Vansh was about to say but Ridhima stopped him. ” let her speak vansh…..what were you saying…”
Ragini smirked and started blurting ” Ridhima you poor girl…. not able to understand things that your touch is not allergic to him and he want physical pleasure so she using you for s*xual benefits that other girl can’t give him except you. That is why he chose you in whole world and you are equally a fool who is understanding this things as his love. He will leave you when he will get satisfied with you. Love and with you never because there are many girls who are more beautiful and rich than you so he will go to them why will he choose you….this is hunger that keeping you with him and this can be clearly seen by looking at your neck that he is taking advantage of you.
Ridhima looked at her and then vansh who was in pain because his childhood best friend vomiting shit about him and his relation….” Miss Ragini is anything more you want to tell me then say please” saying this she holds VR ring that she was wearing.
Ragini: no dear… it’s enough!!
Soon Ragini Received two slaps on the face at the same time and one cheek started bleeding because Ridhima turned the face of the ring.
Ragini shouted ” Ridhima!!?”
Ridhima: stop shouting!! How dare you miss Ragini… dare you.
She shouted with the same pitch.
Ridhima: I don’t allow any girl to look at my vansh and you are bad-mouthing him that too in front of me… for mocking my jaan’s character and one for make you remember that for whom you are saying things….this wound will make you remember never say anything against my vansh. Either we getting physical or not it’s none of your concern(shouted ) do you get that it’s none of business.
I don’t think so every couple come to you and tells you the reason behind their relationship are they in relation for money, lust and for love.
Ridhima wiped vansh tears and continued ” vansh is not my love….he is my life…”meri jaan hai”. I don’t call him JAAN only for namesake….he is my life and I even can’t imagine life without him and the same goes with him.” She intertwined her finger with vansh and kissed his hand.” Vansh looked at her with lots of love and hope.
She continued ” if a couple is getting in physical relation it doesn’t means that the only male is the one who is enjoying. The same goes with female partner and I also enjoying his touch….is all man at your home is like this only who take advantage of a girl because at my home I have two amazing man one is my brother and other is my vansh who love me more than anything else….you should fit one thing in your mind all mans are not same who just want body nothings else….one who brought us in this world and known as our father…and always took care of us like doll is also a man and we him hero…..and I don’t need any body’s justification how is he….i know how he love me(she touched the hickey) this..,..he gave me because I allowed him, you know why because I trust him and this is his love, not lust….but you will not the difference between lust and love because you don’t know what is love…..I wish you can experience true love in your life because everyone can’t be lucky like me…..”
Everyone was looking at them and Ridhima asked the two-three couple about same that are they in relation because of physical pleasure and the couple gave the good reply to Ragini. Now she is hell embarrassed and angry because everyone was laughing at her and mocking her.
Ridhima: now you got the answer…..then move out from here because I came here for dinner date with my Love, not with you….so please miss Ragini before I make you miss from this world aap yaha se miss hojaye….I don’t think so that you want more get insulted if you want then I can do….what you thought you will again successful in filling my ears….earlier because of you I almost lost my vansh but not this time….
Ragini moved out with rage. ” Ridhima already it’s late we should go home.” Asked vansh
It was late so Aryan told Ridhima he is not coming and he will meet her some other day. Ridhima also didn’t force him as she knew he was upset with the incident….she is in a dilemma as both men requires her. She called sajal and narrated the whole thing and asked to take care of her brother.
Ridhima goes to their room with food. Vansh was pale and hurt. He was laying on the bed with closed eyes. ” Jaan please eat something”
Vansh (closed eyes) : Ridhima I am not hungry.
Ridhima placed the food plate on the table and sat on the bed. She caressed his face and said “please for me”
Vansh opened his eyes and looked into her eye. He immediately hugged her but hesitation was clearly noticeable. Ridhima feeded him food with her hand and he ate like a small kid.
Both laid on the bed but today vansh didn’t cuddle her. Ridhima also didn’t say anything because she knew he need time to get over from things but after an hour when she saw he was not able to sleep without her. He is just tossing one to another side. She slowly took his head and placed it near her heart as she did earlier when she came to the VR mansion after their marriage. She was massaging his hair by one hand and by the other she was caressing his cheeks and Soon both slept.
