you even if not in front of you then I’m in your memory. Remember me and you’ll find me.

Why am I getting emotional? Good morning!!! and search for the gift.”

He read the letter and felt his eyes getting wet. Reading the letter he was about to fold it when he read.

“Don’t waste time I’m waiting…”

He read and chuckled. Keeping back the letter on the table, he moved out of the room. Well who knows, they got to miss this room.

Vansh: Riddhima…

He shouted and looked through the corridors. Opening the room, he entered into the kitchen.

Vansh: Riddhima…

He descended down the stairs looking around the hall to see everyone busy with their own work.

Ishani: Vansh…

She called him and he turned around.

Vansh: Have you seen Riddhima?

She shook her head shocked.

Ishani: I have to tell you something in fact you all.

She said and saw his face.

Vansh: Not now, I have something urgent.

She heard him and saw him leaving.

Ishani: But Vansh even mine is urgent.

Ignoring her words he moved out of the room.

Ishani: How do I tell you that whatever you all are thinking is not the complete truth?

She mumbled to herself and sat on the sofa sadly. 

Coming out of the Mansion, he looked everywhere in search of her.

Vansh: Riddhima…

He shouted on top of his lungs but to his no help she was nowhere to be seen. His excitement went in vain when he saw her same anklet fallen on the ground.

“The day we will untie you will make me wear this.”

He recalled her words. Shrugging his thoughts, he tried to throw the bad thoughts.

Vansh: Riddhimaaa…..

He shouted again and tried to search for her.

Vansh: Riddhima….Where are you? 

Mumbling to himself he tried to be strong.


Opening her eyes she looked around again and saw Veer sitting on the chair.

Riddhima: Veer bhai…

She said and got up straight. Looking at her legs, she was now happy as she was able to move her legs properly now. 

Riddhima: Bhai…

She said again and looked at him as he was sipping his drink. Looking at her he smiled.

Riddhima: Bhai…why you did everything? I know there must be a reason for this, right?

She said and looked at him with teary eyes. But he didn’t even said a word to her.

Riddhima: Bhai..??

She asked and saw him getting up.

Riddhima: Why are you not saying anything?

She asked as he came and stood in front of her with his hand in his pocket.

Veer: Riddhima…you are absolutely right, I did all this on a purpose.

He whispered in a low voice while looking at her. Leaning down to her level, he kept his hand on the other sides of the chair.

Riddhima: But why bhai? You should have told me. I would have definitely help you.

She said and saw as his eyes went dark hearing her.

Veer: First of all, call me by the name you know me.

Her eyes went wide on hearing his words.

Riddhima: What are you saying bh…?

Before she could complete, he held her jaw between his hands and looked into her eyes.

Veer: Didn’t I ask you to call me by the name you know me?

She nodded fearing his anger may will harm the child.

Riddhima: V…eer..

She whispered due to his hold on her. Hoping that he will release his grip, she looked at him but his hold only went more tight.

Releasing her all of a sudden. He moved back.

Veer: Oh no…How will you be aware of everything? So…Let me tell you.

She saw as he went down on his knees in front of her and held her hand in his.

Riddhima: What are you doing?

She asked him as the pain of being tied to the chair was unbearable.

Veer: Actually…I have to tell you a secret. 

She blinked her eyes as he slowly untied one of her hands. Looking at the red marks on her hand she feared for the reason he is going to tell her. Moving to her ears, he whispered something in her ears making her eyes go wide in shock.


Entering back in the Mansion tensed, first thing he wished to see was Riddhima but of course she was nowhere.

Ishani: Vansh…

She called him again but his red face with those red bloodshot eyes made a shiver ran down her spine.

Ishani: Please listen to me.

She said and rushed to him. Everyone came down and saw them.

Vansh: What Ishani?

He shouted and looked at her.

Ishani: Vansh, that day when we were escaping from Veer bhai’s clutch I found one file there. You know 5 years back the day after your marriage. In that file I saw that Veer bhai has transferred 50 crore in VARUN’s account.

