Monday 13 September 2021

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 13th September 2021 Written Episode Update Vibhuti challenges Anita


Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 13th September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Anu in her bedroom talking on phone with Sanjay abot his body fat, how he should ignore people for mental peace. Vibhu come and start teasing Anu. Anu suggest Sanjay to do yoga and have salad then in evening have time with your gf. Vibhu shouts I also wanna have time with you. Anu says what are you doing my classes are going on. Vibhu says I’m your husband I wanna have romance with you. Anu says to Sanjay I’ll get back to you and hungs up phone. Anu says to Vibhuti you don’t do any work and not letting me do. Vibhu says to Anu you always tell them one thing have salad, do meditation and all, you have nothing more to say. Anu says so you thinks this as nonsense. Vibhu says yes this is like brainwash and I can do too. Anu says you think this as brainwash, when you convenes someone to do something wrong that is called as brainwash. Vibhu says I know what is grooming. Anu says tell me why are you challenging my profession. Vibhu says I can teach your student well then you. Anu says you mean to tell me that you can groom my student well then me. Vibhu says I groom everyone from day to night. Anu says that mean making fool out of people, my god why am I saying to you about grooming do you know anything m Vibhuti says I know better then you. Anu says ok do one thing select one person and groom them. Vibhu says why one I’ll groom 3 people of our colony TMT. Anu says ok good but if you fail to groom them I’ll not take you inside house. Vibhu says what if I groom them properly. Anu says high hopes.

Tiwari half nude come out of his house in garden area and sit on bench calls Angoori come fast. Angoori come and says have some patience and Ammaji told not to poke in between during ritual and when I apply paste on you, you have to do romance with me. Angoori start applying paste and Tiwari start singing for her. Vibhu come out of his house and goes to Tiwari’s garden area. Tiwari try to kiss Angoori but Vibhu come in between and says what is this nonsense. Tiwari says I have same question what were you doing. Vibhu says I came out for walk. Angoori says to Vibhu you disturbed our ritual in between. Vibhu says I’m sorry for your ritual but you should do it inside house and leaves. Tiwari says to Angoori that Vibhu is right we should do these rituals inside room. Angoori says what can I do Ammaji told me, and gets call from Ammaji. Angoori picks up call and Ammaji asks Angoori about Tiwari. Angoori says wait I’ll put phone on speaker. Ammaji says to Tiwari that to bring Laxmi to your house along with happiness you have to do one more ritual, Angoori have to go to market, wearing 5.25 ounce of gold chain that too alone and she have to buy 3kg apple group. Tiwari says can that chain be of little less weight. Ammaji says no it has to be exact and hungs up phone. Angoori gets excited after listing that. Gupta walking on street with undergarments and pass them. Angoori asks why is he roaming like this. Tiwari says don’t know.

Happu Singh sleeping in jail come out and wakes up Manohar. Happu Singh says I’m going. Manohar says its 10a.m. Happu Singh says its 10 p.m and my wife is also waiting for me, we had fight yesterday because of time. Manohar says why are you doing this job then leave it. Gupta come crying to Happu Singh says gulsar gang looted me. Happu Singh says looks like many people beat you. Gupta says there were four people. Happu Singh says give me register and file a report. Gupta says they looted me and you are writing report. Happu Singh says so what should I do write whole book on your situation, there is a procedure to follow, first we have to write report so let me do it. Gupta says till the time you will write report Gulsar gang members will loot many people till that time. Happu Singh says listen this is the way I’ll work, I’ll write report and catch thief you can go and sleep and says to Manohar we will catch them or not. Manohar says I have no idea and asks Gupta tell me. Gupta says I was wearing 5 ounce chain they snatched it, which was gifted to me by my mother in law.

TMT in there house having drinks and listing song. Teeka says this Gulsar name is so good. Tillu says lets take this name Gulsar and we will become happy. Vibhu come and says if you take this name Gulsar you life will become bad and you will go in jail for rest of your life. Teeka says to Vibhu did we call you. Vibhu says no I came by my own. Tillu says he has no work to do so came here for timepass. Vibhu says I didn’t come for timepass, I came here to save you from being criminal. Tillu says we are not becoming criminal we are just doing our business. Vibhu says after troubling someone and doing business is not business. Malkhan says to Vibhu you also have destroyed others business too. Vibhu says I never pick pocket someone. Teeka says but you make fool out of people and take there money. Vibhu says to himself they are judging me. Tillu asks Vibhu to leave we have other work to do. Malkhan says we have to pick pocket of rich person tomorrow. Vibhu says in some time you will realise but that will be too late. Teeka says to Vibhu you mean we should leave this business. Vibhu says it will be good for you if you leave this business. Teeka says ok we will leave our business. Tillu says if we will leave this business then what we will eat. Teeka says yes we will leave this business and Vibhuti will give us 1 lakh per month as salary so that we have eat. Vibhu says what are you talking why I’ll pay you 1 lakh rupees. Tillu mocks Vibhuti. Vibhuti says to himself I have to plan something else for them.

Vibhu standing outside Angooris house says bhabhi is not here did she gone and start talking to plant asking about bhabhi. Prem come and listing to him. Vibhu talking to plant and sees Prem in white dress with plate in his hand. Prem talks very politely and with respect to Vibhuti. Vibhu says whats your name. He says I’m Prem Chaudhary. Vibhu says Prem is bad and disrespectful man you cannot be him. Prem says you are right but now I’m with a sanyasi and he removed my all disrespectful. Vibhu says I cannot believe this who is that guy. Prem says he is Saxena. Vibhu gets shocked and says oyr Saxena he changed you. Prem says he told me I’m good person but became bad because of few people now please allow me to go temple for pooja. Vibhu says it can’t believe this.
Saxena come and says this is possible because I changed him. Vibhu says you did something which nobody can do, you changed an animal into human that to fast. Saxena says nothing is fast when it come to mind game. Vibhu says he is very complicated case how you did that. Saxena says but I did it first I became like Prem and then I entered his brain and brainwash him to make him good person, but you are not from good side but why are you talking about being good. Vibhu says I challenged Anu that I’ll make TMT good person. Saxena says I acn do that in 2 min. Vibhu says no I’ll do that because that’s my fight. Saxena says have you ever won any fight, you are looser. Vibhu slaps him and Saxena leaves. Vibhu says to himself anyways thanks for advice.

TMT behind a book stall looking at there prey discussing that he will jot be having money look him. Man takes out money from his pocket. Tillu says don’t judge book by its cover. Malkhan say now lets attack a beggar. Vibhu come and greets them. Tillu says go from here its business time. Vibhu says I want to join your Gulsar gand. Malkhan says this is tough job, not for you. Tillu says do you know why we do. Teeka says there is not big difference between us you, we steal money directly and you make fool out of them to steal there money. Vibhu says what you do is none of your business I just want to tell that I want to join your gand. Malkhan says so you are ready to steal money from people. Tillu says if you want to join our gang then you have to steal something right now. Angoori come to market with chain. Teeka says to Vibhu you looking at Angoori.


Update Credit to: Tanaya

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