Thursday, 23 September 2021

RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 63


Hi guys, 

Thank you all for your immense response. Please, do keep supporting me like this.. 

Episode begins with.. 

Riddhima comes to the park. Just then, some kids comes in front of her. They all asks her to sit down. They all kiss her. Riddhima smiles. The kids tells that her smile is cute and asks her to smile always.. 

Saying so, they all run away. Just then, vansh comes there.. 

VANSH: Did you hear that? 

RIDDHIMA: Was it all your work? 

VANSH: Of course.. But, what they told was true. Sometimes, we have to teach the kids to speak truth. That’s what I did.. By the way, don’t lose your smile. Whatever might happen in your life, don’t stop smiling. I know there are lot of problems in your life. Even more problems might come in future. Because, you are problem prone zone.. Do you remember? 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, I won’t spare you this time.. 

She hits him on his leg. He falls down. He also pulls riddhima while falling. Riddhima too falls on him. They both have an eyelock.. 

VANSH: Don’t make this mistake next time.. 

RIDDHIMA: Leave me.. 

VANSH: I didn’t hold you. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, all are watching us. Get up first.. Get up.. 

VANSH: I can’t.. 

RIDDHIMA: Don’t argue.. Get up.. 

VANSH: I can’t.. 

RIDDHIMA: Idiot, get up. Dint be arrogant.. 

VANSH: I’m not arrogant. I’m helpless.. 

RIDDHIMA: This is the last time I’m telling you.. 

VANSH: Even I’m saying this last time. I can’t get up until you get up devil.. Because, you fell on me. I didn’t.. 

Just then, riddhima realizes. She bites her tongue and gets up. Vansh too gets up.. 

VANSH: Wait, what did you do now? 


VANSH: You bit your tongue, right? That too was cute.. 

Riddhima smiles.. 

VANSH: Wow, what a power for a lie? 

RIDDHIMA: What did you say? 

VANSH: Lie.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh.. 

VANSH: Did you see that? 


Vansh takes his mobile and switches on the front camera. He takes a selfie with riddhima.. 

VANSH: I told about this devil.. Actually, whenever you get angry you exactly look like a devil.. 

Riddhima was again about to hit vansh.. Vansh looks at her and signs her not to kick him again.. 

VANSH: Don’t repeat the mistake.. 

Riddhima goes. Vansh looks at the selfie and smiles. 

Vansh and riddhima reachea the office. Sejal looks at both and comes to them.. 

SEJAL: At least now are you both okay? 

VANSH: I’m okay.. But, she’ll always be mad. Because, she is in her last stage madness. This can’t be cured.. 

RIDDHIMA: (shouts) Vansh.. 

Sejal pinches riddhima and signs that the staffs are looking at her. Vansh smiles and goes to his cabin. Riddhima follows him. Sejal bangs his head and goes.. 

Riddhima comes to the cabin and looks at vansh. She sits on her chair and checks the files. Vansh looks at her. When riddhima looks at vansh he looks at his mobile. Riddhima notices him and gets angry.. 

RIDDHIMA: What are you doing? 

VANSH: Sighting.. 


VANSH: Sight.. Sight seeing. I was just looking for a best  location to set my new office.. 

RIDDHIMA: Now office? 

VANSH: Don’t worry.. I won’t leave you and your office until all your problems get solved.. 

Saying so, he goes.. 


Both riddhima and vansh comes home. Just then, virat too comes there.. Vansh notices him. 

VANSH: Mom, did you had your dinner? 

UMAV No vansh.. 

VANSH: Let’s all have it together… 

Virat was about to go.. 

VANSH: Virat, where are you going? Come let’s all have our dinner together.. 

Virat and sia gets happy. Uma and riddhima sits on the dining table. Vansh notices there are two chairs on one side of riddhima and one chair on the other side of the riddhima. Vansh goes and sits on that one chair. Virat notices two chairs near riddhima. He was about to sit on the second chair. Vansh sighs sia to sit on that chair. Sia stops virat and sits on that chair. 

VIRAT: Sia, you sit here near riddhima.. 

SIA: No.. I want to sit near my mom. So, I’ll sit here. You come and sit next to me.. 

Virat notices riddhima. 

VANSH: Virat, sit.. What are you thinking? 

Virat notices sia’s happy face and sits next to riddhima. Vansh notices them and smiles.. 