She said being herself in confusion. Vansh looked at her angrily on hearing Varun’s name.

Vansh: So what he might be financially unstable at that moment.

He shouted looking at the blank space.

Sejal: Why would Varun need them? He was himself so rich. I mean more than us, he has a huge business as well as he is a cardiologist.

She said and looked at Ishani.

Kabir: Might be he suffered from any loss in business. Why are you making it a big issue?

She heard Kabir and then again confusion clouded her mind.

Vansh: Over here, I’m not able to find Riddhima and you are worried about Varun.

He shouted making them shock.

Sejal: Riddhima? Where is she? She was with you last night only.

She asked tensed and looked at him.

Kabir: Have you call her?

Realizing he didn’t Vansh shook his head in ‘NO’. Taking out his phone, Kabir dialed to Riddhima.

Kabir: She is not picking up the phone. 

He said and dialed again while Vansh moved to the study followed by Aryan.

Vansh: Check the CCTV footage of corridor.

He said and started looking at the screen.


Riddhima looked at Veer in utter disbelief.

Riddhima: You are lying.

She said and looked at him.

Veer: You really think till now.

He said and caressed her hand slowly which she pulled back.

Riddhima: PROOF?

She yelled at his face and saw a smirk still lingering on his face. 

Veer: Fine… Come…

He said and untied her completely. Holding her he pulled her with him. Moving to the dressing table, he stood in front of mirror with her in front of him.

Riddhima: Where is the proof?

He said and removed his hold from her. 

He opened the first two buttons of his shirt and then putting his hands on his neck line he pulled the skin over there. Her face went wide when she saw him taking out the skin mask of Veer’s face from his. Curiosity held her mind and she turning around looked at him.

Riddhima: What the hell, Varun?

She shouted on seeing Varun’s face in front of her. 

Varun: Now, you got the proof that I’m not your ‘Bhai’.

He said and threw away the mask in a corner.

Riddhima: You lied to us. Why? And why are you doing all this?

She shouted and saw as he moved to the round sized bed of the room.

Varun: Look there, Riddhima. Out of the window.

Moving there, she looked out of the glass pane to find herself in the same Mansion which was in front of their.

Riddhima: Vansh….

She shouted but her voice just echoed in the walls of the room saying it to be a sound proof room.

Varun: He won’t be able to hear you.

She heard him and came back to him. Holding him by his collar he looked at him.

Riddhima: Why are you doing all this? You are my friend…

She shouted and looked at him.

Varun: Boyfriend….Offo, come sit. I’ll tell you everything. 

He said and made her sit in front of him on the bed. She wriggled in his hold.

Varun: Let’s start from the beginning. Well you know everything, so let me tell it’s my love story not yours and Vansh, from starting I’m involved in all this unaware to everyone. I was in LOVE with you since we are kids. I was senior in our school so we never came in contact but I used to love you. When I was done with my schooling, I used to still follow you bunking my college and then I joined the real MAFIA world.

He said spreading his arms and looking at her shocked face.

Varun: You know I was never a big part of your life but I was the one who was making your life. So when I joined that world I was just 20 years old. Ajay uncle must have told you everything, I know that. Well you want to know what the proof was? I..I had the proof they used to follow me 24*7 and still they got nothing. How would they every time I used to confuse your dad, Sooraj uncle. Then I heard you were leaving to Darjeeling even I came with you after tackling your dad. 

There I got to know of two love buds, Riddhima and Vansh. Now what do I say of it, I wish I could kill him there but no how could I? Then I send Ragini and Vyom in your life to make you both separate but nothing worked so I waited for the right moment. Then it all ended with me shooting Ruchi and when I saw your love for Vansh that day by god I had to shoot you also. Don’t worry…Don’t worry that was just in anger, I still love you so much.

He said and saw as she clutched her stomach in fear. Unaware about her being pregnant he thought her to be scared hearing him.

