hi friends. Here is the next episode..
Naksh comes inside Aditya’s cabin angrily and gets shocked seeing tara too there..
Naksh shockingly:tara?
Aditya and tara gets shocked seeing naksh..
Aditya shockingly:naksh?
Naksh gets angry..
Naksh shouts:tara..if you want you could have joined in Aditya’s office atself right?why are you betraying me then..
Tara:calm down naksh..i just came here to visit aditya and i dint leak any of our office matters.
Naksh calms down..
Naksh:fine..i will leave you now as i don’t have time to enquire you like policemen but if i find that you have leaked something then I’ll surely make you out of my company inspite of your mother being my mother’s friend.
Aditya claps his hands..
Aditya: ohh poor guys..iam really sorry for breaking your friendship.
Naksh stares aditya angrily..
Naksh angrily:now don’t act smart..i came here to ask something and you should answer this orelse i will ruin you.
Aditya:what’s it man?ask anything..iam ready to answer.
Naksh:did you shoot Keerthi?
Aditya and tara gets shocked..
Manish comes to kartik who is standing nearby shockingly..
Manish:kartik..what are you doing here?you told that you will go to receptionist..
Kartik doesn’t respond as he is standing shocked..
Manish:kartik..iam asking you only.
Manish gets confused and shakes him which makes kartik come out of trance..
Kartik:y..yes papa..
Manish:what happened to you?i was asking you many times but you was standing like a statue..did you see any beautiful girl?
Kartik:no papa..i.i was just thinking something and that’s why.
Manish:ok..come lets go inside icu.
Kartik:did keerthi gained consciousness?
Manish:now only doctor came and informed that Keerthi is fine and he asked us to go inside. Now we can go and ask Keerthi about that stupid man who shot her.
Kartik gets angry..
Kartik:yes..i wont spare that guy once i get to know about him.
Manish and kartik goes inside icu and sits near Keerthi while Manish caresses keerthi’s head emotionally..
Manish:Keerthi are you now?
Keerthi cries seeing kartik and Manish and she just utters something without responding to Manish..
Keerthi:na.. naksh sir..naksh sir..naksh sir..
Kartik and Manish gets shocked..
Kartik:Keerthi..what happened?naksh is fine so don’t worry..
Keerthi nods no and..
Keerthi:naksh is in danger..that stupid guy tried to kill naksh sir and i saved him but still naksh sir have to be careful.
Manish and kartik gets shocked..
Kartik shockingly:who is that idiot man?
Keerthi:i don’t know..i couldn’t see his face properly as i was standing far. just go to naksh and tell him the truth. And try to help naksh in finding that guy.. because we should make him arrested.
Kartik:sure papa..
Kartik goes from there..
Aditya laughs suddenly shocking naksh..
Naksh angrily:what the hell?why are you laughing now?
Aditya: because i only shot her and you became smart by doubting me soon.
Naksh gets angry and holds his collar..
Naksh:how dare you?are you a keerthi’s fiance or her secret killer?
Aditya:why will i try to kill my fiance? though i don’t like her..i should marry her atleast for the property na then why will i try to kill her. It was Keerthi who came in between and got shot.
Naksh gets shocked..
Naksh:then who were you trying to kill?
Aditya smiles evilly and..
Aditya:it’s you..
Naksh gets shocked..
Aditya: yes..i hate you to core. You always come between my plan and flop i want to clear my way. And i will do it now which i couldn’t do it in party.
Aditya teakes his gun and tries to shoot naksh but naksh defends and punches aditya badly..
Aditya too pushes him and naksh’s head gets hitted in a rod but he doesn’t care for it and he just bangs aditya and goes away angrily..
Naksh walks on the road and he feels more pain in head and faints..
Kartik is driving the car and he passes by a temple and suddenly he stops the car seeing Tina praying there..
Kartik in mind:college is going to start but still Tina is here..i think she may have forgotten the time.i will drop her and will meet naksh.
Kartik gets down the car and goes to the temple and stands behind Tina and gets shocked hearing Tina shouting angrily..
Tina angrily:i lived all these years remembering your name..but what did you do?did you give me justice? When you have power to give and take life then why are you not giving my power to hear?
Suddenly Tina kneels down and cries..
Tina cryingly: whenever i take only mentions to do surgery but i had a hope that you will give me my hearing ability because i loved you that much but still you are not even pitying me..
Tina wipes her tears and..
Tina:i love dancing.. before 3 years, i was very excited to dance before the people and show my talent but you snatched it by sending Raghav. Raghav is such a creep that he made me deaf and living happily And are making evil people happy and good people this what you do?