Women: yes!! My dear, you are right…..he will destroy everyone’s life who will come near him….especially girls….he destroyed my life and my daughter’s life….(coming near to vansh….beating him with that stick)…your grandmother is also worried because of you vansh….because of you only…you are a curse to our life vansh….you are curse vansh…”
Vansh was crying due to pain and requesting her to stop. They started laughing loudly and vansh was shouted ” No…No…I am not….”
No…no…I am not…curse….
No….please stop it….
He covered his both ears with palms and kneeled but continued” No…No….I am not…listen…I am not curse…..No…”
Vansh was drenched in sweat and shouting “No…No….I am not…listen…I am not curse…..No…”
Ridhima was trying to wake him up but he was just covering his ears and shouting again and again. Ridhima hugged him and he was started breathing heavily….” Vansh…Jaan….vansh” now Ridhima started fearing….
Vansh was struggling for breath and Ridhima was crying….” Jaan what happening to you….(sobbing) open your eye….see your sweetheart is with you…please open your eyes….”
Vansh’s body started getting cold. Ridhima cried ” jaan you can’t allow to win them over our love….you can’t allow to win your fear over our love….please open your eyes and see me….please jaan try to breathe and don’t make my touch fear to you like other girls… know you can also behave normal but you have to win over your fear for girls and try tobreath….please try to breathe…”(sobbing)
She was continuously rubbing his palms and sole of his foot…..she ran to change the temperature of the room….she closed AC….switched on room heater….” Vansh you know Jaan our willpower is the biggest strength in the world….open your eyes for our love…look at me ( sobbing)…please open your eyes….you can’t fear from my touch like other girls….I am your sweetheart nah….(crying)”
She was continuously rubbing his body as it was getting cold….she was bathing in sweat due to intense heat in room even her skin was also start eching….but she was not caring about it she just want her vansh who was struggling for breath….
Ridhima brought hot water and started wiping his body with using a cotton cloth…..soon vansh’s temperature became normal and his breathing also became normal…..Ridhima kissed him in happiness as she got her “JAAN” back….
When she found him fully normal so she made him wear clothes. She closed room heater and opened all windows so get fresh air…. Whole she didn’t sleep and took care of him….she spent her whole to just look at him…
In the morning, when he opened his eyes he saw her with pale face and trashes of tears…vansh with worried face ” what happen Ridhima….” Ridhima hugged him tightly “I LOVE VANSH”
Vansh breaking the hug ” what happen why are you crying”
Ridhima: Jaan wo in the night….your attack…I was scared….scared to lose you (cried)
Vansh: I am fine Ridhima….stop crying….I know nothing going to happen when you are with me….look what you made yourself and how tired you are….
Ridhima: no!!! I am not but I want your help….can you help me in taking bath….
Vansh: Ridhima!!!
Ridhima: you are my husband and what is wrong in this….
Vansh: but!!!
Ridhima: but what???? I am just asking you to help me…..
Vansh: I am calling D’ suza….she will help you…
Ridhima: vansh!!!
He moved out of the room. Ridhima didn’t go to college as she was tired and her body was paining.
After taking good sleep she called sejal and asked about Aryan. Sejal informed that he is sad for ishani….but he was not ready to accept his feelings for her….
Then she called Aryaan and asked about the things…he told the same as sejal told and refused to accept that he also feels for her. They chit chat for some time…
She called vansh to know about him and she was worried due to last night incident but didn’t talk much and ended the call by saying his meeting is lined up.
At night Ridhima made arrangements for vansh. She decorated the room with roses and candles….
She called vansh and asked him to come soon but he refused….she requested more and somehow she managed . After some time he came and saw room decorated beauty he became awkward and asked ” why these arrangements “
Ridhima: we are together and to celebrate we don’t need any occasion… are with me and I am with you then we can celebrate daily our love…..
Ridhima came forward and hugged him but he broke the hug. Ridhima looked at him and said ” tell me how am I looking”
Vansh looked at her from top to bottom and said “beautiful “
Ridhima “let’s eat first as I am very hungry.” They ate food…then Ridhima took vansh to the small room that she made inside their room with help of curtains, lights and all.