Varun: I’m not going to harm you now. Now then Paris one, remember I helping you to come out of the trauma. It was just drugs I used to give you and your fool family thought that you were in trauma. blo*dy fools. Ok then I made you fell in love with me with all those fake stories caring about those children’s and all. It was too difficult. Then when I saw you on my birthday you were actually looking so ravishing in that dress. It’s ok now who would lie that attack on you was done by me, it wasn’t any attack I was just trying to kiss you but you were awake. Smart.

Then you left Paris not me. I was there with you behind you always. The second attack was not supposed to be done but Veer got the track of me and I had to shoot you making you think that Sooraj uncle did all this. Sorry…but it was my bad luck you both recalled your past and then Sooraj uncle took all the blame on him and I wasn’t relaxed because if police department will search on the case then I would be caught anyhow. So I had to kill your dad making it look like an accident.

Varun said so easily while she felt her chest paining hearing all the revelations. Holding her baby in her embrace she felt more scared for her baby’s safety. Realization hit her when she joined the dot.

Riddhima: That mean even you were the one who killed bhai, bhabhi, mom, Uma mom and dad? Even you were the only one who was blackmailing Sejal in name of Veer bhai….?

He nodded innocently and looked at her.

Riddhima: Your voice??

She asked him and looked at him.

Varun: Riddhima, don’t be a spoilsport. It’s 21st century. Nothing is impossible now. Only if you are dying to hear my voice then

He said moving close to her and held her by her waist making her shock. She wanted to kick only after the revelations. Taking out the sticker from his side of the neck he showed her the machine attached to it.


Vansh looked at the screen and cupped his mouth in shock. Moving to the window he looked at the Mansion.

Vansh: Aryan, she is there…

He said and gained Aryan’s attention. Aryan looked at him and saw as he ran out of the Mansion. Following him he stopped him.

Vansh: What the hell Aryan? Riddhima is there with Veer why are you stopping me? Let me go.

He said and pushed him making him stumble. He was about to go just when Aryan’s voice made him stop at his place.

Aryan: Bhai…We are going there without any guns if he tried to harm us or bhabhi. Don’t forget she is pregnant.

He shouted at him.


She saw him smirking and she pushed him all of a sudden making his back hit the wall.

Riddhima: Varun, why have you kept me here? You know I’m married to Vansh now. What do you want now?

She shouted on him and moved back away from him.

Varun: I don’t care about that. You will have to divorce him anyhow or I will kill him.

He said calmly and she looked at him shocked.

Riddhima: You are not going to.

She said shocked and saw him smirking. Looking around she tried to find a way to escape from there.

He saw as she got on her knees. Getting on her knees she held her stomach and shouted in pain.

Riddhima: Aaaah….Varun…Call the doctor please…I’m pregnant. Aaah….

She shouted and looked at him through her eyelash and saw his shocked expression.

Varun: You are what?

He said in a hoarse voice and looked at her.

Riddhima: Please call the doctor…Aaah….Vansh….

She shouted and saw him running his hands through his hairs in panic. Moving out of the room he left from there. Taking a deep breath, she relaxed on seeing him leaving. 

Riddhima: Thank God, he left from there. Vansh,…I have to leave from here to..

She said and moved to the door. Peeking out she saw no one around which was quite not to be believable for her but thinking it to be her luck. She moved from there. Walking through the corridor, she tried to search for the way of the main door. Looking at each and every corner she grew frustrated. She saw a staircase and moved there, she was about to descend down just when she felt a tug on her waist and was pulled back to him.

Craning her neck, she looked at Varun in shock.

Varun: Have you taken me as a fool Riddhima?

She shook her head and looked at him.

Riddhima: Varun….I was just…

She said and saw as he held her hand and pulled her with him.

Varun: You really think, I will believe your lie of being pregnant.

She heard him in shock.

Riddhima: Varun….please leave me. I’m really pregnant.

She said and saw as he pulled her back into the room.

