Thursday, 21 July 2022

Meet 21st July 2022 Written Episode Update: Raj makes a shocking news to announcement


Meet 21st July 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Meet seeing video and says that’s a great video Tej it feels like I’m a teacher, I’ll upload it in internet. Meet Ahlawat walks to her and she ask what happen why are you looking at me. He put his finger on her mouth and stops her from saying anything more, he hold her hand and apply lotion and bandage on her hand, he get up and start walking away. Manjari stop him and says what happen to you are you fine. He listen and walk out.

Meet Ahlawat outside thinks now I’ll bring your reality infront of everyone with my good deeds. Meet thinks what happen to him, what Manjari did to him that he is being good to her I think so my words changed me.

Meet Ahlawat says I have tried everything to bring her reality out, I tried with anger a lot but now I’ll use love because love make a human miserable and will make her believe I love Manjari and she won’t accept that and tell the truth.

Meet prays to God and says now I think everything is going fine, I have cleared my first path, Manushi thinks I’m from Gujrat, god show me the way and help me to get to my destination.

Manjari in her room with Popat says I have to do something so that Manushi tell me everything because she thinks me Manjari and I have to gain her more trust. She gets call from Manushi. Popat ask her to pickup. Manushi says to her hi bestfriend and now we are best friend so can you do me a favor. Manjari says tell what you want. Manushi says my sister’s jewellery is in Ahlawat’s house so can you get me my sister’s jewellery please. Manjari says it’s a tricky work but we are best friends so I can ask why you need jewellery. Manushi start crying says that jewellery is the last belonging of my sister so if you get me then I’ll feel she is with me and Mom and Dadi will also feel grear. Meet thinks how rich you my be but still you will remain greedy. Manjari says feels like you use to love eachother so much. Manushi say’s yes I use to love her a lot but why are you crying. Manjari says no I’m not crying I just got emotional after listening about your sister, don’t worry just tell me what I have to do. Manushi and Kunal get’s excited. Manushi tell her about the safe and get the keys from Raj so tell me would you be able to do. Manjari says I’ll try to ask him. Manushi says you are the best and disconnects call. Kunal praises her for her acting. Popat says this is not right Meet how can you do this. Meet says this is the path which eill get me close to Manushi more.

Manushi waiting for Manjari. Manjari walks to her. Manushi thinks she got bad this means she is carrying jewellery too. Manjari get’s excited after seeing her says you look so beautiful in this dress, jewellery and makeup. Manushi says relax and tell me did you do my work. Manjari says I did more then you ask. Manushi says great work I’m impressed and try to take the bag. Manjari take it back. Manushi says I’m sorry this is the last belonging of my sister and I feel close to her these jewellery is love form my sister. Manjari says you are right but this doesn’t have your sister’s jewellery, I mean Raj guve me key’s but you didn’t told me how your sister’s jewellery look, when I open safe there were so many jewellery and I didn’t know how your sister’s jewellery look, if I have take wrong jewellery then they would have called me fraud, whatever you want just share me photo and I’ll get ut for you. Manushi ask then what are you having in this bag. Manjari says give her package says these are samosa from Mangu Halwae go and share with your family too now I’ll leave. Manushi throw the packets. Meet thinks you have already took so much from Ahlawat’s and I won’t let you take anything more.

Everyone at dining table. Ragini offer Meet Ahlawat a samosa. Ram walks to them and apologies for getting late and ask who brought samosa today. Isha says Manjari brought for us from Mangu Halwae. Ram says she take good care of everyone. Meet Ahlawat says to Ram you took 2 crores from company account. Ram says I have invested somewhere if you want details I’ll mail you. He says no worries you withdraw for investment it must be calculated. Raj walk down with Manjari. Manjari says from now on papaji will eat with us. Ram says you are right and says to Raj you look good from earlier. Raj says I have to because Isha is getting married soon so what is in breakfast he looks at samosa and get’s happy. Babita says to Raj you cannot eat it. Raj says when I was in room I was eating what you made for me but why same menu outside room I can eat atleast one. Manjari says have this taste and healthy. Raj says poha. Manjari serve breakfast for Meet Ahlawat too but he get up and says I’m getting late for meeting I’ll leave now and he start walking. Raj says what happen to your tie and ask Manjari to make it right. Masum get’s up. Raj says I asked her to make it right. Masum says they are separated so. Raj says don’t you understand at once, he ask her to sit and ask Manjari to look after tie. Manjari walks to him he stops her get a stool for her and help her to get on it. Manjari make his tie right. He give her tie pin. Manjari put that too. He thanks her. Raj says to Meet Ahlawat wait for a minute and says I have to do something of Masums behaviour again and again she says that they are separated, they are not husband and wife, we all know what happen in our house back few years after so long everyone is happy just because of our daughter in law Meet, they are together that’s why everyone is happy that’s why I feel this occasion is will be great, in Isha’s marriage we can make our happiness double by making Meet and Meet Ahlawat married again. Everyone in shock after hearing this.

Meet Ahlawat ask Manjari will you marry me, in future you will get married to someone. I’ll become a husband which you must have thought because you are same as I imagined about my wife. Meet Ahlawat thinks you won’t be able to bear the fact that I want to get married to Manjari which will provoke you to tell truth.

Update Credit to: Tanaya

The post Meet 21st July 2022 Written Episode Update: Raj makes a shocking news to announcement appeared first on Telly Updates.

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