Monday, 27 September 2021

Magical love story of Jinn and Ayaana (Chapter 1)


Hi friends many of you asked me to start the story from first so this is for you.Thankyou  for your comments and reading my FF.kindly say your liking guide me how you want to see this story

In Lucknow

Morning time sunshine cool breeze beautiful flowers birds choping mesmerizing scenery .A two beautiful eyes was shown it is a beautiful girl who was giving food for birds.

(Suddenly someone called)

Salma: roshni dear

Roshni:yaa mom

Salma:what your doing dear it’s getting late for you

Roshni:I know maa but I was busy in admiring this beautiful nature

Allah knows best how beautiful he has created this world

Salma: enough of admiring dear time is up for you

Roshni:ok maa bye love you and take care

In Junaid Manzil

a person is wearing his coat and getting ready .he is seeing his side there is a eagle he was not admiring the nature only darkness was surrounded him.someone comes 



Dadi:aman come it’s time let’s have breakfast


Suddenly someone comes

Dadi: good morning Rubina

Rubina: good morning maa

Dadi:years passed but the darkness beside aman didn’t change

Rubina:don’t worry everything will change

kindly comment me what you like .it will be quite different when episode goes on.

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