Varun: Stop lying and I swear I will kill them all if you tried to escape again.

She heard him as he stood there in front of her.

Riddhima: Are you mad or what? Let me go.

She said and was again about to leave when he pulled her back.

Varun: You are not going anywhere anyhow. Let your husband come, divorce papers are ready and he will surely find your location soon. So wait for him atleast.

She heard his words carefully and saw as he made her sit on the bed. He was about to get back just when his legs got entangle with her and he fell over her.

Riddhima: What the…? Are you mad?

She shouted and held her stomach. Getting up he looked at her.

Varun: Is she really pregnant?

He said to himself and then shrugging his thoughts left from the room not before closing it from inside.

As soon as she saw him gone, she took a deep breath and took out his phone from the pillow which she took out when he fell on her. Opening the emergency call, she dialed Vansh’s number only to find his phone to be switched off.

Muttering a curse under her breath, she dialed to Kabir as these were the only number she remembered. Waiting for him to pick it up, she looked at the gate.

Kabir: Hello…Who is there?

His voice was irritated.

Riddhima: Kabir…It’s me Riddhima…

She said and took a deep breath. Moving to the door she stood there to feel if Varun is coming or not.

Kabir: Riddhima…Don’t worry we got your location, we are just outside the Mansion.

She heard his words and fear ran through her spine.

Riddhima: Kabir…Van…?

She was about to say just when she heard his voice.

Vansh: Riddhima…we are coming don’t worry. Nothing will happen to you.

She heard him and tears welled up in her eyes remembering of Varun’s words.

Riddhima: Vansh…I want to tell you something important.

She said and took a deep breath.

Vansh: Riddhima…I’m coming there only. 

She heard him and felt her heart bleeding due to pain. Before she could say she heard a low voice of gun firing sound echoing in the Mansion knowing that it was huge sound but as the room was sound proof the voice was heard but in a low volume. Getting scared due to the voice, phone fell from her hand. 

Taking a deep breath she picked it up again and looked to see it switched off.

Riddhima: Aaah…

She said and threw it in a corner. Bending down a bit, she looked out from the key hole to see nothing. 

Fearing of any of them getting hurt, she stood there tensed. Picking up the vase she threw at the door blankly but nothing happened. Looking around she searched for anything but nothing to her help. Moving to the cupboard she opened it and searched into it.

After a search of few minutes, she found a gun in the locker. Picking it up she looked at the door and then at it. Coming there, she pointed at the door.

Riddhima: Please Bappa…

Mumbling she pressed the trigger making the bullet directly hit the door’s key hole breaking it while her body trembled with the pitch of the sound. Looking at the door she saw it swinging open. Hiding the gun with her she moved out of the room.

Coming back to the staircase, she looked at everywhere to see no one there. Keeping her grip firm on the gun she moved from there. Coming to the hall, she tried to see if anyone is around just when she felt someone grabbing her mouth, she was about to hurt him just when he pulled her in a corner.

She relaxed when she saw Vansh in front of her. She took him in a bone crushing hug while crying her heart out in his embrace.

Riddhima: Vansh…

She whispered in a low voice when she felt him hugging her back. He kissed her crown and brought her out of the hug.

Vansh: Riddhima…we will have to leave from here. Right now or if Veer found us then…..

She heard him and held his arm.

Riddhima: He is not Veer bhai…

He frowned on hearing before she could say they heard footsteps coming to them.

Vansh: We will have to leave from here. 

He said and looking at the back door pulled her with him.

Coming to the car, they sat inside while he started driving. She looked back to see them at the back gate of the mansion.

Riddhima: Where are everyone else?

He heard her and looked at her. Driving the car with full speed he focused on the road.

Vansh: They are waiting for us at the airport. We are leaving the country in next few hours.

He said speeding up the car more.

Riddhima: Vansh…he is not Veer bhai..

She shouted all of a sudden and moved to him. Keeping her hand on his thighs.

Vansh: What are you doing Riddhima?

He said and looked at her.

