Thursday, 11 November 2021

saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Gaura’s revenge season 2 part 1


Gaura and Sindoora were still living in the Suryavanshi house. Gaura was happy that she had vanished all her enemies from there. Bhavani on the other side wasn’t getting the attention she wanted from Dharam. They were married but he didn’t care for her the way she dreamed of. He wasn’t buying her sarees or jewelry on the occasion of some holiday or just to make her happy. He never treated her with love or admiration the way he had treated Meera. Bhavani however, wasn’t about to give up. But she first wanted to take revenge on Gaura for tricking her and for the way she kidnapped Meera and blamed her.

Bhavani wanted to meet with Gaura and she went to the Suryavanshi mansion. Gaura wasn’t happy to see her but she let her come in anyway.

“So now tell me, do you enjoy it being Dharam’s wife?” Gaura asked.

“I am not here to talk about that now.” Bhavani replied. “I am here to ask you about Rathna. What did you do to her?”

“Why do you care for her that much?”

“Because she was the only one that was brave enough to actually stand against you. Tell me, what did you do to her? Did you murder her as well?”

“I am not required to tell you anything, am I?”

“Gaura behen, if you don’t tell me what have you done to her you know I will find out on my own and then…”

“And then what? How dare you still threaten me after all the trouble I put you in?”

“Exactly. That’s the other reason I came to you. Your misdeeds will not remain without consequences. I will take my revenge on you  for the way you humiliated me.”

“Really? And what will you do to me?”

“You will see. You will see how I will find out what have you done  to Rathna. Poor girl, she only wanted justice for her sister. She only wanted to avenge you for what you did to Chanda. But I will find out about your truth. And then I will tell it to everyone.”

And with that said, Bhavani went away.

“I will never let her learn the truth about Rathna!” Gaura thought. “I will teach her a lesson now. It will be such a lesson that she will never forget.”

Gaura was determined not to let Bhavani learn her truth. But first, she wanted to do something else. She called Radhika, her friend from prison and asked her to come over.

Some time later, Radhika arrived.

“Jai Ambe Gaura.” She said. “How are you? Do you need anything?”

“I am fine, Radhika. Thanks for caring. Yes, I actually need something. I need you to help me.”

“Help you for what? You know you can count on me for anything.”

“Yes. I know. That’s why I called you here. I want you to hide in the Modi mansion and tell me what’s happening inside.”

“Alright, I will do it. I will hide  in there without no one to notice me. But tell me, why do you want me to do that? Is there any particular reason?”

“Not yet. But I want to know everything that the Modis do. Who knows? They may decide to trick me or send me back to jail?”

“No, they will not. I will never let them  harm you. Me and Sindoora are with you.”

“Thank you very much Radhika. And please be careful, I don’t want you to get noticed otherwise they will try to hurt you.”

“Thanks for caring about me. But don’t worry, they will not harm me, nor they will notice my presence.”

“Awesome. I knew you are the best choice for such plan.”

“Thanks for trusting me Gaura. I will go now. I will notify you about everything that is happening there.”

And Radhika left. Gaura smiled.

“Now that the Modis are again under my control, it’s time to take care for Bhavani.”

And while Gaura was planning her revenge on Bhavani, Radhika arrived in front of the Modi mansion. She entered through the back door and no one saw her. She heard Kokila trying to make her family forgive her.

“Gopi, you see, I stopped talking to Gaura, I will never trust her again, why don’t you want to forgive me?”

“Maaji, we see that you are not talking to Gaura, don’t worry. But we need more time. This time, it’s not as  easy as it seems.”

And then, someone rang on the doorbell.

Kokila went to open the door and saw Bhavani standing in the doorway.

“Jai Shree Krishna Bhavani.” She said. “Do you need anything, why are you here?”

“Kokila behen, I would like to talk to you and your family as well. May I come in?”

And Kokila let Bhavani in. The others of the family also didn’t expect her appearance.

“Bhavani wants to talk with us.” Kokila said.

“What is it Bhavani?” Gopi asked.

“What are you doing here again?” Urmila asked, staring at Bhavani with disapproval.

“Mamiji, let’s hear what she wants to tell us.” Gopi said.

“It’s about Rathna.” Bhavani continued. “You know, she disappeared all of a sudden. Don’t you think this is strange? I suspect Gaura about it. She must have hurt Rathna, I am sure in that! But problem is I have no prove. I want you to help me in gathering evidence against her and sending her back in prison. She committed so many crimes while she was still in there, and so many more when she left.”

“Excuse me Bhavani, but we’re not going to help you with that.” Gopi said. “Our family suffered so much because of her, we just want to forget about her and live peacefully.”

“You may forget about her but she will not. Please, help me in avenging her and then all of us will finally find peace.”

“Wait Gopi.” Kokila said. “Bhavani is right. I will help her avenge Gaura. We suffered so much because of her and now you are angry at me for I trusted her again. I will correct that mistake now.”

“Maaji, you promised us that you will not deal with Gaura again, what are you doing now?”

“Gopi, please calm down.” Hetal said. “If Kokila wants to correct her mistake then we must not stop her. We will support her. She is a part of our family no matter what mistakes she does.”

“But kakiji, if we support Bhavani against Gaura then we will get hurt again, why don’t you want to understand?”

“No Gopi. We are not supporting Bhavani. We are supporting Kokila’s efforts to apologize to us. It’s true that she trusted Gaura a lot of times and refused to listen to our warnings. But damage is already done and we can’t do anything except to move on. If Kokila thinks her decision is correct then we must support her.”

“Alright  kakiji. May it be as you say.”

And Radhika heard everything.

“So you will support me against Gaura?” Bhavani asked in excitement.

“Yes, we will.” Kokila replied.

“Thank you so much! I have to go now. I will come back tomorrow and tell you about my plan.”

And Bhavani left. But she  didn’t know she wouldn’t have the chance to follow her plans.

Radhika informed Gaura about everything.

“Gaura, the Modis and Bhavani united against you.” She said

“What? Against me? See, I told you they will try to do something. And why? What happened?”

“Bhavani wants to know what has happened with Chanda’s sister. She suspects you. She thinks you are responsible for whatever happened to her. Kokila agreed to help Bhavani. The others weren’t agree at first but she convinced them. Should I do something now?”

“Not yet. First I will do something about Bhavani and then will tell you what should you do with the Modis.”

“Fine. See you later.”

And Gaura got even angrier after the call with Radhika.

“That’s it!” She thought. “I will put an end to her acts, now! I will send her in jail for murdering her husband Keshav. I still keep the evidence.  In fact, I never lost them since the day I learned about her crime.  Poor Bhavani, I will put an end to her dreams about Dharam and her life as a free person will end today!”

The post saath nibhana saathiya fan fiction: Gaura’s revenge season 2 part 1 appeared first on Telly Updates.

11/11/2021 06:13:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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