Tuesday 2 November 2021

Love that feel right #riansh (immj2)


Episode starts….

VR mansion was beautifully decorated ….there is lots of hustle pastel….some are enjoying food and some are burning in jealousy as the most famous personality of India the great VR is going to marry his love Ragini……

There is not only one marriage going to happen .there is one more marriage is going to happen “Ridhbeer’s marriage” both brothers are going to marry with their lady love…. Brides are behind their veils and grooms are behind their “sehara”.

Priest started chanting mantras…and soon their marriage is completed.Priest “vivaha sampanna hua…aaj se aap log janmo jamno k liye ek bandhan me badh gaye”…

When grooms and brides showed their faces…..then a bomb dropped there….their partner were interchanged…kabeer , Ragini and Ridhima were shocked but our great Vansh Raisinghania was smirking at his work.

Ridhima: kabeer how ?you changed your dress….and why are you wearing your brother’s sherwani….

Ragini: yes vansh!!!

Vansh comes with savage ” arre I was not liking my pair so I exchanged as it was so weirdly designed……I didn’t force Kabeer, just asked him that he can exchange and he got ready about it…and Kabeer why didn’t you tell them about it”

Kabeer: vansh I didn’t know that they will pair according to dress.

Vansh: now what we can do….

Ragini: what do you mean by what we can do….vansh I love you and Kabeer loves Ridhima not me.

Kabeer: yes!!!

Vansh: don’t make buzz here people are watching us and they will make fun of us….and it will affect my pride and business too…

Kabeer: but….

Vansh: I am going to my room…and hey you if you want to come in my room then come with me otherwise you are not allowed in my house.

Ridhima with teary eyes and with low voice “kabeer”

Vansh: Ragini you must be tired and you should also take rest….kabeer take her to your room.

Vansh: you come with me.

Ragini: vansh how can you be so cool about it…we married another person….and you are talking about rest.

Vansh: yeah!! I agree I love you but now she is my wife and I have some responsibilities toward her…
Saying this he went to Ridhima and wrapped his arm around her waist…feeling his cold touch Ridhima’s breath got hitched and she looked at vansh with painful eyes.

Ragini went to them and pulled Ridhima out of his clutch and said stay away from him….he is my love and fit this thing in your mind…

Ridhima: di….

Ragini shouted” don’t call me di….because of you my life is spoiled…. I told you not put veil but you were hell-bent on doing all the drama….I am thinking you must knew about it…that is why you showed drama of doing things according to ritual…”

Ridhima: no di…..I didn’t know anything about it…

Kabeer came in front of her and slapped ” how can you Ridhima…..how can you betray us…I have sent you my picture in which I was wearing this dress then also you didn’t stop the wedding….”

Ridhima started crying ” no ….Kabeer you are misunderstanding me….(sobbing) I didn’t betray you Kabeer…when I asked you why are you wearing this dress then you said that your brother had asked you to try his dress…you didn’t …”

Ragin shouted “stop lying you blo*dy traitor…..you spoiled three lifes……I know you were behind my things since you entered my life….you snatched all the happiness from my life….

Ridhima was crying very badly and said with sobs ” no!!! Di… I really didn’t aware about swiping….” She goes to Kabeer and tried to cup his face ” kabeer you love me…you know I can’t do all…you trust me right…you trust your ridhu”

Kabeer turned his face with disgust….vansh” sweetheart don’t give any explanation to them….I know you were not at fault….” Offered a glass of water to her he said ” drink it and come with me….”
Ridhima was a little relieved as someone was there who can understand her situation and trusted her….then life will not so hard with that person….there is much more scope to a give chance to their relation…their marriage…they can easily coordinate with each other with understanding….

Ridhima was sitting on the bed and thinking about all things how her life changed just in half an hour….but vansh is also not bad option….but she didn’t know that all her thinking going to in vain when she come to know about the truth…that for which all are taunting and blaming her…vansh was behind it.

Door opened Vansh came inside….and looked at Ridhima who was sitting on his bed. Vansh said with a cold voice ” get up” Ridhima looked at him like she didn’t understand what he said….

He again repeated, ” are you deaf….can’t you hear and I am saying get up from my bed….”

Ridhima did the same and came near him…vansh gave her an irritating look “what”

Ridhima(incently asked): vansh did I do anything wrong….what happen to you….

Vansh grabbed her waist by one hand with another her jaw, pinned her to the wall….her head got hurt and she hissed in pain…

Vansh with anger “who permitted you to call me with my name….haaa…..don’t cross your limits…”

Ridhima said with much difficulty “but we are married…..”