VANSH: Wow, what a cute brother and sister.. 

RIDDHIMA: Did you say anything? 

VANSH: No.. No.. Why would I? 

RIDDHIMA: But, I heard something like cute brother and sister.. 

Virat hears it.. Vansh notices virat.. 

VANSH: No.. No.. I said what a cute paratha and chutney.. 

RIDDHIMA: What? Have you gone mad? 

VANSH: If you keep on questioning me, I’m going to become mad.. I mean, I’m hungry.. Let’s eat.. 

Riddhima serves everyone and sits to eat.. 

VANSH: (thinking) My god!! What a narrow escape.. If she comes to know what I said, then this devil would have eaten me instead of this parotta.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, did you say anything? 

VANSH: Were you able to hear my mindvoice too? 


VANSH: Don’t you know any other word other than this what in English? 

Riddhima looks at him angrily.. 

VANSH: Okay.. Virat, can you get me that chutney? 

Virat takes it.. 

VANSH: Riddhima, get it from virat.. 

Riddhima gets it from him and passess it to vansh.. Riddhima while eating coughs continuously. Vansh panics and was about to get the water but notices virat getting water for her. He stands and notices him. Virat offers water to riddhima and she drinks it. Just then, both realizes that others are watching them. Both leaves to their room.. 

VANSH: Where are you both going? 

VIRAT & RIDDHIMA: (simultaneously) I’m finished.. 

Both virat and riddhima looks at each and leaves in different direction.. Vansh notices them and smiles.. 

VANSH: Perfect siblings.. Only there is a little misunderstanding and little ego.. 

He goes. Vansh comes to his room and finds riddhima upset.. 

VANSH: Riddhima, let’s go out for a night walk.. 

RIDDHIMA: Okay.. Super.. 

Vansh takes riddhima out for a night walk.. 

VANSH: Now, tell me.. What’s your problem? 

RIDDHIMA: How do you know that there is a problem? 

VANSH: Your face told me.. Now, just tell me. Was it related to shwetha? 

Riddhima looks at him.. 

VANSH: Simple.. I saw you looking at shwetha and getting sad.. So, I just guessed it.. But, seeing your expression now, I’m sure that it is about shwetha. Tell me.. What’s the problem.. 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh, do you remember Varun? Shwetha’s ex boyfriend.. 

VANSH: The one whom you sent to the jail? 

RIDDHIMA: Yes.. The old lady whom I hit accidentally and admitted in the hospital is varun’ aunt.. 

Vansh gets shocked.. 

RIDDHIMA: She is like a mother to Varun. She raised her. She is cancer patient. I came to know of her condition from the doctor. Doctor told me that she won’t be alive for more than a month. Today, I met her.. She wanted me to get Varun out.. 

She tells everything.. Vansh gets shocked hearing all that.. 

RIDDHIMA: I don’t know what to do? If it was about me, I would have come to a conclusion by now. But, shwetha is involved in this. I can’t take any decision which can bring any harm to her in future. Her parents are trusting me. My decision shouldn’t spoil her life. I don’t know what to do.. I’m totally confused.. Why is all this happening to me, vansh?

VANSH: Riddhima, shall I say something? 

RIDDHIMA: Tell me.. 

VANSH: My mom used to tell me.. God usually gives problems only if they can solve it. She also say that if there is a problem then, definitely there will be a solution too.. There is no lock in this world without a key.. May be the key is not easily available.. Even if there is no key we can break the lock.. Similarly problems in our life is also the same.. Find a key for your problems.. But, you should search it. If you can’t find then, break that lock.. Problems will be there.. One after the other. Similarly, there will be a key too. We must find key for all those locks. That is life.. 

Riddhima looks at him and thinks.. 

VANSH: But, search for that key with your full heart.  Listen to your heart. It will lead you to your key.. Take that key and open the lock.. You will be able to breathe the fresh air. 

Riddhima closes her eyes and thinks. After few minutes, a smile appears on her face. Vansh notices her.. 

VANSH: I think you found your key.. 


VANSH: What’s it? 

RIDDHIMA: Vansh. My key to all my problems.. 

Both smile looking at each other.. 

PRECAP: Riddhima and vansh comes to jail to meet varun.. 

Do comment your views and suggestions if any to be made.. 

The post RIANSH: WILL THEY FALL IN LOVE? (A beautiful journey) Episode 63 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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