Thursday, 21 July 2022

Apnapan 20th July 2022 Written Episode Update: Nick learns Vishal’s matter


Apnapan 20th July 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Pallavi talking to Nick and crying. She says I missed Harsh and Manna a lot. He says but they are with you now, you have everything. She says you have money and I have children, even then we are empty within, do you wish that everything gets fine. Gagan says it was Harsh’s plan to make us wash the utensils. Manna says don’t worry, I will pay the bill. Badal says something is wrong, mum didn’t call us since morning. Gagan asks Barkha did mum call her. Barkha says no, I will go and check, where is she. Pallavi says I m so tired, I don’t want to do anything now. Nick goes and gives his shoulder to her. She says I want to sleep.

She holds his hand. Bol hal halke….plays… Badal says I heard Shanky and Lolita’s talks, mum is going to remarry. Manna and Barkha ask what. Harsh smiles and messages Nandita, I got the papers, its over now. Badal says Ranveer has proposed her. Barkha asks what, how can she remarry. Gagan says wow, our dad turned alive and we got to know about our siblings, now she wants to remarry. Manna says it can be a misunderstanding. Badal says Lolita is her best friend, Pallavi didn’t refuse for the marriage. Nani asks whose marriage, I heard it, I knew it. Gagan asks did you know. She says yes and laughs. He argues. Badal asks him to talk to elders well.

Manna cries and says mom’s marriage, no. She leaves. Ishaan goes after her. Barkha asks Badal and Gagan to stop fighting. Nani asks why would Pallavi marry Ranveer when you got a rich dad now, you all are selfish. Pallavi wakes up and shouts Nikhil. Nick gets aside and says maybe she got fine. She asks what did you feed me. He says vodka. She asks what did I say. They hear a sound and think it’s a thief. She argues. He asks her to stay there. They argue. Nick hits the thief. They see Shanky. Ishaan asks Manna to stop, look on. She turns and sees a truck. She screams. Nick says sorry, what are you doing here. Shanky jokes on their scene. Nick says shut up, else I will really hit you. Shanky says I forgot my phone, so I have come, I saw Pallavi’s phone and came to check here. Pallavi thanks Shanky. She goes to call the kids. Nick also checks missed calls. They both call back. They leave.

Ishaan asks Manna are you okay. Ishaan goes to take a call. Badal gets haldi milk. Manna says no thanks. Badal asks who does this, its good Ishan was there. Harsh comes and says its all my mistake, so sorry, I should have not left you there. Manna says its not your mistake. Pallavi comes and asks how did this happen. Ishaan says she is okay, she isn’t taking medicines. Pallavi asks Manna to take medicines. Nick comes and asks are you okay, Manna. Manna refuses. Nick asks what’s all this. Manna asks Pallavi not to act that they care for her. Harsh asks why, did anyone say anything, tell me, did Gagan and Barkha say anything. Gagan and Barkha say no. Manna says mom is marrying Ranveer uncle, why do you talk about family. Pallavi says its nothing like that. Nick says lets go back to the hotel. Pallavi says its her house. Manna says we have no home. Harsh says you ruined our childhood. They ask why do you want to marry Ranveer. Nani asks who are you to ask her, doesn’t she have a right to stay happy, with or without Nick.

She says Pallavi is my daughter, if she wants to marry Ranveer, then my blessing is with her. She coughs. Pallavi asks her to calm down. Nani asks Badal to drop her to her room. Nick asks can I talk to you. Pallavi goes with him. Harsh hugs Manna. Nick asks will you talk to Manna about this. Pallavi sees Vishal coming. Nick says come with me, we will discuss about the party. He says we got a big catering order, it’s a big one for us, Ram Kapoor is also involved, we don’t have much time, we have to focus on this, you have to do all the work. Pallavi says remove Vishal, how dare he come here. Nick asks why, he is from my team. She says you both are together in this. They see Badal fighting with someone. Badal says they are saying bad things about your character, Vishal did this, that video… Pallavi asks do you trust me. Badal says yes. Pallavi says keep head high and go, I can’t do anything that stains my character, they will keep saying anything they want, don’t worry, you do what you want. Nick looks on. Pallavi takes Badal. Nick thinks Pallavi was blaming me, but for what, I have to find out.

Its morning, Nick asks Vishal why did he call Pallavi to the hotel room. Vishal says you know such women, she was interested in me, she is with Ranveer, she wanted something more, so she came to meet me. Nick says you are right, why would anyone come to someone’s hotel room. Vishal says sorry to say, she talks big things. Nick says its unbelievable. Ranveer comes and beats up Vishal. He says how dare you say this. Nick stops him. He says you did cheating with my company, I know everything so I removed you. He asks Vishal to go inside and do the preparations. He asks Ranveer to get out, else he will call the police. Ranveer leaves.

Nick says I m more qualified to tell about marriage. Nimmi taunts Pallavi’s character. Ram says I won’t hear anything against a woman’s character. Nick asks Ram to relax, and not get into these things.

Update Credit to: Amena

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