Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 4th November 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
AG cleaning and says Tiwari I’ll not forgive you for yesterday, ready to pay and call Angoori. Angoori walks in says AG why are you calling me and why are you blush. AG flirts with her. Angoori ask tell me why were you calling. AG says I got this piece of paper so thought of telling you is it of any use looks like letter. Angoori says might be of Tiwari something of office and she reads the love letter written by Vibhu to take revenge. Angoori cries and ask who is she and what’s it doing in my house. AG says don’t cry I cannot see you like that. Angoori remember Tiwari was hiding something last night, then I ask him and didn’t told me what was that this means. AG says this means he is seeing someone. Angoori start crying. AG says its not time to cry its time to confess him. Angoori says yes I’ll confess him and start cleaning if any more letters are there.
Tiwari singing come in and ask Angoori to bring food. Angoori giving her cold look. Tiwari asks what happen why are you staring at me go get some food I’m hungry. Angoori says I got your letter. Tiwari ask which letter. Angoori that one which I was hiding from you. Tiwari says why did you read it I don’t want you to read I was hiding it. Angoori says I never thought you will do this to me. Tiwari says because I don’t want to read how an other man is saying to your husband. Angoori says in that letter it was written Rasbhari. Tiwari says where did you see in between abuse. Angoori says it was love letter from your Rasbhari. Tiwari says what are you saying. Angoori give his letter and says this is letter from Rasbhari. Tiwari says I don’t know what you are saying I don’t know who is she. Angoori says tell me from when you are seeing her and start crying. Ammaji shouts Tiwari name and walks in and says to Angoori don’t cry and bless her. Tiwari greet her but she slaps him and says Angoori told me everything, you are seeing someone else I’ll not leave you and takes him outside while punching him.
AG cleaning outside. Tiwari says listen to me Ammaji. Ammaji says go away from here, these doors are closed for you. Tiwari says then where I’ll live. Ammaji says go to your Rasbhari and get married to her. Tiwari says try to listen me. Ammaji beats him and go inside. AG asks what happen. Tiwari says don’t know who send a love letter to my house. AG says can’t they see how you look and mocks him and his family. Tiwari says stop making fun of me, I cannot understand what should I do. AG says I would have left city if I were you. Tiwari says how can I leave its diwali time. AG says you are in danger. Tiwari says what is this happening. AG says to himself I took my revenge.
TMT and Vibhuti sitting together. Teeka says we are been exploited in name of cleaning. Vibhuti says who is doing. Tillu says your David chacha he is doing with us. Vibhu says if chacha loved you work, you may never know he may take with him. Tillu don’t fool us show us some money. Vibhu distribute money and scam them. Tillu says do you think we are fool come to point. Teeka says we got less and you have more. Vibhu says agency idea was mone and I asked you to work with me so technically you won’t be having anything without my idea and says on second thought diwali is coming and give them some moito have drinks and leave
David, Anu and Vibhuti playing in hall. Vibhuti ask David why are you sad. David you won 4 times in a streak. Vibhuti says you know I’m rummy champion when I was born mommy told me I said rummy not mommy. Anu looks at Vibhu. Vibhuti says what are you staring at. Anu says I’m seeing from where did you got this confidence that you are winning. Vibhuti says I’m lucky today and everyone hear doorbell. Anu says go and check I’m too tired. Tiwari come in crying. Vibhu says what nonsense is this late night coming to our house. Tiwari says to Anu I’m in trouble. Anu askw hat happen. Tiwari says there is an misunderstanding between me and Angoori, she got an love letter written to me but in reality I’m not seeing anyone. David says then how did you got letter. Tiwari says I don’t know. Vibhu says I know how, this man is disrespectful person and says he is seeing someone being with Angoori. Tiwari ask to Anu do you think I’m like that kind of person. Anu says I don’t think so but first I need to talk to Angoori to clear out misunderstanding. Tiwari says I have an request from the time my Ammaji knew about letter she kicked me out of house, I cannot sleep in garden if you allow can I spend one night here. Vibhu shouts no never ever sorry. Anu says to Vibhu why are you so cruel tonight, don’t worry Tiwari you are our guest tonight. David ask did you bring any money. Tiwari says they snatched it. Vibhu laugh. David says deal cards till then Tiwari sleep on David’s shoulder.
Angoori in her bed and says why did you do this with me, I’m all disturbed from the time Ammaji kicked you ot. Ammaji walks in says what happen why aren’t you slept. Angoori says I’m angry on Tiwari and because of that I’m unable to sleep. Ammaji says don’t worry I’m here, I’ll message you and you will go to sleep. Angoori says I won’t sleep like that. Ammaji says then I’ll sing lullaby for you, Pandit Ramphal sleeps from my lullaby. Angoori says that won’t work. Ammaji says then what should I do. Angoori says you have to snor, I need Tiwari’s snoring to sleep. Ammaji says I cannot do that. Angoori says I’m addicted to them to sleep. Angoori says teach me I’ll do for you. Angoori says okay then lie down, open your mouth and take out voice like this, and ask her to increase volume. Ammaji start coughing. Angoori says are you alright wait I’ll bring water.
Tillu says to Teeka and Malkhan, I feel very bad by giving this cheap guft to Rusa. Malkhan mocks him and says its our condition but don’t you worry I changed the MRP from 225 to 12,225 rs now she will be hapyand kiss our cheeks. Rusa hear everything and slaps them. Tillu ask Rusa can we know why you did this. Rusa says do you think me ediot, how sick you are changing rate of gift curse them and leave. Tillu says I swear Vibhu will pay for this.
Tiwari in Vibhus house listing sad song. Anu and Vibhuti wakes up.
Anu reading love letter written for Vibhu
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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