Thapki Pyaar Ki 2 6th October 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Thapki coming to the studio and seeing many artiste standing in queue. She thinks don’t know when my number will come. Purab comes there and looks at the artiste standing. A guy comes and says don’t know why they come and stand here, how can anyone hear all the samples. Purab says you was also here some day and that’s why you got the responsibility to select the talent. He asks him to place the shed for them and says this is Veena records. Thapki is about to cover her head with dupatta, feeling hot. Just then shed is placed over them. Thapki says I wish if I could get some cold water. Purab hears her and asks the guy to get some refreshments and cold water for them. Thapki gets glad to drink water. She asks if Veena Devi ji will hear our song. The guy says she is sitting idle to hear our songs. Thapki says I thought it is her company and she will hear. He says this line is not for you and says this is line for singers. Thapki says you are standing in queue since long and feeling hot, and offers him water. He says I stand here daily, this is my fifth sample and says sorry for his anger. Thapki says whenever I couldn’t sing due to my problem, I used to get angry and practice more, and says my rhythm and beat got perfect well. She asks him to vent out his anger by singing. They ask how? She says we shall play antakshiri.
Purab asks Hansika to come there and tells that he needs her sample. Hansika says I sent CD through Dad’s secretary and says Mom took me to Dentist. He asks where is the secretary? He couldn’t hear her. She says her name is Tanya and she is wearing blue dress. He hears that one girl is standing with blue color dress and her name is Tanya. He asks his staff member to go and get CD from blue dress girl. The staff members inform others and one of them come out. The staff member look at Thapki and asks what is her name? Thapki tells her name. He asks her to come with him. She says many people are standing before me. He asks her to run else he will lose job. Thapki encourages all the people and is about to walk inside.
Preeti brings tea for Mama ji. Mama ji asks if she is feeling bad for Thapki. She says she had gone to temple, but couldn’t saw her. She asks if there is some problem with her. Mama ji says my niece is free bird outside. Thapki comes inside the office and is greeted by the staff. She folds her hand before Veena Devi’s large pic on the wall. Veena Devi asks her assistant to cancel today’s event. He says we will suffer loss of 1 crore. She says something inauspicious thing happened today, my throat got bad sight and need to purify it. Peon asks Thapki if she will have coffee. The staff member asks her to walk fast and thinks just 20 seconds left. Preeti tries to scare Mama ji and asks him to go and search her. She says I am going to PS to search her. Mama ji says she has gone to Veena records, your mother has broken other CD. Preeti smirks. Sudha says I will teach her a lesson.
Purab asks Veena to hear the song well, and says you will like it. Veena asks him to send fast. He asks staff members to take the CD to Veena’s cabin. Thapki thinks Veena ji will hear my son herself. She sits on the sofa. Purab turns and looks at her. Thapki also looks at him. He says you can go and shows the door. Thapki starts to go and is about to fall, she holds Purab to save herself. The papers fall down on the floor from his hand as he holds her. The moment freezes there and they look at each other. His watch gets entangled in her dupatta and falls down, as she takes away her dupatta. He picks it and says you have damaged my watch, do you know that you have made my loss. Thapki stammers and asks him to keep her watch. He says my watch is of 5 lakhs. She says my watch is of 500 Rs, but it will show the right time. He gets Hansika’s call and asks if her dad don’t take interviews before hiring and kept useless secretary. Hansika says Tania is standing out and is not allowed to come inside. He says what? And turns to Thapki asking whose CD, you have given. Thapki says my CD. He says you have used someone else name and did cheating to come here. Thapki says no. The staff member says CD is reached. Purab thinks if Maa hears the song then she will order to get the company closed, one is voice is wrong and she talks…(Stammers). He goes out. Thapki looks on.
Sudha takes out the stuff from Thapki and her mother’s cupboard. She says your daughter can’t sing and wants to sing like Veena devi. She tries to take out Veena Devi’s pic, but Thapki’s mother stops her. Purab runs to stop Veena Devi. Veeni Devi begins hearing the CD, in which Thapki is stammering and giving her intro. He gets up and walks to take off the CD. She takes out the CD and throws it in air, before the song begins. Purab reaches there. Veena Devi scolds him for sending stammering girl’s CD and goes. Thapki comes out of the records and thinks she was standing in line. Purab tells Veena Devi that there is a confusion. Thapki looks at her car. Purab looks angrily at her and asks watchman to throw this girl out. Thapki thinks he makes noise and show off his power and money, I will show him next time, if she meets.
Sudha throws Thapki’s stuff and is about to throw Veena’s frame. Thapki’s mother tries to stop her. Sudha breaks the frame and smiles. Thapki’s mother cries. Veena Devi’s pic flies and goes far away. Thapki’s mother runs behind the pic and picks it. Thapki gets down from the auto and tries to shout seeing the car about to hit her mother. The car hits her and she falls down. Thapki shouts Maa.
She runs and holds her. Mama ji comes there. Thapki checks her pulse. Mama ji asks his sister to get up and they take her to hospital. Thapki rushes inside the hospital and tries to tell about the accident. The receptionist asks her to bring some normal person. Arjun and Mama ji come there. Arjun fills the form. Preeti says it is costly hospital. Sudha says he came running here. Thapki cries blaming herself. Mama ji says it is not your fault. Thapki says my tongue is my weakness, if I had shouted at right time, then she would have moved from the way. Arjun says nothing will happen to Bua. Mama ji asks her not to punish her for someone’s mistake. Sudha asks did I ask your sister to run behind the pic. She says your niece did a big drama, that made me do this. Doctor comes out and tells that they need to do her surgery, else she will get in coma. He asks them to deposit 50000 at the receptionist. Mama ji, Thapki and others get shocked.
Precap will be added later.
Update Credit to: H Hasan
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