Wednesday, 27 October 2021

My World Is In Your Love – Chapter 41


My world is in your love Chapter- 41

If you haven’t read that previous chapter, The link is here-

Riddhima came to the room and prepared her handbag. Vansh also came to the room. Vansh questioned her on why she was preparing herself. Riddhima said that she was going to the temple.

Vansh: Riddhima, but it is 8’0 clock. After the party, what is the need for going to the temple?

Riddhima: We can pray to God at any time. Bappa will hear my prayers.

Vansh: I am not going to allow you to spend night time alone, Riddhima.

Riddhima: Who said that I was going alone? You will also accompany me.

Vansh rolled his eyes and took his car keys. Vansh was driving the car while Riddhima turned on the speaker system which was playing the song. The song was Bhula Dena Mujhe from the movie-Aashiqui2.

Riddhima: Vansh, I hate this song because of you.

Vansh: why?

Riddhima: Whenever you are in the room, you listen to this song now in the car too. Why don’t you like other songs?

Vansh: Riddhima, I don’t know. I am attached to this song.

Riddhima changed the song to Raatan Lambiyan from the Shershah movie. Riddhima was humming the song. Quickly an idea came up in her idea of interrogating Vansh.

Riddhima: Vansh, will you tell me about your first love?

Vansh: This is the second time you are asking this question to me.

Riddhima: really! Have I asked this question before?

Vansh: Yes, sweetheart. On Sia’s birthday, when you are in an unconscious state, you have asked me this question.

Riddhima: I don’t remember. Answer me now.

Vansh: It is my puppy love, Riddhima. She is the most beautiful girl in this world I have ever seen in my life. When I was 10 years old, she was just a 4-year-old kid. She is an angel to me. When she used to wear her favorite pink-colored gown, white shoes and a white-colored wired head band with a pink-colored ribbon on it. Riddhima, my first love, is always special to me. No lust, no desire between us, only love. Love is not only about physical attraction. It is all about mental and emotional attachment.

Riddhima smiled inwardly because she knew that the 4-year-old kid was her from the childhood pics shown by dadi. Vansh looked at Riddhima’s face which was calm.

Both arrived at the temple within 15 minutes. Riddhima stepped out of the car but Vansh refused to step out of the car. Riddhima knocked at the car’s window door. Vansh opened the window.

Riddhima: Vansh, please come inside the temple.

Vansh: Riddhima, I have already told you. I don’t believe it.

Riddhima: Vansh, it is your queen’s order.

Vansh opened the car door slowly. Riddhima held Vansh’s hand firmly and went inside the temple. Vansh was just admiring her sweetheart while the pandit was performing Pooja. Riddhima closed her eyes tightly and prayed to the bappa.

Riddhima (in mind): Ganapathi bappa, tomorrow is a big day for us. Soon we need Sunil uncle to be punished for his bad behavior. Please be with my Vansh. Really, I love him, Bappa. I got a good husband who supports my dreams and career. When I was afraid about my career, he stood with me. When I was scared about my talents, he believed my talents and motivated me to achieve my dreams. Thank you for giving a person like Vansh in my life.

Vansh (in mind): Hey Ganaraya, always keep my Riddhima happy. I have taken care of my family for the past 18 years. No one in my life has shown this much concern and care towards me that Riddhima. I am blessed to get her in my life. Make all her dreams fulfill.

Pandit gave prasad to both. Riddhima and Vansh are walking towards the car. Suddenly, a person came near Riddhima and hit Riddhima’s right shoulder with his shoulder. Riddhima fell on the floor. Vansh was furious, he immediately held the collar of that person.

Person: Sorry, Sir. I didn’t notice.

Vansh: Mr.Stranger, apologise to my wife.

Person: Sorry, Madam.

Riddhima raised her head to see a familiar voice. Riddhima was astonished to see the person.

Person: Riddhima, is it you?

Riddhima: Arjun!!! How are you?

Arjun: Yes, I am fine. Riddhu, are you married?

Riddhima (blushing): Yes, I am married. Meet my husband, Mr. Vansh Raisinghania.

Arjun(laughing): Riddhu, Really! This man… is really arrogant… How could……… this man…be your husband… Are you pranking me?

Arjun was talking about Vansh in a bad attitude. Vansh gave a glare at Arjun. Arjun made a grin towards Riddhima. This made Vansh jealous. Vansh immediately pulled Riddhima into a side hug and held her waist strongly.

Vansh: Yeh, stranger, why is Riddhima going to prank you? I am her husband, and she is my wife.

Vansh kissed Riddhima’s forehead. Arjun gave a glare towards the couple. Quickly he changed the expression and grinned at them.

Arjun: Okay, I believe you, guys. Riddhima, won’t you introduce me to your husband?

Riddhima: Vansh, Arjun is my schoolmate and friend.

Vansh looked at him, his attitude was not nice. Arjun showed his hand in front of Vansh for a hand shake. Vansh also gave a hand shake to him.


Arjun: Riddhima, are you free now? Shall we go to the ice cream shop to buy your favorite ice cream?

Arjun was about to hold Riddhima’s hand. Before that, Vansh came between Arjun and Riddhima.

Vansh: Sorry, Mr. Arjun. My wife and I are going for a romantic date. So Riddhima can’t come with you. Will you please excuse us?

Vansh held Riddhima’s hand in a possessive manner and took her towards the car. All the time Riddhima was just staring at Vansh. Riddhima liked it.

Both reach the VR mansion. Riddhima was stepping into the living area. Suddenly she felt she was in air. Vansh had lifted Riddhima in the bridal style. Riddhima didn’t shout but she held Vansh’s neck and arms for safety. Riddhima just rested her head on Vansh’s chest.

Vansh entered their bedroom which was decorated with flowers and light. In the middle, there was a dining room set up. Riddhima’s favorite ice cream was on the table.

Riddhima: Vansh, it is so nice. But why suddenly?

Vansh: Riddhima, to be honest, I didn’t celebrate your success personally with you. So I wanted some privacy from our family. So I had an idea of having dinner with you alone.

Riddhima made a grin towards him. Vansh handed over a gift towards Riddhima. Riddhima opened the gift and found a golden bracelet with a diamond stone on it. She was shocked to see a present like this. Riddhima looked at him. Vansh pulled Riddhima towards himself. Vansh held Riddhima’s hand and slid the bracelet into her hand.

Vansh: Whenever this bracelet is with you, think that I am with you. You should reach great heights in your career.

Riddhima: Thank you, Vansh.

Both had their dinner together. Riddhima was so tired she went into sleep quickly. Vansh got a phone call from Angre. After speaking to Angre, he knocked on the dadi’s room. Vansh took Dadi with him in the car. The car reached an old building. Vansh and Dadi rushed inside the room. Angre was standing outside.

Vansh: Angre, what happened to mom? Why did you ask Dadi to come here with me?

Angre: Boss, Doctor called you and Dadi. I also don’t know any information about your mom’s health condition.

The doctor came outside the room by hearing Vansh’s voice.

Doctor: Mr. Raisinghania, I am going to tell you good news and bad news to you. The good news is your mother has recovered from the coma. She can speak with us. Our treatment and Riddhima’s communication with your mom have worked well.

Vansh: Doctor, what is the bad news?

Doctor: Vansh, the bad news is Uma is not mentally strong. Uma has lost her 18 years of her life. If you all give more mental pressure, it will lead to her death. You should always make her happy. Don’t give your mother so much pressure. Don’t confuse her. She should do meditation daily. I will give you some medicine for the next one month, take care of your mother.

Vansh: Thank you, doctor.

Doctor: Mr. Vansh, don’t tell thank you to me. I just did my duty. Tell thanks to your wife and Rudra uncle.

Dadi: Shall we go and meet Uma?

