Friday 15 October 2021

Riansh FF : Vansh Rai Singhania: Wedding Planner Extraordinaire : Bonus Chapter 2


The Rai Singhanias were having a usual family dinner in silence with only clinking knives and forks to be heard. Nobody seemed to have any trouble eating – well that is except for the unfortunate heir of the family. He was nervously fidgeting around with his food, which was slowly getting onto Uma’s nerves (although her husband was nonchalant about it – he wasn’t even caring to look away from his newspaper).

“Okay, that’s enough. Vansh, what is the matter with you today?”

“Nothing.” replied Vansh, a little bit too quickly.

“I did not raise my son to have such bad eating manners, so there has to be something.”


“Oh, will you just say it already?” snapped his mother, and added

“Put away the paper while eating!” to Ajay, which finally got Ajay’s attention.

“Uma, what is the matter with you ?”

“I just had a bad day. Just some problems at work. But coming back to you Vansh, what is going on in your mind?”

Here goes nothing .

“Well… you see… about that…”

“Oh! Are you seeing someone special, sweetie?”

“Um… I don’t think you’ll like it-”

“You’re not gay, are you?” her accusation soon turned into confirmation”You’re gay, right? I mean I’m fine but your father-”

“Mother!” “Uma!”


“Uma! Sit down will you? Let our son do the talking. And do not make hasty conclusions.”

Uma sat down on her chair while Vansh gave his father a mouthed thank you .

“Um… Okay. I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time… It’s that I’m going to need the Rai Singhania ring so I can propose to-”

“Oh!” squealed Uma. “Ajay, did you hear that? Our little boy is proposing! We’re going to have grand babies after all!”

“Uma, stop interrupting the boy. I want to hear if our future daughter-in-law is actually a girl or not.”

Vansh couldn’t believe it.

My father thinks I’m gay, too? Okay, now I’m starting to feel insecure about masculinity.

“and I want to know her name or his-”

“It’s her ! Where in Merlin’s name did you think I was gay?”

“Well, you were always alone after Ahana….”


“Let’s just drop this since now we know our little boy isn’t gay. You were saying?”

“I was saying I’m planning on proposing to Riddhima Kapoor.”

He clenched his eyes as he said her name. He wasn’t afraid – nor ashamed. He was every bit proud of his girlfriend and if his parents have a problem with that- then so be it. He was ready to risk being disowned, anyways.

He expected his mother to threaten to disown him while his father trying to calm his wife and failing miserably.

What he didn’t expect was his mother squealing. ” Riddhima Kapoor ?!”

Here we go. Let the show begin. He thought sarcastically.

“I know Mother. Look I don’t care about our status-”

“No, sweetie, I’m happy for you.”

“and yeah yeah grandpa would be rolling in his- wait what?”

“I’m glad.” she said and corrected ” We are happy” looking pointedly at her husband.

” You are ?” Vansh said in disbelief.

“Yes. I already know her through her parents. I actually was their wedding planner.” Uma said in an indifferent way, like he was talking about today’s dinner menu.

“She was a lovely girl at the charity events we held every year till a few years back.”

“A brilliant one, too.” added his father.

“Invite her over. I want to see with my eyes that this isn’t a casual relationship.”

“Uh..okay..But you don’t have to worry about our relationship being casual. We stopped being that three months ago.”

” Three months ago ?” said Uma and Ajay at the same time.


“And you didn’t tell us?”

“I’m sorry?”

“That’s it. Before proposing you better introduce her to us properly.”


He searched for his girlfriend at a cafe where they planned on meeting.

He found her at a cozy corner reading a book. He smiled.

“Hey.” He said warmly.

His girlfriend looked up from her book and replied “Hey.” with a warm smile.

She put the book down and looked at her boyfriend as if she wanted to say something; her boyfriend had the same look as well.

“I want to-”

“Vansh, I have-”

They said at the same time.

“You go first.”

“No, you go first.” said Riddhima, giggling.

“It’s like our first date, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, the good, old times. So you were saying?”

“Uh… I..uh..I finally told my parents!”

“Okay..?” She was slowly panicking in her mind.

“And they want to meet you.”

“Okay… What ?!”

“I know it seems weird but they seem to be pretty fond of you. They seem to know you even.”