Tina stands angrily and..
Tina shouts:i hate you krishnaji..i had a hope till now but now i lost all my hope.i will never pray to you..i will burn this reports too.
Tina throws the reports before krishna idol and was about to burn but kartik comes and holds her hand shocking Tina..
Kartik:yes..iam here. Why are you doing this?is this how you respect your god?
Tina notices his lips and understands it..
Tina:b..bu..but sir..
Kartik keeps his finger on Tina’s lips preventing her from talking and both looks each other..
Kartik breaks his eyelock and consoles..
Kartik:iam sorry to hear your talk but iam really upset hearing it. You should not blame krishnaji for your loss..loss comes not only for you but for many people. You should think loss as your strength and fight against it..
Tina notices his lips and understands it..
Tina:sir.. actually..
Kartik: wait..let me tell you completely. You know who is Hellen Keller haa?
Tina notices his lips and understands it..
Tina:yes sir..
Kartik:think about her..she was not only deaf but dumb and blind too but she had become famous and do you know why?
Tina notices his lips and understands it and nods as no..
Kartik: because she never thought loss as a loss. She used her full courage and wrote books though she is blind deaf and dumb.this is called self courage..and you have to become like her and show your full courage. Even now you can become a good dancer before the people..are you ready for it?
Tina notices his lips and understands it and becomes emotional..
Tina:but how will i dance without music sir?i can imagine music and dance but what will people think about it?
Kartik helds Tina’s shoulder and..
Kartik:iam ready to help you.
Tina notices his lips and understands it and gets suprised..
Kartik:yes..i don’t know why but i feel helping you. You dance imagining the song and i will make the same song play in the background and people will never recognise your fault..
Tina notices his lips and understands it..
Tina:but how will i know when the song starts?
Kartik:i will give you signal..okay?
Tina notices his lips and understands it and gets emotional and happy and hugs him without her knowledge in happiness and cries..
Tina: thank you so much sir. Till now i was mistaking my loss but you made me understand it sir.. thank you so much sir.
Kartik feels strange on Tina’s sudden hug but he reciprocates to give her comfort..
Tina realises and she moves away and Apologizes..
Tina:i..iam sorry sir. I..i hugged you o..out of happiness.
Kartik:it’s okay i understand. And iam happy that you finally understood.
Tina notices his lips and understands it..
Tina: yes sir.. orelse i would have shown my anger towards krishnaji. Once again thank you for making me understand sir.
Kartik:it’s come I’ll drop you at college.
Tina notices his lips and understands it.. helped me so much. I don’t want to be a burden for I’ll go myself.
Kartik:no..i don’t feel burden. I like helping everyone so I’ll drop you.
Tina notices his lips and understands it..
Tina:okay sir..but i will come after apologizing to krishnaji for showing my anger.
Kartik smiles and..
Tina goes and prays before krishna idol..
Tina:iam sorry krishnaji for blaming you..
Then Tina goes along with kartik in car and they drive away..
Niel calls Avni..
Avni:hello..who is this?
Niel:iam your sister’s boyfriend..did you recognise me?
Avni smiles.. are inspector Niel khanna.
Niel smiles..
Avni: tell me.. what’s the matter?
Niel: actually iam going mumbai nowatself..are you coming?
Avni gets shocked..
Avni:you told that you will go afternoon then why are you going nowatself?
Niel: actually iam getting restless thinking about twinkle and that’s why iam going nowatself. you love twinkle that much.
Avni:ok..i will also come.
Niel:ok..then come and stand near my police station.
After some time Avni waits for Niel and Niel comes and picks Avni in his car and they drive..
Avni:i hope twinkle is fine..
Niel:i i know she will be don’t worry.
After driving for sometime Avni falls on niel’s shoulder and sleeps and Niel notices it and smiles seeing her cute sleep..
Niel in mind:many girls sleep on my shoulder unknowingly but my girlfriend alone won’t sleep on my shoulder..a strange girlfriend.
After sometime Niel is driving the car little fast and suddenly he notices a little girl coming in between and he tries to put break but due to the overspeeed the car gets turned and bangs a tree..
Sirat holds her 1st trophy and sits sadly on sofa which is noticed by akshara and bhabhimaa..
Bhabhimaa:sirat..what happened?why are you looking gloomy though you won the match?
Sirat:dadi..i miss naksh bhai. I don’t know why..but i feel restless as if something wrong is happening..that’s why.
Akshara: don’t talk negatively sirat.. nothing wrong will happen to our duggu.
Bhabhimaa:yes.. nothing wrong will happen to our naksh.
Sirat doesn’t get convinced and..
Sirat:i know but i want to meet naksh bhai nowatself so that i will feel better. So i will go to naksh bhai’s office and come..
Akshara caresses sirat’s head and..
Sirat: i know you miss him so much.. so you can go and come.
Sirat smiles and..
Sirat: thank you maa..
Sirat runs immediately from house while bhabhimaa looks at akshara and..
Bhabhimaa: akshara..sirat would have been tired then why did you send her out now?
Akshara:maa..naksh and sirat loves each other so much.and that too today sirat have won the match so she feels to share this news with naksh so let her go and share her joy so that her heart becomes peaceful.
Bhabhimaa smiles.. are right.
Sirat is seen walking towards naksh’s office while a guy is riding a bike opposite to her and suddenly he smashes the dirty water on her while riding the bike speed which shocks sirat..
Sirat shouts:hey..who the hell are you? don’t you have eyes or don’t you know to ride the bike?
The bike stops and the guy gets down and comes towards sirat and removes his helmet and sirat gets shocked seeing his face..
Ranveer laughs..’s me.
Sirat gets angry and shouts..
Sirat shouts:you are always after me.. what’s your problem?
Ranveer smiles and..
Ranveer:you are my problem.i never get dreams at all but nowadays you are always coming on my dreams..why?
Sirat:it’s because to kill you. I think i couldn’t kill you in reality and maybe i will kill you in dreams for disturbing me always.
Ranveer smiles..
Ranveer’ are true. You are killing me with your looks in my dreams..i couldn’t resist myself seeing you in my dreams.
Sirat gets irritated..
Sirat:just shut are very useless. Other than giving romantic dialogues you are good for nothing.
Ranveer: ofcourse..when you come before me then i couldn’t do anything other than praising and flirting you..
Sirat gets irritated and starts beating him angrily..
Suddenly Ranveer slips and falls down and his head hits on stone shocking sirat..
Sirat shockingly: excuse are fine right?
Ranveer doesn’t respond as his eyes gets closed and sirat gets tensed and she sits near him and starts waking him..
Sirat:excuse me.. please wake up.
He doesn’t respond so sirat gets scared and cries and remembers the past of how she pushed naira..
Sirat gets panic again and screams..
Sirat can i become a killer again?i..i pushed naira and killed her and now i did the same with this guy…no..noo..
Sirat starts crying remebering naira’s incident and ranveer’s incident and she feels dizzy..
Sirat:what did i do?why am i born to kill everyone?..
Sir faints down and falls on ranveer’s chest..
Aly pushes twinkle inside kitchen and..
Aly:i need sandwich and aloo paratha. So you should cook it and give it within an hour orelse i will punish you more understood?
Twinkle cries and stumbles..
Twinkle:b..but how could i do it in an hour?it’’s really difficult.
Aly angrily:you should be thankful that i have you an hour orelse i would have given you just 10 minutes. Even Soumya finished it in 10 it’s not a very difficult time for you.
Aly:no buts..if you can’t then I’ll punish you severely. Are you ready for it?
Twinkle:no..I’ll finish it.
Aly smiles and goes while twinkle cries..
Twinkle in mind:why god gave me such a worst life?i would have given my life instead of being with this fool guy. he is making me slave..
Twinkle works harder to cook what Aly asked and after sometime she finishes her cooking and keeps it on the table and she goes to the kitchen to clean the mess..
Twinkle in mind: now iam going to die by cleaning this bigg mess..
She starts to clean the mess and suddenly she feels dizzy due to the pressure of work and falls down unconscious..
Aly comes and sees the food prepared and smiles..
Aly in mind: not bad..i thought she will take time but she have completed.
Aly goes and eats the food and then calls her..
Aly: twinkle.. come and clean the table.
Twinkle doesn’t respond so Aly gets angry..
Aly in mind: what the hell?why is she not answering when iam calling?how careless..
Aly gets up angrily and goes inside the kitchen and sees twinkle unconscious and gets shocked..
Precap: Tina(naira) helps naksh. Avni and Niel are locked in a room.Aly shouts twinkle. Bhabhimaa decides to fix sirat’s alliance. New entry..
friends tell me which character do you want as New entry..
1. Mishti (Rhea Sharma)
2.Gayu aka gayatri. (Kanchi)
or your options..
kindly select the New entry or tell the name of your choice.
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