Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Kaamna 16th November 2021 Written Episode Update: Akanksha seeks permission from Manav to buy a new mobile


Kaamna 16th November 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Mr Kapoor is not able to take his eyes off the car in which Akanksha is sitting, he calls a local vendor to come and inform him of the car number, the person sitting in the front feels suspicious however before the vendor is able to see it, he drives off which worries Mr Kapoor, the vendor coming back informs the car drove off, Mr Kapoor takes back the money mentioning it is given only for the work, the car also drives away.

Akanksha mentions how she did not like the crowded local market and also that she is worried about what it did not happen, Manav asks what does she mean, she replies she is talking about her periods, Manav exclaims loudly how this means they are pregnant, Akanksha replies he should not say it so loudly but this is not the first time she has gotten her delayed periods but is glad that she is not pregnant as the test came back negative, Manav hesitantly exclaims what is the problem in trying it again, Akanksha mentions that she will go to a gynaecologist to ask why are the periods delayed, Manav questions what is the reason for not having a second child as a baby girl would bring happiness to their lives, Siddharth is also about to be seven years old now, Akanksha explains she is already living without fulfilling her desires, Manav getting sad mentions he did not know his desire is not able to fulfil her own desires, Akanksha mentions she did not mean it but is just saying how it is impossible to take care of two children as they have not been able to get Sidharth admitted into a good school, if he had any other income stream, Manav warns her to never think of anything like that because even when his memories of school are vivid, he still remembers a statement written on the wall of fourth class which mentioned that one should stay awake to work, Akanksha advises him to just focus on one child, Manav questions what if the child focuses on them, Akanksha looks angrily at him when he accepts they will not talk about it.

Mr Kapoor is swimming when he is told that Devika mam is calling, it is the fourth time, he answering it wishes hello when she asks why does he seem so low after talking with such a pretty, she questions where is he when he reveals he is in Bhopal, she informs that she has a stop over in Bhopal tonight so they can meet at eight in the night but if he desires it can be arranged early but he agrees on eight, they both end the call.

Manav and Akanksha walking wonder why are the children sitting outside, he goes to ask them when Siddharth explains that the parents of Vinay were having a fight so they both came outside, Akanksha calling him asks why does he send Siddharth to the house of Vinay, Manav replies they both are best friends so what is wrong with them playing even when his parents were fighting, he asks the children to go with Akanksha, he rings the door bell when the person opens the door, Manav asks why did he take so long to open the door because the kachori would get cold, he comes inside asking Pankaj to sit down and asks for a cup of tea from his friend, she leaves when he questions Pankaj what happened between them both since Vinay seemed worried, he replies it si nothing much but his friend filed for divorce, Manav getting worried questions how did it reach to a point where they both are getting a divorce, Pankaj explains he and the judge tried their best to make her understand but she doesnot want to listen to anything, Amita brings the tea requesting Pankaj to not discuss such matters with her friend, Pankaj replies if he has to talk with her permission, he leaves in anger. Manav asks Amita to say something with her permission, he mentions they work in the same office and even their children are the best friends, even Siddharth refused to change his school because of being away from Vinay, he asks if Pankaj hits him or has cheated but she refuses, he accepts she doesnot want to talk about it but prays the differences end between them, Amita mentions that in some relations it is not good to even talk about it correcting as they sometimes tend to just give them tears, she prays nothing like this happens in his marriage. Manav sitting down questions which relation doesnot have holes but there is just a need to mend them and if it happens, they are corrected. Manav apologizes for talking too much, Amita requests him to keep Vinay in his house for some time as she will come to pick him up.

Siddharth is watching cartoons with Vinay asking for popcorns from Manav, he asks Akanksha where is the scissors, she informs him when he places an open lid saucer, she however reveals popcorns are made in the pressure cooker, he is about to close the lid but she shows him that it must be kept open, she even instructs him to keep moving it otherwise the popcorns would get stuck on the underside of the cooker, he wonders what would happen without her, she then pours out milk for them both, Manav takes it to them, asking for his payment they kiss him, Akanksha calls him so he hurryingly turns back and in the process hits the shelf.

Akanksha is getting ready, Manav asks if she is going somewhere, Akanksha replies she is going with Miss Manchanda, she asks him to close the hook of he blouse, he doesnot say anything, she questions why is he so quiet, he exclaims it is not right, she asks about her going to the mall, he replies he is talking about Vinay since the children’s tend to get hurt the most when the parents go through separation, he explains they did not even think how bad their child would feel when they both get separated from his eyes, Akanksha exclaims sometimes it is not right to live in a relation as this tends to cause problems for them all, Manav tries to explain that no problem is so big enough that it cannot be sorted however Akanksha mentions that sometimes it is better to end those relations which start showering problems for them both, Manav gets really worried.

Akanksha is doing the shopping with the Misses Chanda when they enter a mobile shop, Akanksha also tries to search for a new mobile, when Misses Chanda coming asks why does she not buy it if she likes it, Akanksha replies she has to talk with Manav about it so decides to call him, she informs that she likes a mobile in the shop, she asks if she can buy it, he questions about the price and it is shocked to hear it is of ninety thousand, he replies they can get a second hand car in such an amount, Akanksha gets really mad when he reveals they can take a trip to UK in the next month, she gets really excited when he mentions what is wrong in going to Uttarakhand, he says she can buy a new cover for her mobile, Misses Chanda praises her for being such a minimizer as she doesnot say anything even with such a low income.

Mr Kapoor goes into the restaurant where Devika is sitting, he is really impressed with the arrangement and questions the reason, she mentions it is their quarter anniversary, she explains they met on the plane where she was an attendant and now his Girlfriend, he starts laughing which angers her so she sends the people away, she tries to take a selfie but he stops her mentioning their relation was just to the point where they can meet after some time to calm themselves, she mentions she is serious about him but he says he is not serious, saying his life has a vacuum and he wants to look for someone who can fill it, but her relation with him but this is not anything like that, they tend to do shopping for each other, he leaves giving the money.

Mr Kapoor goes outside, he is stunned to see the women standing downstairs, he asks if it is live, then going inside asks Devika to keep cursing him as this is proving to be well for him, she once again does the same and he going outside rushes to the perfume shop, but is not able to find her, he then asks the worker if the pretty lady who was here just a moment ago gave the details, however the worker replies that she refused to give them and left.

Mr Kapoor sits in his car thinking his heartbeat has rushed once again and it keeps happening whenever he sees that women, he exclaims they would have to meet with ample time.

Precap: Manav is with someone who mentions he can have something extra for himself after releasing the money, Manav refuses to do anything that is against his beliefs, Misses Chanda asks Akanksha to take the money and buy the mobile, she agrees so calls Manav who reveals Mr Bhansal is threatening to suspend him. Mr Kapoor asks for the album relating to the spelling bee competition, he is searching for Akanksha.

Update Credit to: Sona

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