Vansh: wow!!!
Ridhima: you like it…
Vansh: love it Ridhima…so!!
Ridhima came in front of him and turned to show her back…
Vansh: what?
Ridhima: unzip my gown…
Vansh: Ridhima I really don’t need your body only….I really love you and I will never betray you and leave you….I am with you because I love you….
Ridhima turned to him and cupped his face said ” when I said you want my body….I don’t give a damn to that girl….I know how much you love me…and why are you coming in her web….”
Vansh: then why are you doing this…
Ridhima: vansh do as I am saying….
She again turned and He unzipped her gown with the shivering hand and a lone tear came out from his eye….now she is transparent bra and her part of her gown came down….but vansh closed his eyes before unzipping her gown…
Ridhima: vansh tell me how is it…
Vansh with breaking voice “ridhima!!!”
Ridhima turned and saw him with closed eyes. She slapped her head and with an angry tone ” vansh….you always say that I am kid now see how you behaving….” Saying this she wiped his tears….
Vansh: first makes your gown right.
Ridhima: Jaan do you trust me….
Vansh: more than myself….
Ridhima: then open your eyes…
Vansh opened his eyes and saw

It was made on her lower back near the loin….
Ridhima: how is it…
Vansh touched the tattoo and Ridhima hissed…” sorry!! Is it still paining Ridhima”
Ridhima “nope”. Vansh kissed the tattoo. Ridhima was about to turn but he stooped her and pulled her gown up but zip got broken…so he removed his shirt and made her wear.
Ridhima went outside that room and pulled out her gown fully and came only in his shirt. Vansh was sitting and she sat in his lap.” you didn’t tell me how is it”
Vansh: it was must be painful nah…why did you do it….
Ridhima: because the love that my heart hold ofr you is bigger than this pain…this is nothing in front of our love….you already claimed my heart now I marked this body as your…..what she thinks herself and how can she think that our love and trust that much weak which she can break by her mere words…so she is highly mistaken Jaan….
Vansh was speechless ” when you started loving to this extend Ridhima!!!” Tears fall from his eyes…..” the day you hold my hand when I was lost in the crowd….the day you showed your selfless love for me…..the day you accepted me with my flaws and came to support me when I pushed you away from me….the day you accepted me as I am and didn’t try to change me….”
Saying this she kissed his forehead, eyes cheeks and moved to lips but she didn’t kiss him on lips. She hold his hand kept on her bare thigh and rubbed there then to her belly but vansh freed his hand and looked into her eyes murmured ” Ridhima”
Ridhima: jaan since the day we accepted our feeling we are kissing and getting cosy…..then today why this hesitation between us…..why are you feeling awkward in touching me… Ragini and her worlds are more important than our love…..I wasn’t felt as much work when she said those things but now I am feeling much bad because you are accepting her words and making the distance between us….do you know if you continue behaving like this then what will be the result of the relation….you are making then win over pure relation….if anyone said something it doesn’t mean that he/she is right and we have accept that thing because someone said to us…..why to react to their bullshit……many people will try to destroy you it’s upon you will you stand like a rock or sand….you are believing her words but not your love….is she more than important than my words, my love and me.”
She got teary and looked away….
Vansh made her look at him but she burst into crying hard. He hugged her tightly and murmured ” I am sorry Ridhima….sorry please forgive me….I shouldn’t have behaved that way.”
Breaking the hug she joined her head with him….” You don’t know Jaan how many times I was died seeing you in that condition….if something happen to you then I will also die because you are beat of my heart…” (Cried)
Vansh: sorry!!!
Wiped her tears and kissed her forehead…
Vansh: Ridhima you said that Ragini filled your ears and you were about to lose me….i don’t get it…
Ridhima: leave nah…..
Vansh: I want to know….
Ridhima: first you tell me why you didn’t tell me that she proposed you…..
Vansh: leave…
Ridhima: why vansh…..why to leave….
The post Tu jaroori sa hai #Riansh (immj2) episode 28 appeared first on Telly Updates.
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