Episode 4
The episode starts with sun rising .
As a little bit sunlight falls on Bondita’s face , she looked more beautiful at that moment, Anirudh wakes up and just glares at Bondita’s beautiful face.. He caressed her hair. Suddenly Bondita’s wake up from her sleep worrying..
Anirudh- What happened Bondita??
Bondita- A very bad nightmare!!
Anirudh- What nightmare? Bondita, it’s just a dream.
Bondita- I am feeling uneasy… I am feeling that something bad is going to happen…
Anirudh- Nothing bad will happen, just pray to Dugaa Maa about the welfare of our family and you get more cases in future..
Bondita smiled. But deep in inside her heart, she can feel that something bad is going to happen.
In the living room,
Ksj- Bahu, please bring me a cup of tea.
Bondita- yes , ksj…
Bondita brings tea and gives it to ksj.
Ksj- wow bahu , I have drank your band’s tea after a long period of time.. you are the grihalakshmi of our house.. and now you are also a able barrister. I am soo proud of you..
Bondita- (smiles) thank you ksj, I will never let you down and will always make you proud..
Ksj smiles.
After sometime, Bondita comes downstairs .
Bondita- ksj, I am ready to go to the court. Please give me blessing , so that I could get my second case…
Ksj- May god bless you.. be happy , safe and brave…
Bondita smiles and leave for the court.
On the other hand , Tupur was in a dark room and was taking to someone.
Tupur- I want my revenge , I will not let Roy Chowdhury’s to live peace fully.
Voice- Be calm , we will take our revenge but not now , when the correct time arrives.
Tupur- Bondita had killed my husband, my husband never loved me, he always was behind Bondita. I want to kill Bondita.
Voice- Bondita is a bitter enemy of mine but if we don’t wait for correct time and place, we may be caught by police . And If I am caught by police , it’s a threat to my job.
Tupur- I can understand you.. just we have to wait.
Voice- (devil smile)
(Aside) Bondita , I will take my revenge , be ready for your punishment..
precap- Tapur and the person is playing chess and planning how they can take their revenge from Anirudh and Bondita.. On the other hand Bondita and Anirudh engages in a romantic moment.
(Hi sis, here is my 4th episode of my fanfiction…. I have not mentioned the person behind the walls , its your time to guess who is the person. Keep loving and supporting)
Lots of love
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