Riddhima: Your phone.

She asked checking.

Vansh: It’s not with me. 

He said and she gave him a disappointed look.

Riddhima: I have to tell them also that he is not Veer bhai. Woah….he is Varun.

She said and saw as he stopped the car all of a sudden in shock. Looking at her, he gave her a confused look.

Vansh: What are you saying, are you even aware of it?

 He said irritated of hearing Varun’s name from her. She nodded at him. 

Telling him everything she looked as he ran his hands through his hairs.

Riddhima: Vansh…I’m sorry I wasn’t knowing that he is Varun.

She said and held his hand as he grew angry.

Vansh: You are mine. Tell me.

He said and cupped her face in his hands. She nodded keeping her hand on his. He looked into her eyes and pulled her into a kiss trying to avoid his insecurity from his mind. Holding her hand in a tight grip, he sucked her lips forgetting about the world and every tension surrounding him. Removing his seat belt he held her by her waist.

Breaking the kiss, he kissed her on her forehead and looked at her.

Riddhima: Won’t he find us?

She asked and saw as he winked at her.


Getting furious Varun shot his men directly on his chest and looked at others.

Varun: Get the car ready?

He shouted and threw the vase down shattering it. Moving out of the room, he sat in the car.

Varun: I have fixed a tracker in her dress. Trace her location.

He said and saw as his men started driving and other was tracing her location.

Men: Sir, this is her location.

He said after a while and showed him the tab.

Varun: I’m coming, Riddhima. You are just mine.

He mumbled to himself and looked at the route.


Walking through the road covered by forest on both the sides. Vansh Driving held her hand in his, airport was still far away from the city. Bringing her hand to his lips, he kissed her on the back of her hand and entangled their fingers with each other.

Riddhima: Will we be together?

She said and looked at him.

Vansh: Riddhima….stop uttering nonsense.

He yelled in a low voice not to freak her out. He was about to look at her just when he felt someone hitting their car from behind. Keeping her hand on her belly she tried to balance her. Looking back, Vansh saw Varun’s car and muttering a curse he increased the speed.

Vansh: How he got our location?

He said and looked at Riddhima’s scared face. Increasing his speed, he drove across the turns and looked behind again but as he did he felt his car stopping all of a sudden. He checked but it was out of the league for him to search the issue so easily.

Looking at Riddhima, he asked her to move out. Come out he held her hand.

Vansh: We will have to escape from here.

He said and saw at her teary eyes.

Vansh: Riddhima…nothing will happen. Come with him.

He said and pulled her with him. 

Running mindlessly through the forest area. They time by time looked behind to see if Varun is following them or not.

After around an hour. Taking a deep breath, Riddhima stood there not able to move even for a while.

Riddhima: Vansh…I won’t be able to run now.

She said and kept her hand on her hips.

Vansh: We will have to Riddhima just for some time.

She heard him and nodded. Taking a deep breath she held his hand just when they heard gun firing sound.

Riddhima: Oh no…

She said all of a sudden making him stop at his place.

Vansh: What happened?

He said and stood there looking at her to check if she is ok.

Riddhima: Gun, I forgot to take it.

She said taking deep breath. He lifted her up on seeing her taking deep breath.

Riddhima: What are you doing?

She said and saw as he was walking slowly.

Vansh: You are pregnant Riddhima. How can I let my wife suffer?

He said and looked as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Riddhima: Offo… you are getting romantic when we are running for our lives.

She said looking at him.

Vansh: Why? What’s wrong? You are my legally wedded wife and there is no particular time for romance.

He said with a wide smile.

Riddhima: Vansh he is also in the jungle, put me down.

She said and he shook his head. He was about to move when his eyes fell on the tracker on her dress. Putting her down, he pulled it out.

Vansh: He was tracking us through the tracker.

He said and showed her.

Riddhima: Now, let’s distract him.

She said and smiling snatched it from him. Raising her hand, she threw it far away from them. She smiled at this.

