Friday, 3 September 2021

Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 2nd September 2021 Written Episode Update: Bhim Rao persuades people.


Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 2nd September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The episode starts with Ramji assuring everyone that Bhim Rao won’t do anything, he asked everyone to go back. Hitesh asked him to understand that the people didn’t want to change, they will live the way they have been living. Bhim Rao asked him to speak respectfully to his father. Hitesh told Bhim Rao to behave or else he would be thrown out. Ramji requested Hitesh to live peacefully, he was here for a few days. Everyone went inside.

Rama said that she would support Bhim Rao in his struggle to arrange streetlamps. Bhim Rao said that her supports eases him. Rama asked him to tell all this to Gomti. She went inside. Bhim Rao said to himself that there was no one in his life except Rama. He said that he must convince Ramji in his plan.

Next morning, everyone was having breakfast. Bhim Rao was leaving. Ramji questioned his study pattern whilst he wasn’t going to college. Bhim Rao replied that he was going to taking tuition from Guruji, later he will self – study at home. Ramji asked him to take care of his precious time. Bhim Rao drank the milk and left. Jijabai asked Ramji to give better explanations later. Ramji left for his work.

Hitesh announced that Gegnesh went to Rajkot, he would work there. Everyone questioned how he left in a night. Gegnesh said that the man was indebted to 5 annas, he must pay them within two days otherwise he would fire up a piece of cloth. Hitesh also told Ramji that he has shifted here permanently and that he won’t tolerate anything which didn’t please him.
Puranjan had unpleasant feelings regarding Hitesh. Ramji said that he couldn’t see anyone at peace, it was better to stay away from him. He saw Bhim Rao standing, he went to him. Bhim Rao was trying to convince Ramji on the matter of streetlamps, it was a necessity. Ramji asked Bhim Rao not to argue, he would not permit. Bhim Rao wont insisted but would ask for his permission every day. He wanted Ramji’s support and guidance. Puranjan said that Ramji knew that Bhim Rao was stubborn and that he wasn’t wrong. He asked Ramji to support him, he was the one who taught him to voice up and fight. Ramji told Bhim Rao that the ministry was too corrupted, they won’t help him. Bhim Rao questioned that what must he do?

Joshi came to the society, regarding the streetlamps issue. People were against Bhim Rao’s will. Hitesh said that Bhim Rao was educated that’s why he was stubborn. Joshi was mad at Hitesh, asked him to silence up. The woman said that they wanted to live the way they have been living. Joshi asked them to teach that attitude to Bhim Rao, God gave him birth in the lower caste and because of that he must live like that. Bhim Rao would only go to Governor for him, not for everyone else. Joshi said that if people wanted to live in peace, Bhim Rao continued that they must be thrown out. Rama questioned if Joshi’s frequent visits to the lower caste’s locality didn’t affect his upper status. Joshi replied it being his house which has been captured. Bhim Rao said that they were tenants, who paid rent. Joshi said that the upper caste gave orders while the lower caste obeyed them. He asked that the Bombay wasn’t of his father, he must not assume that people would light up his locality. Rama answered Joshi that Bombay wasn’t of his father or uncle, but Bhim Rao stopped her, said that they must misbehave. Her siblings supported her, Bhim Rao ordered them to go inside. Joshi told Bhim Rao that he was going to the office where his father was a servant.

Rama cried; her siblings were against Bhim Rao’s scold. They left. Rama said that Bhim Rao would scold her but talk to Gomti and answer her letters.

Rama’s siblings informed Bhim Rao that Rama was crying, he went inside to check on her. Rama wiped her tears, refused that she was crying. Her siblings said that she was crying loudly. Rama asked them to leave. Bhim Rao questioned why she scolded them; she was the one who lied. Rama said that she was the only one at wrong while he was the one receiving letters and answering them. Bhim Rao asked him not to indulge in these matters, he told her about the letter. She must not get into this reading and writing. Rama questioned if she was being taunted. Bhim Rao asked her to let go; he needed his help. He wanted her to visit lower caste localities and talk to the people who work for government institutes. Rama questioned, Bhim Rao explained.
Bhim Rao was addressing that despite the lowest jobs which the people were performing the government deprived them their basic right of light. The people asked how they could help. Bhim Rao must write another application. Bhim Rao didn’t want to write an application but the people to persuade their neighbors and friends to light up pots otherwise they won’t go for work. People questioned the need of light; due to tiredness they sleep at dusk. Joshi came and said that Bhim Rao was persuading people for his own need, everyone in his family earns while he pretends to study. He wanted everyone to arrange streetlamps in his locality. He warned everyone that people would lose their job if they helped Bhim Rao.

Update Credit to: Sona

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