Vansh leaving her…he pushed her by side and fell on the ground…

Ridhima “aaahhhh”

He too came on knees and grabbing her neck said ” I married you to take revenge….and never ever try to show your right on me….I love a person that is Ragini….and married you to take revenge from you….so stop your drama…and be ready to face VR’s wrath…”

Ridhima: baa…buuu..but what I did wrong…toooo…yyooouuu
She said with a breaking voice and tears started flowing through her eyes…”

Vansh yelled, “shut up you blo*dy murderer….and you have to pay for this….”

Ridhima: I didn’t kill anyone va…
But she stopped because he tightened his grip on her neck…

Vansh: I will not come in your talks…I know with these fake tears and innocent face you trap boys…and then leave them like nothing….

Ridhima: no…..you are misunderstanding me…

Vansh: shut up….I said shut up and listen to me…if you are going to tell anything about it to anyone then I will kill you and then and there with the person whom you will share this piece of information….

Ridhima didn’t say anything and cried . Vansh with dangerous tone ” or you will not going to touch any think of my room without my permission and you are not even allowed to sit on couch or bed until unless I ask about same…I am clear or not ”
Ridhima waved her head up and down assuring him that she understood….

Vansh: give me your phone….and you will going to stay there (pointing to a corner of the room near the bathroom….)on the floor…so arrange your things there only…but mind you if I found anything yours scattered here and there in my room then be ready to face the consequences of it…move.

She arranged her stuff in the corner and came to vansh again….he gave her a questioning look.

Ridhima with a shivering voice ” ca…can i…. I use your bathroom…I ….I…need to change my clothes ” and looked down in fear.

Vansh: go….

Ridhima came out wearing

For a moment he was lost in her beauty and forgot all the things…..his revenge…his anger….just sinking in her deep ocean-like eyes…soon he jerked himself and looked another side then again looking at her asked “are you unstable from mind…who wears a sweater in this hot weather”

Ridhima looked at him as their eyes met she looked down gulping and replied with an afraid tone” wo…wo…. I never lived in AC and….and don’t have anything for covering and making matrix on the ground….temperature is so low….and I didn’t know that I have to bring my mattress too”

Vansh(in VR tone): what do you mean that we can’t afford a mattress for you…

Ridhima shivered in fear “n..no…I mean I will…manage….I will buy all things tomorrow…”

Vansh: shut up ( threw his blanket on her face and she stumbled due to sudden force) take it and go to your corner…..and what is your name..

” Rii….Ri…Ridhima” she told looking down….
In the morning she woke up early and got ready…..and sitting in the corner she was looking at vansh’s face….who was peacefully sleeping in his king-size bed while she is on the floor….

Ridhima in mind ” I should talk to him….yesterday he must be upset about marriage so he yelled at me…..I should go prepare for something him as people says “pati k dil ka rasta ushke pet se hokr jata hai….” She get up with a smiling face and went to the kitchen….there she found Ragini.

Ridhima wished her good morning with smile and thought to mend things between them….Ragini fumed in anger and angrily said ” look at your smile….after spoiling my life enjoying with my love….your face is telling that you enjoyed the night with him and look at the glow of your face…..”

Ridhima’s eyes filled with tears and tried to replied but Ragini left the kitchen without giving attention to her….She cried and asked god ” what is her fault and why only she has to  suffer…one side vansh’s bipolar nature and Otherside Ragini &Kabeer….she is trapped very badly between them….” Shrugging her thoughts he made breakfast for vansh…

She was waiting for vansh to wake up as she don’t have the guts to wake him up…soon he woke and freshened…..As she came out of the bathroom she get up from the corner and said ” goo…good morning”

Vansh looked at her and then without wishing her back… he sat on the sofa….

Ridhima: wo….wo….I made (vansh looked at her face and thier eyes met ….this made her shiver in fear and she quickly looked down and bit her lower lip and clutched her Kurt )….I …I…made breakfast for you…

Vansh get up in anger and clutching her jaw he said ” I told you not try to show your rights on me..don’t you get it you not my wife…Mai nhi manta tmhe apni ptni……I will never eat anything that is made by your filthy hands….I don’t want to disrespect the food so I will eat today but in future, if you tried to do such thing then be ready for punishment….. you don’t have to drama. I know the reality and you should also accept it.”

As he left her she fall on the floor with tears and mumbled “sorry”. He silently ate the food and left the room. Whole day was passed like that…she was just sitting in the room once she tried to go out and take fresh air but there Ragini and Kabeer gave good lecture to her….She was feeling dying and there is no one with whom she can share her feeling ….her pain..” jitne baki k galat hua …utna hi uske sth bhi…even more then them” but still she only suffering a lot and alone….