The doctor nodded his head. Vansh and Dadi went inside the room. Uma was sitting by resting her back on the headboard. Her eyes were looking down. After seeing Gayathri, her eyes were telling different emotions. Gayathri held uma’s hand. Uma hugged Gayathri. Uma’s eyes fell on Vansh who was standing in the corner of the room with tears rolling in his cheeks.

Uma: Maa, who is this person?

Dadi: He is your Vansh, uma.

Vansh slowly came near his mother and placed his head on his mother’s lap. Uma caressed Vansh’s head.

Uma: I have not been with my son for 18 years. I am a bad mom.

Vansh: No, mom. You are the best mother.

Vansh hugged his mother tightly. Uma asked about Sia and Ishani.

Dadi: Uma, Vansh took all the responsibility for you. He took care of Sia and Ishani.

Uma: I know about my Vansh. Maa, it was not…… the car accident…… on the day.

Vansh: Mom, we know that it was not a car accident. You don’t need to get tensed.

Uma calmed herself and started to speak again.

Uma: Vansh, I just want to tell you everything that happened that night. I will not get tense. If I don’t tell you now, then I will regret it later.

Vansh: OK, mom. You can tell me slowly.

Uma: Vansh, on that day Rishi and Yazhini were sitting in the front seat in the car. I and Rishi’s daughter(Riddhima) were sitting in the back seat. Suddenly, a truck came from the opposite direction and smashed our car. I lost my consciousness. Suddenly I heard a noise of screaming. It made me wake up from my unconscious state. Still, Rishi’s daughter was in an unconscious state. Rishi and Yazhini’s hands were slit by (breathing heavily)………

Vansh (held Uma’s hand for giving her confidence): By Mohit Sharma. I am correct, mom.

Uma: Yes. Soon, I could see a joker mask man coming with a steel rod in his hand. He hit Rishi and Yazhini’s head with the rod. He took an injection from the pocket and injected it in their hands. He removed his mask and whispered something in Rishi’s ear. I couldn’t see his face. He turned his body, and that time I saw his face. I don’t know his name, but I still remember his face.

Vansh opened his phone and in the gallery showed the picture of a man standing with Karthik.

Uma: Yes, this man killed Rishi and Yazhini.

Vansh: Mom, his name is Sunil. He was Yazhini’s brother.

Uma: He found me in the car. He came towards me. I immediately took Rishi’s daughter in my hand and came out of the car. While running, Rishi’s daughter had consciousness. She tried to talk with me, but suddenly a car hit us where Mohit Sharma and Sunil were inside the car. After that, I couldn’t remember anything.

Vansh: Mom, just calm down.

Vansh called Angre and whispered in his ears. Angre understood and left the room.

Next morning,

Riddhima and Rohan went to Sunil uncle house to execute the plan told by Vansh. Sunil opened the door and was shocked to see the duo.

Riddhima: Uncle, where is Karthik?

Sunil: He went to work early in the morning itself. Riddhima, why are you asking him?

Riddhima: I had an idea of taking him to meet Uma aunty. OK, uncle, we will see you later.

Riddhima and Rohan were stepping out of the door. Sunil called them in again.

Sunil: Riddhima, shall I come to meet Vansh’s mom?

Rohan: Uncle, Vansh will not like it. You better stay at home.

Riddhima: Rohan, stop your lecture. Why are you treating him like a third person? Let him also come with us.

Sunil was smirking at seeing Riddhima’s innocence.

The car reached an old building. Rohan told that he had some important meeting and left the place. He also winked towards Riddhima. Riddhima and Sunil went inside the room where the bed was covered with glass. Not only the bed, the entire room was covered with glass.

Riddhima: Sunil uncle, don’t touch the glass near Uma aunty.

Sunil: Riddhima, Why?

Riddhima: It is a highly secured alarm system.