Vansh: You are turning insane.

He said and saw as she winked at him. She was about to held his hand just when her leg tripped on the stone and she was about to fell when he held her hand losing his balance also in the process.

Stumbling through the route, he held her tightly while hurting himself. Rolling through the route both stopped at the edge of the cliff when the path became flat. He looked at her face as she was till now hugging him tightly.

Vansh: Riddhima, we are fine.

He said and saw as she looked up at him from his chest. Looking at him, she looked at the cliff and freaked out on seeing the depth.

Riddhima: Vansh…

She said and got up with him. Hugging him tightly she touched her belly to see herself fine, she relaxed. She was about to say something just when she felt a hand tugging her arm and pulling her to him. She looked at Varun in front of her as he pushed Vansh from the cliff.

Trying to fix her mind, she looked at Vansh. Pushing Varun, she held Vansh’s hand in her tightly.

Riddhima: Vansh…Don’t leave.

She said and looked at him. Her vision getting blur due to tears forming in her eyes. She saw as Varun sat down in front of her on the edge.

Varun: Oh no…Riddhima. Just few minutes and you will see him dead. 

She heard him and tried to pull him but it was not possible for her.

Varun: Don’t worry, I’m always there for you.

He said with a smile. She looked at him disgusted.

Riddhima: Vansh…try to come up.

He held her both the hands and tried to climb.

Varun: Arey, why are you trying he won’t be able to? You are even hurting your baby in this process.

She heard him and was about to lose her grip just when Vansh held her hand more tightly.

Vansh: Riddhima, don’….

He was about to say when he felt Varun’s legs on their hand. 

Riddhima: Varun…Remove it.

She shouted and looked at him. 

Varun: No Riddhima. He was always there between us. I won’t leave him today.

He said gritting his teeth and with a huge force kicked him that almost they lost the hold but just then she tighten the hold.

Riddhima: Vansh…Don’t leave my hand please.

She said and looked at him with tears flowing.

Varun: Oh god…

He exclaimed and bending down removed the hold within a second. Riddhima looked down to see him falling down from the cliff.

Varun: Bye Vansh…..

He said waving his hand at him falling down. He looked at Riddhima whose whole body was numb. He was about to hold her just when he felt someone grabbing his collar and just when he was shot on his arm.

Looking up he saw Aryan. Giving him a punch, Aryan went out his frustration on him with tears coming out of his eyes.

Aryan: You killed my Vansh bhai…

He said giving him a huge blow on his face. Ishani ran to Riddhima who was still not able to believe what happened.

Ishani: Riddhima….

She tapped her cheeks trying to make her normal. Tears were not coming from her eyes her body was not reacting to the surrounding. Pulling her she made her sit on the edge of the cliff with a support of a tree.

Sejal: Riddhima…look at me.

She said and held her hand.

Riddhima: Vansh…

She whispered his name. Looking back at Aryan they saw him beating Varun who was almost unconscious due to bullet. Kabir held his collar and pulled him away from Varun.

Kabir: Look at Riddhima Aryan, we will have to make her normal.

He said and was about to move to her when they saw Varun’s men surrounding them with their guns. 

Taking out their gun they pointed at them only to get distracted from Riddhima who was not even aware about anything. Pulling out the gun from his waist, Varun smirked and loaded it. Keeping his hand on the trigger he pressed it. Shooting Riddhima directly on her elbow. Everyone looked at her, as she also fell down from the cliff.

Aryan: What the hell you did Varun?

He shouted and looked at him angrily. On seeing he saw him shooting himself on his chest.

Varun: She wasn’t going to be mine.

He said and shot himself on his chest.

“The End”


Thanks for being with me in the second journey of the Eternal Love Story. Hope you liked it…

Well I’m confused about the epilogue, I mean I have a plot but…do you want it even or should I give this an ending only?

The post Eternal Love Story (Part-2) #Our Riansh (Chapter-20) appeared first on Telly Updates.

12/01/2021 12:11:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments