Friday, 12 November 2021

#riansh – revenge on shield -#immj2(part 1)


Hello guys !! I am back with new update

This Ts starts with the time when vansh paralysed Riddhima but here I have bought some changes ….before vansh could paralyse Riddhima , she fell from stairs due to which her leg get broken ….after getting her leg plastered she was resting on her bed when she saw one bottle kept beside her and thinking it to be her medicine she drank it but in real it was the bottle of medicine to paralyse her which vansh brought to give her but didn’t give as her leg was broken so she will automatically not be able to walk on her feet . 

Let’s start 


In morning 


Vr mansion 


Everyone was seated on breakfast table and we’re waiting for riansh to come so that they can start eating .


Aryan : Dadi what are we waiting of , let’s start our breakfast 


Dadi : Dear you big brother and sister in law has not come yet , so please atleast wait for them for few minutes 


Ishani: Oh common dadi , waiting for vansh bhai is acceptable but waiting for that trash is completely useless and also if she will eat with us  then our class will be spoiled 


Just then they saw riddhima descending down the stairs and a servant coming with a plate full of oil …an idea popped in Ishani’s mind and she immediately made the servant fall in this way that exactly before Riddhima will put her leg on stair the oil will fall …and it happened according to her plan and Riddhima fall down 






All ran towards her and ANGRE called the doctor…Vansh who was sitting in his study came out hearing shouts and was frozen on his spot seeing Riddhima falling down from the stairs 




In riansh room …


Doctor was checking RIDDHIMA and all were waiting outside 


Few minutes later doctor came out 


Doctor : Mr Raisinghania your wife is fine she is just having a minor fracture in her right leg which will be fine within one month …so no need to take tension ..just take good care of her and  yes (giving an envelope) These are the medicine that are to be taken at night before sleep so make sure that she eat these because it will help her recover soon 


Vansh : Ok doctor I will make sure of it 


Doctor went and vansh entered inside his room , he was standing beside her bed but with an emotionless face . 


Soon riddhima gains her consciousness and vansh by making her understand the medicine left the room ……


To be continued !! Sorry for short update as I am busy so I will give sort updates only ….do tell me how was it



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11/12/2021 02:12:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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