Riddhima’s phone was ringing. She took the phone and went out. Sunil could not see the face of the patient. But from the high equipment he comes to the conclusion that it must be Uma. He slowly took an injection from his pocket and injected the injection in the trip’s bottle. The trip’s bottle was connected to the patient’s body.

The patient humming voice was heard by Sunil. Sunil laughed like a maniac.

Sunil: I need to apologize to you, Uma. My intention was not to kill you. I have killed so many people in my life. First, my parents who gave the land and property to my sister. Second, my wife because she came to know about my greediness, so I killed her with my own hands. Third, Rishi’s family and my sister’s. At last, you came in my path. On that day before 18 years, I thought you and Riddhima were dead inside the car. But you tried to escape from us. Rudra came to the spot, otherwise I would have killed you on that day itself. But today I will kill you in an easy way. I have injected you with some special injection for you. It will take your life within five minutes.

Again, a humming sound was heard. Sunil felt the sound was familiar. He touched the glass cover in the bed. No alarm sound came. So he slowly opened the glass and removed the duvet.

Sunil was shocked to see his friend Mohit Sharma lying in the bed. Mohit Sharma had a plaster in his mouth. Sunil tried to remove it. Mohit had a lot of bruises in his face and body. Sunil made Mohit stand up. Suddenly, the glass doors in the room went down. All the four sides were surrounded by police.

The commissioner was standing in the room. Vansh and Riddhima were standing together. Kabir and Ahana were holding Ragini in their hands. Rohan and Aryan were standing on the other side. Karthik was standing with red bloodshot eyes. Karthik’s glare was enough to shake Sunil’s leg.

Suddenly, Mohit fell on the ground with no oxygen in his body. Ragini screamed “Dad”. Sunil’s poison injection has shown the effects on Mohit’s body. Everyone was focused on Mohit. Sunil tried to escape, but Vansh took the gun and shot the bullet in his stomach.

Sunil: Karthik, please save me. I made you as a police officer because you will support my crime. But why are you not supporting your own father? Instead, you are attacking me.

Karthik: you are not my father I didn’t believe Vansh and Riddhima’s words about you. But now I believe them. You killed my mother. You aren’t my father. Stay away from me.

Sunil looked at Vansh who was standing with anger. He understood it was Vansh’s game to trap him.

Sunil: Vansh, I thought you were a fool, but you’re the most intelligent person. Vansh, I will not be able to get yazhini’s property, but I will die with the happiness that I am going to kill you and Riddhima today.

Sunil took the gun from the constable who was standing near him. He made a perfect aim towards Vansh’s chest. Riddhima quickly understood the situation and pushed Vansh towards the right side. Riddhima got a bullet inside her left arms. Vansh took Riddhima in her embrace. Sunil aimed for the second bullet.

Another bullet sound was heard. Sunil’s chest was marked with a bullet by his own son Karthik. Sunil fell on the ground. Sunil looked at Karthik and made a grin. Sunil laughed like a mad.

Sunil: Riddhima, all this happened because of you. Don’t think you will live happily with Vansh after my death. My son… Will kill …you….

Everyone looked at Karthik with a suspicious look. But Karthik was standing with a disgusting look against his father. Sunil was dead.

Karthik (crying loudly): I am not your son. You are not my father. I won’t kill Riddhima. I am not like you.

Riddhima was shocked to see Karthik in this situation. Riddhima knows very well about Karthik. Karthik is a jovial person. But today after these events he was completely broken.

Ragini was arrested by police for her crimes. Vansh was in panic to see blood in Riddhima’s hand. He immediately admitted Riddhima in the hospital. Vansh made a phone call to the family lawyer.

Vansh: I need you to execute our plan soon.

Lawyer: Vansh, are you sure about your decision?

Vansh: Yes, I am sure.

What is the next plan of Vansh?

Stay tune for the next chapter…

Sorry for the late update…

Every story needs an ending…I don’t like to drag the story more…

In the next few chapters, the story will come to an end…

Thank you for your comments….Keep supporting me with your comments…

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