The next day arrived. Kokila was determined to make up to her family again. So she would go to them later today. But first, she wanted to speak to someone else.
She wanted to talk with Gaura, so she went into the Suryavanshi mansion. And there, as expected, Gaura opened the door.
“Jai Ambe Kokila.” Gaura said.
Kokila looked Gaura with hatred.
“Why did you do all of this?” She said. “Why did you push Gopi and put the blame on me? She would die because of you! Gaura, you are the same woman as before and you haven’t changed at all! The same shameless woman! You don’t care even about your family! Shame on you!”
“Be careful how do you talk to me Kokila!” Gaura replied “You are at my house!”
“I know everything about your devious acts! I know how have you kidnapped Bhavani. And let me ask you, what happened to Rathna? How did she disappear all of a sudden? Did you do something to her as well, tell me!”
“Who are you to ask me questions at all? Yes, that’s true. I played a game with you again. I successfully destroyed your family again. Now not only you are not together, but your family disowned you. I took revenge on you again. And on my family as well. You all will pay for what you did to me, all of you without exceptions!”
“Gaura, stop it! Stop pretending like you are always a victim because you are not! You ruined so many lifes and you want more? One day all of your sins will catch up with you, remember my words!”
“Stop talking about sins, Kokila. Because you have also committed sins. You are the reason for my brother’s death and you know that! I will never forgive you for that, and I will also never let you forget what you did and how you destroyed my family! So I destroyed yours. You killed Karunesh and I killed Ahem.”
“Gaura, please, stop this nonsense! I didn’t kill Karunesh, why don’t you want to understand?”
“No, Kokila, you killed him with your false accusations! Isn’t that enough!”
“I know. I am sure now that you will never change. But I believed you again and now my family doesn’t want to see me never again!”
“yes. You are naive. And let me tell you something. Sindoora was part of this at the beginning. Remember how she asked you about your enemies and have you ever had such? You have told her about Radha and then me. Then she has asked you to reconsider your opinion about me and come to see me in jail. She has asked you to show her a photo of me, but she has did it intently. She wanted to make you see a picture of me and then get sad, and she succeeded. Sindoora is my best friend from prison and she helped me in all these plans. Ha haaa! She pretended to be a made and you actually believed her.”
Kokila got shocked.
“What? Sindoora is your friend?”
“Yes. Not only friend, she is like a sister to me. She is ready to do anything for me. She is more loyal than you and she is a real friend. You must admit that she is pretty smart at making plans. She tricked you and made you accept her as a part of the family.”
“You both are going to pay for that!”
“Stop threatening Kokila Modi! Your family disowned you, so if I murder you right here and now no one is going to look for you. So you better don’t make me angry or I may commit one more sin today, as you say.”
And then Kokila walked away. In few minutes, she went to the Modi house. Gopi was in the garden watering the flowers.
“Maaji, what are you doing here?”
“Gopi.” She said. “I am so happy you still refer to me as maaji. It means you still have some feelings for me.”
“No, maaji. I refer to you in this way because I am your bahu. And I respect you. But we still haven’t forgave you, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Gopi, please, don’t treat me like that! I will never believe Gaura again, please, I promise you I will never ever fall for her fake words again, I will never meet with her again, just please forgive me!”
“I am sorry, but we took our decision. You are a danger to our family and it will be better if you stay away from us.”
“Gopi, how dare you? When Radha was torturing us, did I vanish you from the house because she is your sister? Did I tell you you are a threat to our family because of her?”
“No. But she didn’t torture us like Gaura does! Radha never killed anyone but Gaura took so many lifes and she wants more!”
“Gopi, I am still a daughter in law in this family, do not forget that!”
“Maaji, I haven’t forgotten it. I am not telling you that you are not a part of this family, but for some time you will be away from us. For your good and for our own as well.”
Kokila stayed in front of the door of the mansion for days and they finally accepted her in. But they hardly spoke to her. They never treated her the same way as before again.
And in the Suryavanshi mansion, Meera didn’t forgive Dharam for his marriage with Bhavani. Bhavani however was determined to win this battle!
Gaura was living with her so called family, no matter that they all disliked her. One night they were preparing to go to sleep when they suddenly heard someone getting into the house with force.
It was Bhavani! She was holding a gun in her hand and she entered into the living room where Gaura, Dharam, Meera, Vidya and Shravan were still present.
“Now the fun begins, my dear family!” Bhavani said. “How do you like my new appearance?
They all were shocked and scared for their life.
“Bhavani, what’s wrong with you?” Gaura asked. “What are you doing?”
“Gaura Suryavanshi, you will be the first victim tonight! You will pay the prize for playing games with me!”
“You deserved it all! You decided to disobey me and you saw what happens!”
“Bhavani, what are you doing here in such time of night?” Dharam asked.
“Dharamji, why did you betray me like that? I believed you for a second time, forgetting how you lied to me the first one. But you repeated your mistake again and now, I am not going to spare you!”
“Get out of here, Bhavani, this is my family and you will not hurt them!”
“Dharamji, if I can’t have you then no one else can!”
And Bhavani aimed the gun at him.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
“Tell me, will you finally marry me for real!”
“Think again, Dharamji! If you deny again, I will kill you, then your mother and finally everyone else of this family!”
“Bhavani, please calm down.” Gaura said. “We will find a solution but if you murder us all you will go to prison and then what?”
“Shut up Gaura Suryavanshi! Everything that happens now is because of you! If you hadn’t played such humiliating game with me, now everything would be different! But you will now pay the prize for using me for your dirty games!”
“Maa, she is right!” Dharam said. “Our life is in danger now because of you!”
“Dharam, I took my revenge on you and I don’t care about the rest. If Bhavani kills you today, my revenge will be complete really. I will not have to commit the sin of murdering my own child.”
“Maa, you still call me your child? It means you have still some feelings for other people not just yourself.”
“No Dharam. I said you are my child because I gave you life. I stopped having feelings for you the day you chose to support Kokila. You knew all the pain I went through but you disowned me anyway.”
“Stop it, both of you!” Bhavani said. “I don’t want to listen to your family drama! I came here for something else! I will not spare anyone today, even Dharamji! I am sorry I will have to kill you, it will be hard for me but if you deny marrying me again, death will await you! So think carefully!”
“Fine, fine! I will marry you, and this time it will be for real but just, don’t hurt my family, please Bhavani!”
“Yes! I will do anything you want me to but just spare my family!”
“You took the right decision, Dharamji! The wedding will be tomorrow but if you trick me again…”
“No, Bhavani! I will not trick you! Please put that gun down, please!”
And Bhavani did as was told.
The next day arrived. Bhavani and Dharam married again and this time, it was for real. However, Gaura threatened Bhavani that they all must leave her house otherwise she will report her to the police for threatening to murder them and Bhavani agreed. She didn’t want to stay in the Suryavanshi house anyway. Meera, Vidya and Shravan went to live with the Modis. And Gaura owned the house only to herself again. She invited Sindoora in there and they lived like sisters. Supporting each other through sadness and happiness. Gaura finally had the best friend she has always asked for. And Kokila remained unaccepted by her family. Dharam lived with Bhavani and never said a word against her. Gaura finally destroyed her enemies. In such way that they would never get back together. No matter how hard they tried.
The post Saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Gaura’s revenge part 14 final appeared first on Telly Updates.
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