Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Imlie 1st September 2021 Written Episode Update: Aditya Is Dead?


Imlie 1st September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Malini cries after hearing about Adi missing. Rupali offers her water and then consoles Aparna. Aparna cries vigorously. Sundar returns and says he brought kheer ingredients and Saparna can prepare it for Adi now. Aparna cries more followed by Pankaj and others. Sundar shocked asks what happened. Harish says Adi is just missing, they shouldn’t cry and search him instead. Aparna says she will prepare kheer for Adi and rushes towards kitchen but collapses. Imlie holds and consoles her. Aparna reciprocates and cries holding her tightly asking if her Adi will return. Imlie says he will. Aparna gets conscious and pushing her away warns to dare not touch her; she thought Imlie is a black dot on their family’s dignity, but she is an eclipse which eats sun and ate her Adi. Rupali consoles her and says bhai will be back.

Nishant picks inspector’s call and informs family that police found a deadbody near mountain bed and called them to identify the dead body. Aparna breaks down more. Malini cries in guilt, but Anu stops her. Mithi consoles Imlie. Tripathi family reaches morgue and each one remember Adi’s love for them. Aparna cries that Adi apologized her and she didn’t, she cannot forgive herself now. Pankaj says it can be their Adi. Malini cries that she did wrong. Anu stops her. Imlie says she will not see dead body as it can’t be Adi. Harish walks to dead body and extends his trembling hands towards cloth on its face. Inspector says if he gets afraid, who will idenity dead body. Harish again with trembling hand gathers courage and removes cloth while everyone close eyes in fear. Harish relaxes seeing someone else’s body and informs he is not his son. Whole cries relaxed. Inspector says if this is not his son, then its difficult to get his son’s dead body. Imlie shouts at inspector not to say that as Adi is fine and promised her to return. Harish consoles her followed by Pankaj.

Precap: Imlie says her lamp of hope is still on and promies Aparna to bring back Adi alive. Mithi blesses her. Dulari showers kumkum over her while she leaves house.

Update Credit to: MA

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