“I promise they’ll behave.” He added quickly with ‘pretty please eyes’ when his girlfriend said nothing.

Oh, not those eyes. Damn him. He knows I can’t resist those eyes.

“Okay, fine.”

“Thank you. Thank you . I really do think they want to know more of you. And I want you to be close, since-” He caught off mid sentence when he realized what he was about to say.

Are you stupid? What girl wants to be proposed in a cafe through a conversation?


“Since nothing. Never mind. What were you going to say?” He quickly changed the subject, while mentally trying to kill himself.

Smooth. Real smooth.

Riddhima visibly paled at his question, but he was busy killing himself in his head to notice.

“It’s nothing really,” Yeah right. She thought. “I never told you that my parents already know your mother. It seems like your mother was my parents’ wedding planner.”

“Oh. Mom already told me that. I’ll pick you up at six tomorrow.”


“I promise they’ll behave.”

He said when he saw his girlfriend fidgeting nervously.

“But still this is nerve wracking,” she replied. She had that uneasiness in her voice and face.

“Let’s just go in. I bet they’re waiting for us. We wouldn’t want them to give more reasons to hate me, do we?”

He protested at her comment, “They don’t hate you.”

She snorted in a very unlady-like way. “Yeah, right.”

“Hey, we dropped that attitude after the War, and if that didn’t help,

This was followed by an eerie silence.

That can’t be good. He thought.

“You sure you’re alright.”

“Yes. Just knock on the door, would you?”

At that he grinned. “We don’t have to.” When her eyes quirked he said “because you have me.” He said proudly.

“Ever the arrogant Rai Singhania.” she muttered quietly as the door opened.

“Said something?”

“No, no, lead the way.”

They entered the Manor while Rai Singhania sauntered with his particular confidence that could only be explained as an attitude because he was entering his lair. His walks were more steady compared to his girlfriend’s for she was walking timidly behind him lost in her thoughts.

I wonder what will happen…

She thought as she watched him walk in front of her.

He walks as if he owns this place… which he does, I guess.

“Mother, Father. This is Riddhima Kapoor,” He said proudly.

“Miss Kapoor, it’s so nice to see you after all this time.” said Uma Rai Singhania before hugging her.

Riddhima was only able to squeak, “Mrs. Rai Singhania.”

“Oh, it’s Uma, darling. Mrs. Rai Singhania always made me feel old.”

Uma said after releasing her from the hug.

“Uma, please, you are still Mrs. Rai Singhania, and you are embarrassing yourself in front of your son and his girlfriend.” said Ajay Rai Singhania with an eye roll. He greeted her with a short “Miss Kapoor” and a handshake.

“Mr. Rai Singhania.”

“It is nice to see you again in such a pleasant time.” said Ajay Rai Singhania as he let go of his hand.

“Likewise.” was the only response she could give.

“Come on, I’m starving!”

Vansh exclaimed trying to ease the awkwardness and they all settled down at the dining table.

The uneasiness at the table did not go away since they all had a mind of their own. Only when Uma couldn’t handle it anymore, she started to ask questions.

“So, Riddhima, what do you do?”

“Mum!” “Uma!”

The two Rai Singhanias exclaimed at the same time, appalled by her blunt question.

“What? I’m trying to start a conversation, while you two are fidgeting the salad with your forks!”

“Rai Singhanias do not fidget !” Father and son again replied at the same time.

Riddhima had to laugh. “That was not the case when you visited my house.” She said through her laughs, which made Vansh blush and Ajay glare at his son.

“Besides, I’m not offended by her question. I work as a paediatric doctor. I have my own clinic.In fact, that’s where Vansh first saw me.”

“Oh! Do tell!” Uma squealed, while Ajay groaned at his wife’s behavior.

Riddhima then went on to tell of their first meeting where she and Vansh had an accident.

“She is a trouble magnet.” Vansh said with humor in his eyes.

“In a way you are calling yourself trouble, Vansh.” Riddhima said in the same tone.

“Well, in all honesty, I did stalk her.”

“You did not !” Riddhima exclaimed, while Ajay laughed and simply said, “That’s my son I know and raised.”

All of them were enjoying themselves, with the awkwardness all gone.

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