At night she was sitting taking help of wall on the floor and thinking what is her mistake so she has to suffer this much….she tried to ask why vansh taking revenge on her but he only told her that she is murder and she killed someone who was near to his heart.

Vansh came inside the room and Ridhima also come out of her dream…Her face was pale and eyes swelled due to crying…even some stans of tears were on her face…..she is living life worst than a servant….even they have some rights and good bed for sleeping….while she is devoid of all the things….just taking breath….increasing burden on the earth. She looked at vansh with so much pain, helplessness and love that vansh skipped a heartbeat when his eyes met with her.

To remove the awkwardness he asked with cold voice “what?”

Ridhima smiled a little and said “how was your day”

While vansh in mind ” is she lost the senses….how can ask such question after so many treats…. Whatever what I have to do…”

Vansh: nothing new as usual….you tell me how was first day after your marriage. (Smirked)

Ridhima felt tears coming in her eyes and her heart ached to listen to this but she maintained her emotion and didn’t show her vulnerable side ” very much new things happened with me….” She replied sadly and looked down as tears were formed in her eyes and if she will look into his eyes then she will not able to hold her tears. She was rubbing her fingers to distract her mind.

Ridhima: are you….are you done with your dinner.

Vansh: yes!! Why you didn’t have anything?

Ridhima: I….I am not feeling hungry…

How can she will feel hungry when her stomach is filled with pain…taunts and blames….she laid down on the ground clutching her knees…

Days started passing like this….Ragini never left a chance of taunting her…..cursing her.,..and vansh also use to behave coldly with her but sometimes he reply nicely….Kabeer also sometimes use mock on Ridhima….in these days Kabeer took good care of Ragini and she also bonded good with Kabeer….even they developed feeling for each other.

On the other hand, Ridhima use to ask vansh how his day went when he come at night….she use to wait for him……in the morning she started making breakfast for him and at night use to make fresh food for him instead of warming…..initially he use to shout at her but now he also became addicted of her cooking….even sometimes she also help him in his office work as she is good in accounts but she never got chance to prove herself….

She was trying to find happiness in all these things without complaining to anyone….it’s not like that she is not trying to protest vansh and fight with him…or don’t want to be happy but she is now tired of fight…since childhood, she is fighting only….when she was blamed illegal, orphan, burden on earth and what not…now she is fed up of proving herself….she accepted words named “LOVE” “HAPPINESS” ” RESPECT” “FAMILY” are not made for her…..

One who was saying he love her…he didn’t trusted her how can she expect to others and her so-called sister whose parent adopted her for the sake of show to the society…..For gaining popularity and respect from others by showing that they are considering her as their daughter and giving her rights like their real blood….but the reality was different. She paid the charge of living in thier house by doing all household work and taking good care of them…in return, they are giving shelter to her even she was paying her college fee.

Now she got betrayal in her life and she doesn’t know whom she should blame …..whom she should hold responsible herself or her parent who left her like nothing….if they were not ready to take responsibility of child then why did they didn’t used protection….for their enjoyment they made her life hell…if they accepted her then situation would have been different…..she must be also living happily like other girls….she also tasted love, happiness and many more things…

But all these things are just for namesake for her….she never experienced all these things in her life…. Her thought were broken by vansh’s voice

Vansh: Ridhima help me in these files…

Without saying anything she came and sit near his chair on the floor by crossing her legs and started checking files. Vansh looked at her as today she is a little sad…it’s not like that in previous days she was happy but today her face showing different emotion…tiredness and pain….many more…

Vansh: what happen??

Ridhima looked at him and nodded in negative….She again started checking the file…vansh snatched the file from her hand and roared “when I am talking to you never ever try to avoid me….don’t forget who are you…”

Ridhima’s eyes filled with tears and said “sorry…I didn’t mean to hurt you….and there is nothing that I should tell you.”

Vansh: your face telling some other story….

Ridhima smiled sadly and said, ” what matters to you….you must be happy nah seeing me in pain…as in this way you will able to complete your revenge…”

Vansh: what???

Ridhima with tear ” now I am asking to you…..Kill me…now I can’t bear more pain….I want to escape from this pain…I want to die,….you should killing and complete your revenge in one go….person like me don’t deserve to take breath….”

Vansh: you have to live in this hell and bear all pain….

Ridhima (crying): I am not living …..I am just taking breath…..why don’t you take my breath too.

Vansh: you have to think all these things when you broke someone else heart….you know karma…

Ridhima: if it is karma ….then I don’t believe in karma as I have never done anything wrong with anyone….then why so much pain in my life….

