Hii everyone! Hope you are doing well.
Happy Birthday Rrahul!!!
“Hi Riddhima”
Ishani said with the same smile glued on her face.
“You can go I won’t tell Ma.” Riddhima said with no expression.
“What? Oh come on Riddhu. I am not going with Angre!” Ishani said in disbelief.
“Come to the point or let me” Riddhima said closing the door but Ishani pushed it back.
“Come with me. We are going for a night out.” Ishani said.
“Where?” Riddhima asked.
“To the Ringing bells…You, Me, and Angre” Ishani said and Riddhima made a face mocking her.
“I am not interested in looking at you both romancing.” Riddhima said.
“Change. And come. And wear something…like a sort of knee length dress.” Ishani said.
“Ohk my little mother. Coming in 10.” Riddhima said and closed the door.
Riddhima came downstairs, and the trio, as she knew reached a small sky view restaurant. Which was, obviously empty.
Mild music base voices were coming from the bar area, while Angre, Ishani and Riddhima were sitting silently. Doing nothing.
“Will you tell what’s happening?” Riddhima asked being pissed. But inside she was ok, atleast she will not start sobbing loudly.
“We have a proposal for you”
A man’s voice hit her ears, and she turned back. His tones abs peeking from the ‘only’ jacket he was wearing along with many rings in his fingers.
“Who are you?” Riddhima asked him as he took seat next to Angre.
“Riddhima, this is Vyom. Vyom Raigir. My business partner” Angre told as Vyom passed a flirtious smile to Riddhima.
“What proposal?” Riddhima asked directly.
“Well…you are very professional I see.” Vyom said.
“Come to point. It’s midnight and I am not here to waste my time” Riddhima said with a nice, professional smile.
“2 minutes, to the balcony” Vyom said extending his hand to take hers, but she directly headed the balcony.
“2 minutes start now” Riddhima said looking at her watch. She didn’t like his presence at all.
“I want you to marry me. Uh! Just on papers. I mean a court marriage.” Vyom said, trying to make pleading eyes but failed miserably looking like a jerk.
Riddhima stared him for a while, and left marching towards Angre. Keeping her hand with a thud on the table, she glared Angre.
“This is what I have been called for?” Riddhima asked looking at Angre who has hung her head.
“Riddhima.. first listen to him fully!” Angre suggested lightly.
“Yes come back!” Vyom shouted standing far away. Riddhima sighed, moving back.
“Look Riddhima, I am offering you a good life! A house for your own, as you don’t live in. A secondary job you can do after your retirement, a good sum of 180 crores! It’s just a deal for 6 months!” Vyom said lightly.
Riddhima raised her hand to slap him, but stopped intially, and only she knew why. She came back taking her seat next to Ishani while both were waiting for he eto say her decision.
“Wow. Because I am a divorcee, not living in my own house, not having a secured life, not having money to stay on myself, so I will legally marry this stupid man for six months. On the sum of 180 crores! So he will attention what he needs, and I will get free sympathy from everyone. Nice plan Angre.” Riddhima said, backing up her tears.
Ishani inhaled her breath to say something, but Riddhima stopped indicating her palms.
“No need, the room will be emptied. Right now. Thanks for renting me for some days” Riddhima went out, ignoring the calls of IshAngre.
Sobbing hardly, she threw all her clothes in a suitcase which didn’t fit them. She forced it closing the zip, took some photo frames in her big hand bag, and left out as silent as she could, so her Uma Ma doesn’t wake up.
Ishani and Angre ran back to home, being late because of Vyom’s chatters. The whole room was messed up, few things were left in the room. Both looked at each other, with sadness.
“She is very hurt Angre. And why the hell is Vansh Bhai not returning!!” Ishani was totally shook over by things happening.
“He will come soon. Trust me.” Angre said trying to relax her.
“You are saying as I’d you talked to him. Huh!” Ishani said with a pissed face, but Angre smiled. Ishani looked at him, and he assured her with a yes.
“Yes I talked to him. He will come soon. Now come.” Angre took her out of the room.
“Bh..bhaii” Riddhima tried to stop sobbing.
“Rishika what happened! Why are you crying!? Wait I am coming..”
“I left VR Mansion. I won’t stay there.”
Rishi sat back on the sofa, and sighed. His sister was suffering from so much these days..and he is just busy with his patients. Never caring for her.
“Where are you?” Rishi asked her calmly.
“It the street infront of Ahhh!!!!!”
Rishi stood up hearing her scream…his heart raced thinking who could be at this time, it’s mid night!!!
“Hello! Rishika!! Are you listening me! Hello! Riddhuu!!”
Rishi was startled, where could his sister go at mid night? How will he find her?
Without wasting time on thinking, he rushed to the police station. His shouts made all the asleep policemen wake up.
“I want to file a report. I was talking with my sister when…”
“Eh! FIR only in morning. Get out!” One of the officers shouted.
“But my sister!!!” Rishi screamed out loud.
“She would have run away! Or must be playing a prank.” The policeman retorted.
Would she really play a prank, sobbing in the middle of the night?
“No. I just want to get this number tracked. Please!” Rishi was adamant.
“Come with me.” A young policeman led him inside, and he followed him.
“Don’t believe on movies. It takes maximum one hour to track a number. And if it’s near, around 30 minutes.” He passed Rishi a glass of water entering the number.
30 minutes are enough for anything to happen….
“Don’t worry. I can tell your sister is strong. And I will find her.” The young man assured him.
“Why are you so cheesy?” Rishi asked being pissed from him calmness.
“I wasn’t able to find my sister. And then I found her…dead. But! Don’t worry ”
Rishi felt more sinked in. Why did he ask him to get more negative thoughts!!
“Phone is coming from the number. Pick it up. Don’t tell you are at the police station.” He handed over the phone to Rishi.
It was an ugly man on the video call, his eyes himself had evilness.
The screen shifted, and there was Riddhima, fainted and tied to a chair…
Precap– “Dare you take her name from your filthy mouth! For god sake leave me and my sister at our happenings!” Rishi said, joining his hands angrily.
” Respect..! Atleast see whom you are talking to!” Angre said loudly.
“I am talking to a man who is just selfish for his business and ready to destroy my sister’s life.” Rishi said.
“Her life is already destroyed by her..Bitter truth, but Vansh is coming back and is NOT going to have any relation with her anymore. He also has his name, which can’t be ruined by your sister.” Angre lost control on his words.
The biggest precap– ever! .
It’s Rrahul’s birthday!!! Aahh!!!
Sorry for being so lost. I totally forgot that I have to publish also, not just write . Do comment your reviews on his proposal.
The post Battle Scars….- RiAnsh Chapter 17 ‘Proposal’ appeared first on Telly Updates.
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