Monday, 28 December 2020

Unearth your love – Ishq Mein Marjawan 2 (Episode 1) #Thriller #IMMJ2


Episode starts in Sehgal’s Mansion’s hall,where Riddhima’s brothers chases  her(coz she snactched her brothers phones)

Ranveer:Riddhu stop..Give me my phone back (panting)

Riddhima:(laughing,Her pretty face is glowing in happiness)Bhai you can’t catch me.

Adi:please stop riddhima (tired)(rested himself on a couch) .

Riddhima: Adi bhai you can’t get your phone back (taunting her brother, Naughty).

Still Adi is resting on couch as he doesn’t want his phone back.and Ranveer tries to snatch his phone from riddhima’s hand and he succeeded.

Adi: Riddhima I don’t need my phone back…(laughing evily)But Now I’m going to call your crush Mr.Kabir sharma from landline.

Riddhima:No no no(angrily).

They continue arguing each other and resumes fight

Scene:VR mansion

Siya(on wheel chair): Bhai shall we go to shopping today..?

Vansh: Siya not today as I’m going on an important work along with angre….let’s go tomorrow.

Ishani:Bhai I don’t understand ..Why you always cares about work(angrily)

Vansh:No Ishani..I’m really busy today.I assure let’s go tomorrow…ok (winks)

Ishani and siya :Ok bhai(smiles)

Vansh and angre goes out on an important work

Scene:Sehgal’s Mansion

Suhani:I got a call from marriage bureau members.

Avinash : For what(laughs)

Suhani:(ups her eyebrows)for swayamvar for me.

Avinash:Really…(taunts her)

Suhani: (desperately)For our beti Riddhima

Avinash:Why it is so fast…?

Suhani:I think it is too late..Find a good gentleman for her.

Avinash:I want Riddhu beta to get married to my best friend’s son Vansh.

Suhani:fantastic idea…But I don’t know who is vansh.

Avinash:He is a young business tycoon..after my friend ajay’s demise he took care of his business and family with single hand.I think he can also take care of our naughty riddhu.He is perfect for her (smile).

Suhani:Will riddhu agrees with your decision…?(doubtfully)

Avinash:I’ll make her agree(winks)

Scene:On a road

Riddhima: Today I’m going to propose kabir…Then I will lead a simple and happy life with my prince charming(blushes)

Sejal:Do you think he is perfect for you…?(Doubt fully)

Riddhima:My heart is saying that “He is perfect for me”.

Losts in kabir’s thoughts

Scene:In a meeting 

Vansh: Nobody is perfect(angrily)

A person : Do you think you’re perfect for this..?(pointing towards a project file)

Vansh: ofcourse, I do (leaves the meeting area by fixing his watch correctly)

Precap: Riddhima proposes kabir.Vansh and Riddhima’s first meet in Sehgal’s party.Vansh remembers something by looking at Riddhima.

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