Vansh: because you deserve it….

Ridhima: and you are no one tell me what I deserve or whatnot…..

Vansh clutched her hairs tightly and said ” I am your husband damn it….”

Ridhima laughed mockingly and said ” really….have you ever behaved like husband….so you are saying that I am your husband”

Vansh: you want me to behave as husband right….let me show…

He pulled her up by hairs only and threw her on the bed….and said ” now we will do that husband and wife do after the marriage….”

Ridhima feared and started sweating…..she asked with breaking voice ” wha…what do you mean by this…” Soon vansh removed her blazer and started unbuttoning his shirt….

Ridhima started crying ” what are you doing…..please stop it here…I…I don’t want anything….I am very much happy as we are…I don’t you to behave as husband….”

Vansh removed his shirt and threw it on the couch…leaning to her face while she backed herself……” No sweetheart…you have to think before waking demon inside me…now you have to face consequences of it….” He traced finger on her face and she closed her eyes and tears were flowing through her eyes like river….she mumbled with painfull voice ” please…”

Vansh pressed his body on her and she felt like dying….he wiped her tears and said ” look at me…”
She doesn’t have the guts to disobey him and make him angrier so she looked at him….her eyes were pleading to him not to do anything wrong….he cupped his face with one hand and rubbed his thumb on her cheeks…Ridhima with so much courage said “please don’t  do”

Tears continuously flowing from her eyes…he mingled his left hand’s fingers with her and he was already cupping her face by other.,..and looking directly into her eyes…leaning to her neck he Nuzzled his nose there and smelled her scent….then pressed his rough and cold lips there…in result ridhima turned her face to other side giving more access to him unknowingly….. Ridhima’s tear made thier way from eyes to cheeks then neck…feeling wet on his lip he looked at ridhima’s face who was laying with closed eyes like dead soul…..

He got up from her and ridhima opened her eyes feeling light….and her eyes met with him and which thanked him for backing off….vansh ” never ever try to instigate me….if you follow my words then you can live happily and if you try to run your mind then you will see worst phase of life….”

Ridhima quickly nodded and mouthed ” thank you…” And walked to her corner….
In the morning she come up with his breakfast she stood near him…vansh gestured “what”

Ridhima: wo….wo yesterday I shouldn’t have said all those things to you….I am sorry.

Vansh: go!!!

Ridhima: I know it was my fault when I know I am nothing to you….and this marriage is not normal…and I don’t have any right to complain about anything….when I know there is no one with whom I share my grief and crying hugging the person….. but I did mistake by sharing with you….and wasted your precious time with my ranting…..sorry

Saying all this she went to her corner and laid down covering herself….vansh felt pain while listening to her grief and thought about her behaviour with her….and felt low about himself.

Nowadays ridhima was doing all the things like previously but she started to maintain little distance from him like earlier after so many scolding and threats she use to talk to him and ask about his things….but now she is taking care of him not like earlier….now vansh started missing his attention and her talks because now she only gives her food and helps him in his work without uttering a world….

Vansh use to find ways to talk to her…and gain her attention but she became little repulsive…vansh is getting irritated with her current behaviour….
Days are passing like this only ridhima avoiding vansh and now became she robot….no more talks…no more complaint….no more clinging on him….seems like she became emotionless.

One day vansh was passing from the hall and saw Ridhima with Kabeer….who was telling something to her and she little smiled to him…he was hell angry….one side she is avoiding him and Otherside she is happily talking to her ex.

Kabeer: Ridhima sorry for my past behaviour and now I want to live my life with Ragini only….I think you and vansh also doing good…

Ridhima smiled sadly and said ” congratulations…lots of love to you both”

Kabeer: thank you
Saying this he hugged her…

Vansh roared like loin “RIDHIMA” She shivered in fear and detached herself from him…looked at vansh who in a second came to her…and grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the room…

Vansh: you have very much problem talking to me but you are enjoying yourself with your ex-boyfriend….

Ridhima felt pain in the heart but her face was neutral like she lost all the emotions….she didn’t say anything and just looked down….

Vansh grabbed her shoulder and pierced his nail on them…she looked at him. ” why were you laughing with him….since how many days I am trying to talk to you and interact with you but you always ignored my efforts…”

Ridhima looked at him with wide eyes as The great vansh Raisinghania dying for his slave’s attention….yes slave’s as her life is controlled by him…she is just taking breath with her persimmon otherwise remote-control of her life is with him.

Vansh: now face the consequences of it…you are not allowed to move out of this room and if I see you out or inside talking to anyone then be ready for my wrath….
declaring his order he left the room.

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11/02/2021 01:12:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments