Monday, 9 August 2021

Tu jaroori sa hai #Riansh (immj2) episode 22


Thank you to all who read my ff and comment…..I hope you didn’t loose interest in ff…..thank to all who supported ❤❤

@Aishwarya Wanjari ridhu is not ignoring him knowingly but she is too much engrossed in her work so she is not paying attention to others things expect her album.

episode starts…

Vansh spent his whole Sunday thinking about one and only one his sweetheart. He planned many things. He was very happy at the thought that they will be together like earlier. He was eagerly waiting for his wife’s arrival.

Now it’s 9 O’Clock but Ridhima does not come yet. He was continuously looking at the door. After some time he heard the creak of the gate and he looked at the gate with hope.

Ridhima came in but not alone. A guy was with her. He was tall with a fair complexion. He was handsome but not more than Our great Vansh Raisinghania. His physic was also good but glancing once on him one can identify that all his physic is not nature. He spent hours to attain this and he was well dressed with a good hairstyle. Anyone can guess is an actor.

Vansh looked at him with confusion because this is the first time Ridhima brought a guy at the mansion that too at night. Vansh stood up from the sofa and looked at Ridhima.

Ridhima came to vansh and said, “vansh he is Avinash He is the lead in my upcoming album.”

Vansh forwarded his hand to Avinash ” Hello”

Avinash with a smile ” Hello!!! Nice to meet you.”

Vansh: same here!! Is any import work so you are here at this late.

Riidhima at vansh with brown ” he is here because he was to see our mansion ”

Vansh: okay!! ( with a tight smile)I think tomorrow is his late day?

Avinash: what??

Vansh: aww…aahm…wo I am asking is tomorrow going to pack up your shoot so you came today that too in the night to our mansion.

Avinash: ooohk!!! Yeah, tomorrow we have to go out for a shoot.

Vansh: what??

Avinash: hmm!!! We have to go out of Mumbai.

Vansh: why?? Ridhima you didn’t tell me.

Ridhima: vansh I forgot?

Vansh: you should eat almond ” aaj kl kuch jada hi cheeze bholne lgi ho…”

Avinash: chill bro! It’s not a big deal.

Vansh: you are my guest and I respect that but don’t become Ridhima’s lawyer. She can answer me.

Ridhima: Vansh there is too much workload so I forgot.

Vansh: okay
He moved from there but stopped when Ridhima asked ” where are you going. Have diner with us.”

Vansh turned and replied ” you do. I am not hungry ”

Ridhima: vansh at least sit with us.

Vansh: I think it’s not needed and I have complete some office work.

Ridhima: you can do your work later.

Vansh: it’s argent.
When Ridhima came to the room Vansh has already slept or should I say he was acting like sleeping. This was the first time when vansh slept earlier than her otherwise he always use to wait for Ridhima because she is like a sleeping pill for him. When he cuddles her it gives peace to him.

Ridhima: Vansh!!!

Vansh didn’t reply still in his position.” Vansh!!! Are you sleeping ” said she and moved to him.

Vansh: and you are disturbing me. Can’t you see I am sleeping and why are you shouting?

Ridhima: Vansh I was saying normally.

Vansh: don’t say!

Ridhima: Vansh are you angry with me.

Vansh: you think I have the right to do this.

Ridhima: Vansh!!!!

Vansh: sleep and let me sleep.

Ridhima: vansh at least tell me why are you angry.

Vansh: I am not!

Ridhima: Vansh you again behaving the same way as you were behaving before our confrontation.

Vansh: Sorry my fault!! I didn’t have even the right to be upset and I am not angry. Sorry for the disturbance.

Ridhima: Vansh why are you misinterpreting my words.

Vansh: sleep you have to go out and the day must be tiring so take proper sleep.

Ridhima: Vansh why are you upset?

Vansh: sleep!!

Ridhima: vansh can’t you answer my question.

Vansh: what does it matter to you.

Ridhima: of course it matters for me.

Vansh: ish pure mahine me ek baar bhi socha hai tumne ish baare me then why today?

Ridhima: what happen to you?

Vansh laughed sadly ” nothing…don’t spoil your mood for me.”

Ridhima: tell me vansh!

Vansh: promises that you gave me and those words ” I am always available for you…I will give me 200% to ease your pain…. ” Many more are really means to you or just for saying.

Ridhima: those promises and words directly came from the heart and I mean them.

Vansh: I don’t think so.

Ridhima: why are you saying this.

Vansh: because it’s a bitter truth…

Ridhima: Vansh you can’t make fun of my feeling.

Vansh: I am not insulting for feeling. I am just showing you reality. You told me so high words but you don’t know the meaning of them. You gave me a promise that you always listen to me and you will be available for me whenever I need you but the reality is different. You don’t have time to talk to me and tell me what is going in your life.

Ridhima: Vansh I told you that I forgot to inform you.

Vansh: okay! You tell me when you got to know about this.

Ridhima: when I signed the album.

Vansh: when you signed this album.

Ridhima: A month ago.

Vansh: from one month you don’t got time to tell me.

Ridhima: I thought to told you but it slipped from my mind.

Vansh: did you told me about your shooting location.

Ridhima: No!

Vansh: did you don’t me about your celebration and launch parties.

Ridhima: No

Vansh: why?

Ridhima: Vansh!!

Vansh: because you didn’t think it is necessary to tell me about this.

Ridhima: No vansh! It’s not like that.

Vansh: it is..

Ridhima: nhi hai aisa nhi Jaan

Vansh: you know Ridhima….after Two months you called me Jaan

Ridhima: because we hardly talk…

Vansh: who stopped you…

Ridhima: Vansh I was busy!

Vansh: kb tk tum busy rhogi aise hi…ek mahina ya 10 or year ya fir puri life.

Ridhima: vansh I am not enjoying….I am doing it for our betterment.

Vansh: And what about happiness.

Ridhima: you are not happy….tum meri success se khush nhi ho kya…

Vansh: what are you saying…tumhri success pr mujhse jada koi khush nhi hoga.

Ridhima: to fir….

Vansh: I am not happy because we are not spending time together….I am not happy because we are missing chunk moments of our life…..what is the use of money and fame when we are not getting happiness. If you know that we can’t buy happiness from money.if you can’t manage so many things together them eliminate some of them and when right time come then continues with them.

Ridhima: you mean that I should sit in the home instead of working….

Vansh: nhi Ridhima….

Ridhima: is it vansh!!

Vansh: now sleep!! I don’t want to ague with you…..

Ridhima: you always leave things like this…and I don’t understand why you have so much problem with my work…I am not single women who is working…there are many.

Vansh dragged her in his embrace and said “sleep….I hope one day you will realize your mistake.”

Ridhima: But I am not wrong Vansh!!

Vansh: one day you will understand….But I am afraid…

Ridhima: what??

Vansh: maybe…

Ridhima: maybe?

Vansh: it will be too late..

Ridhima: for what??

Vansh: to understand things….

Ridhima: who

Vansh: you

Ridhima: Vansh I know what I am doing and there is nothing wrong….you always can’t be right and I always can’t be wrong.

Vansh: Tum kitni bhi galatiya krlo….mai tumhe kabhi nhi chhoroga…I will never leave you but never broke me to this extent that it becomes impossible to repair.

Ridhima: Vansh I never hurt you…..and you always misunderstand my words….

Vansh: Good night sweetheart!! Sleep..

In the morning Vansh was ready for his office and eating breakfast and Ridhima was still sleeping. After some time Ridhima came in half asleep and spread vansh’s both hands and sat in lap. Incircling her arms around his neck and resting her head near his heart she drift into sleep. Vansh was shocked by her behaviour and patted his cheeks.

Vansh: Ridhima!!! Ridhima

Ridhima sleepily she just hummed.” What happen, sweetheart”

Ridhima: I was scared Vansh.

Vansh: why??

Ridhima: I saw a scary dream and when I opened my eyes you were not there so I was scared more.

Vansh: wanna sleep more.

Ridhima: Hmm!!

Vansh: okay sleep.

Vansh messages Angre that he will come late and if anything important then inform him. How can he left her just like that when she needed him even he was happy to the fact he she is with him…..After finishing his breakfast he took her to his bedroom. After placing her on the bed he removed his blazer and shoes taking her in his arm he also slept.
Now it’s 10 O’clock, Ridhima was getting ready for going out. He came inthe room with an angry face and said ” Ridhima why are you missing your lectures.”

Ridhima: Vansh I was busy with the album so I skipped some of them.

Vansh: when are you going to cover them.

Ridhima: you don’t have to worry I will manage.

Vansh: from the last two months you didn’t see your books….how will you going to manage.

Ridhima: Vansh just 20 days more…then I will be free..

Vansh: that means you will skip more 20 lectures.

Ridhima: Vansh!!

Vansh: Ridhima time management is very important thing in life. You can’t manage then don’t extent things too much…if you are so much in interested in film line the give your 100% to it…don’t sail in two boats.

Ridhima: vansh you always ready to demotivate me. I told you nah I will manage.

Vansh: what you think medical line easy….so you will handle both…so you are highly mistaken…medical course needed 100% contraction and focus.

Ridhima: I know vansh…I am not a kid so you are telling this basic thing.

Vansh: then why are you not giving time to your study.

Ridhima: vansh I am going out….please don’t spoil my mood.

Vansh: what??

Ridhima: I am saying nah…I will manage and why are you here at this time…and why you didn’t go to your office.

Vansh: because I don’t feel to go.

Ridhima: okay!!!

Vansh: when you will come?

Ridhima: I will return diner time.

Vansh: okay!!! Then we are going on a dinner date.

Ridhima: Vansh I will exhaust….any other day!

Vansh: then when?

Ridhima: Tomorrow

Vansh: okay!! Don’t forget…I will not be going to listen to anything.

Ridhima: Okay!

She came near to him and gave a kiss on his cheek ” don’t spoil your mood….and I will not forget…”

Vansh: Ridhima how many time I have tell you that I am not a kid so use kiss on cheeks…”

Ridhima: better luck next time.

Vansh: I am not gonna leave you tomorrow.

She was going to leave when vansh pulled her by her hand and gave her a passionate hug. She also reciprocated.
” Vansh, leave me nah”

Vansh: Nah!!

Ridhima was struggling in his arms and he was smiling looking at her irritated face.

Ridhima: vansh what are you? Leave me.

Vansh: stay for some more time.

Ridhima: I am already late and now I don’t have time to stay here.

Vansh: then go..

Ridhima: leave me then I will go nah….vansh don’t trouble me.

Vansh: am I troubling you.

Ridhima: yeah!! Look at my dresses it iron getting destroyed….

Vansh: I am in front of you and you are thinking about your dress.

Ridhima: Vansh we going out nah…

Vansh: okay tell me where is your shooting going on.

Ridhima: XYZ place.

Precap: Ridhima’s Teacher: MR Raisinghania I don’t think so she can score good in upcoming exams. Looking at her current condition even I am fearing she will pass or not. If she is not interested in the study then why waste money on her.

The post Tu jaroori sa hai #Riansh (immj2) episode 22 appeared first on Telly Updates.

8/09/2021 10:12:00 amFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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