Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 23rd November 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Teeka, Malkhan and Saxena sitting near tea stall. Tiwari walks to them and sit. Saxena greets him and ask what happen. Teeka says he must have done some crime that’s why bhabhiji left him. Saxena shouts in pain and cry and says to Tiwari what you did yo my bhabhi maa I’ll kill you and give it to my snake. Tiwari hit him and scolds. Saxena leave. Teeka gies to Tiwari and says why are you worried she just went to Mishra’s house. Tiwari says that is the issue, what should I do and start crying. Malkhan says eat poision. Teeka says ilwe have remedies for your pain and ask Malkhan to takim him to our medical store and they all leave.
Vibhu and Angoori in kitchen. Vibhu doing prepration for food and flirts with Angoori. Angoori cries. Vibhu asks hat happen. Angoori says I remember Tiwari because of bajra chapati, whenever I make bajra chapati for him he use to eat lots of them. Vibhu says bajra contain lots of heat in heat then after eating that he might do romance with you, I don’t like bajra chapati whenever I eat it feel like I’m chewing cement. Angoori says that mean you didn’t had nice chapati, when I was in village I use to eat it eith tea it feels like biscuit and my mom use to make lots of things from Bajra. Vibhu says we talked a lot about bajra and flirt with her. Pelu outside kitchen listing song, Vibhu gets lost in Angoori.
Teeka, Malkhan and Tiwari outside beer shop. Teeka buy alcohol for them. Tiwari askw hat is this you said you will get medicine. Malkhan says this is the best medicine when you are sad. Teeka says Malkhan in right and ask him to make peg its party from Tiwari side. Tiwari says I’m in pain and you are doing party. Teeka says we need to share your pain thats why we are having party. Tiwari ask what is in that. Malkhan says this is chicken for us. Tiwari says what about 3000 rs I gave you. Malkhan says 2000rs is of bottle and 980rs of snacks and 20rs for chana. Teeka says give chana of 20rs. Malkhan says take of 10rs because we need to take auto way home back.
Vibhu walks in hall with food and calls Angoori to have it before it gets cold. Angoori walks in says I don’t feel like eating because Tiwari must be hungry too. Vibhu says he must be having food you don’t need to worry about him and says I’ll tell you a story its time of 3rd December it was cold and Anu went to Lakhimpur and I was missing her then I go to lawn and make bonfire to give heat to my body then suddenly Tiwari come with food and he spread that food and finish it in 2 minutes and said my Angoori is angry on me and she is not having food so I’m not that mad that I’ll not eat because of him. Angoori says sorry I don’t believe you because you say anything and tell one time we had in fight and didn’t eat anything for 5 days. Vibhu thinks now I need to show something to Bhabhi.
Vibhu walks out if house. Prem come on cycle. Vibhu ask him what happen to your moped. Prem says I was gambling in club and lost over that my wife has grabbed all my money not giving me anything, over that goons looted me so I need 25000rs to give them and take my moped back. Vibhu says don’t ask from me I’ll already in trouble. Prem says tell me when did you help me and mocks him. Vibhu says Tiwari and Angoori had fight and now Angoori is in my house and she is upset. Prem says teel Angoori that Tiwari don’t care for you and he is enjoying with Teeka and Malkhan having drinks.
Teeka, Malkhan and Tiwari in TMT’S house and they are having drinks. Malkhan says this time Tiwari need Gulpham Kali very badly. Teeka says I’m missing her a lot now. Vibhu standing outside with Gulpham kali says can you Tiwari he is target now go. She go inside and Vibhuti start playing songs. Vibhu records everything and she go away. Vibhu says good job and give her money and says now it will be fun.
Angoori sitting in dining table remembers her good time with Tiwari. Annu walks in say you didn’t start eating food. Angoori says I cannot have it. Annu try to make her eat with her hand. Angoori says no leave it. Annu says why are you jot eating Tiwari must have had food multiple times. Angoori says I know very well he cannot eat anything without me. Annu says lets wait and watch Vibhu went to see everything. Angoori says now after listing Vibhu I’ll decide I newd to eat or not. Vibhu walks in says to Angoori I think you should eat. Angoori ask you went there tell me how is he was he eating. Vibhu says he was doing more then eating. Annu says now you should eat he told you. Angoori says wait first let me know. Vibhu says instead of telling you I’ll show you what hebwas doing and show her video. Angoori in anger calls Ammaji and says I’m sad. Ammaji on mountains travelling says I cannot hear you kets talk later and hungs up. Angoori start eating. Annu and Vibhu encourage her to eat.
Gupta near tea stall with Master having tea. Gupta and Masterji talking about divorce. Saxena walks in disguised as lady. Gupta ask Saxena what attire you are wearing. Saxena says I need to pay back to someone and tells his story about a person who entered her house in cold temperature and how did they accompanied eachother, next morning that men left me, it may be he don’t know anything but I remember. Gupta says will you tell in easy language. Saxena says Tiwari and Angoori had fight, Angoori left Tiwari and living in Vibhus house, now Tiwari is all alone and he helped me in lot of bad time so its time for me to help Tiwari in his bad time and leaves.
Tiwari in his bedroom confessing his pain with Saxena disguised as Angoori.
Vibhu disguised as Baba says to Tiwari that you have to go to weel drop a coin and make your demand which you don’t have then see how your wife will come back to you.
Update Credit to: Tanaya
The post Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 23rd November 2021 Written Episode Update : Vibhu show video of Tiwari enjoying to Angoori appeared first on Telly Updates.
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