Friday, 26 November 2021

Meet 26th November 2021 Written Episode Update : Meet’s special birthday gift


Meet 26th November 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet Ahlawat says to Babita we never think about Meet, she also ledt her home alone we never try to think what she like and make her happy, we never did that. Whenever we are angry or frustrated or any thing bad happen in this house we blame Meet that’s wrong, today is her birthday did anyone wish her no, we do prepration and be happy all daybut for Meet no she is our punching bag, she represents Ahlawat’s family and ask her how to wear what to eat but did we ask what daughter in law need, no, it’s her birthday but we did nothing it’s Meet she will adjust even I’m wrong I was angry on her never listened but I know in that condition I only remember Meet and ask her to help, she come without even caring about her life saved me from those goons, she took good care of me, she could have taken rest but still she help me that’s why I throw a party to bring a smile on her face so that I feel good and I don’t think I took wrong step of throwing this party please try to understand mom. Babita leaves. Raj walks to Meet and wish her and says to Meet Ahlawat I liked you saying true be like this and I’ll see her. Meet says to Meet Ahlawat what you did, you shouldn’t have said like this auntji she must be feeling bad it’s not good to hurt parents. Meet Ahlawat says do you think I’m that kind of son who will hurt his parents and feel good I was trying to say something. Meet says go and say sorry to auntyji. Meet Ahlawat gets call from organiser says we are sorry for not sending joker to party because he is sick. Meet Ahlawat says that’s okay and thinks who is this joker in party.

Manushi looking in dustbin to find packet. Manushi open stinky dustbin says what they eat I’m sure Kunal house must be bigger then this and will be having Island too. Manushi find jewellery says everything is fine thankgod and leaves.
Manushi in corridor. Meet Ahlawat bumps into her. Manushi’s fake nose come out and drops her jewellery she put on her nose and try to leave. Meet Ahlawat stops her and ask who are you. Manushi looks at jewellery says I’m joker a lady Joker. Meet Ahlawat says organisers didn’t sent joker who are you and try to remove her fake nose. Anubha walks in and ask Meet Ahlawat what are you doing says to Joker you did great job in entertaining kids now come let’s go. Meet Ahlawat says she is fake I talked to organisers they told there Joker was sick who is she. Anubha says she is not fake we brought him from Shahbadh we got to know your joker isn’t coming so we thought of bringing ours. Manushi till the time picks up jewellery. Meet Ahlawat says you brought. Anubha says yes you go yo Meet I’ll be back. Manushi run away.

Anubha catches her and slap I asked you not to sit quietly then how you dare to come just wait for some time I’ll send you Delhi how dare you standing in front of Meet Ahlawat I don’t want you to spoil Meet’s life and even God too because your make-up artist called me and tols you left your phone there and she told me you went to become joker. Manushi says I come to wish Meet. Anubha says no need to do anything feel lucky I was there to cover things or else things could have gone wrong for Meet who is still paying because of you, if they get to know about you then everything could have ruined for Meet now go home I’ll talk to you there and push her. Masum see everything and says Manushi in house it means after giving promise to Mom, Anubha aunty still brought Manushi in house and remember what Meet said to Guruji and this was the secret.

Meet Ahlawat says to Babita my intention were not yo hurt do you think I can do this if so then I’m sorry but try to understand me and thinks Meet is wrong.

Anubha says to Meet now we are leaving take care of everything. Meet says to Anubha my mother in law is not bad every mom will get angry afetr seeing her kid and says sorry to everyone says everyone is kind hearted here it was just Meet Ahlawat was not well so. Neighbour says no need to be sorry you have good husband no need to worry now let us leave. Babita walks in and says if you want to leave can go but today is my youngest daughter in law birthday and if you will leave without eating she will feel bad, I know she is already hurt because of me and I don’t want she being more sad on her birthday and ask Raj to keep his diet plan aal aside and eat with everyone, I’m extremely sorry my behavior was not good and sad something to everyone actually I was scared after seeing Meet Ahlawat’s condition and when I see Meet Ahlawat here dancing I got panicked and got angry, says sorry to Meet joining her hands and wish her birthday. Meet syas what are you doing don’t join your hand give me blessings with them. Babita bless her. Raj walks to Babita says that’s why I’m your fan, says every birthday is empty without cake and we are ignoring that. Ram ask Isha to bring cake. Isha go to bring cake.

Meet cut the cake and give half bite Anubha and other half to Babita. She give cake to everyone, in last goes to Meet Ahlawat. Ragini says to Meet give him cake. Meet getting shy. Ragini says to Meet Ahlawat you planned surprise for her so why don’t you go first. Meet Ahlawat make her eat cake from his hand. Ragini ask Meet to do give him cake. Meet make him eat cake. Meet Ahlawat wipes cake from her face. Raj ask Mani Kaka to give cake to everyone. Babita says after cake cutting, it’s compulsory to give gift, says if I ask you gift will be mess for me because you can demand anything that’s why me asn Raj decided we will give you gift of our choice. Meet syas if you bith will give me gift then I’m sure it will be special. Babita and Raj says we decided to give you a foreign holiday as gift. Raj says to them from this trip your bond will go more strong. Masum says foreign trip, walks to Anubha and says if she will go somewhere then that will be Shahbadh. Everyone in shock. Babita says to Masum what are you saying. Masum says you all look tensed I’m mean she went from Chandigarh to Shahbadh and vice-versa and for foreign trip passport is required which she doesn’t have. Raj says that’s not big issue don’t you worry about that and apologize to Anubha. Anubha says no need I can feel her pain but I understood one thing that I don’t need to worry about her till the time you both are here, you both are here as her parents and parents always scold there kids for there good, I we all should leave. Masum ask Anubha to wait.


Update Credit to: Tanaya

The post Meet 26th November 2021 Written Episode Update : Meet’s special birthday gift appeared first on Telly Updates.

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