Hello peeepies aagyi me..
Second last epi..
But I am happy we are just a step away from fulfilling tanishka’s last wish..
Lets start..
Scene 1
5 months later..
Vangre are sitting in bar area..
Angre (tensed)- Where is she…
Vansh – Don’t know..aaj kl bta ke kaha jati hai wo kuch..mujhe .
Angre – She changed a lot ..her behaviour is really bothering me now..
I can’t see my sona this much distant from us .
She is not mingling with anyone nowdays not even with nilaanjna..
Vansh – we should have understand her..but we failed …
I realised late what is wrong with my jaan..
Angre – i wish i was smart enough to sense that things..but i am a good for nothing brother as always..
Vansh – Its not your fault sab chizo ki shuruaat mene ki thi..i started that …
Flashback starts..
15 days ago..
Riansh room..
Both are sleeping cuddling each other suddenly riddhima gets up and sit on bed ..
Riddhima – Vansh ..vansh get up yr plz .
Vansh (sleepy)- What happened..sleep na..i am tired .
Riddhima – Vansh i want to eat something sweet .plz na.. let’s go..
Vansh (sleepy)- Its 12 at night riddhima..where we will go.. moreover i am sleepy..
Riddhima – Vansh 2 days ago..u brought pani puri for nilaanjna at 1 am ..
And its 12 only …get up now …
Vansh (sleepy)- She is pregnant ..its normal to have cravings..
But u are doing unnecessarily.. let me sleep …
Flashback ends .
Vansh (sadly)- I forgot that day that she was on her periods..
Its pretty normal to have cravings but i hurted her..hurted her to that extent that she started getting distant from all of us..
Angre – No bhai i was at fault too .i became blinded in one sister’s love and ignored another..
Flashback starts .
After riansh incident..
Next day…
Angre is cooking in kitchen and nilaanjna is sitting on counter munching some french fries ..
Riddhima enters happily..
Riddhima (excited)- Wow bhai..u are making pasta..plz make it red sauce na.. I love pasta made by u..
Angre – Sona u always eat i am making white sauce pasta for nilaanjna..try that .
Riddhima -Then make both na bhai plz..
Or make red sauce only.. nilaanjna will like that too.
Angre – Noo..sona..she is pregnant..we can’t let her any wish unfulfilled..
Riddhima tries to eat same french fries which nilaanjna is eating..
Angre – Sona..let her eat na..i will give u something else ..
Angre started feeding some fruits to nilaanjna..and they were laughing and enjoying..
Riddhima – Bhai plz make me eat also..
Angre – U aren’t a kid anymore..buddhu..and i didn’t get the chance to feed nilaanjna in childhood i want to fullfill that void also .
Flashback ends
Angre (weeping his tears)- I failed to realise that I can’t ignore sona …she also needs me..
After that she didn’t try to talk to me even…
I failed as good brother..
“Even i am at fault” Ishani spoke from behind…
She came with her 5 months baby bump and vangre makes her sit..
Ishani – I too behaved like a jerk .
Flashback starts
After riddhangre’s incident..
Next day …
Ishani’s room..
Ishani is sitting getting bored suddenly riddhima comes and sit beside her .
Riddhima- what happened ishani..why are u looking so bored..
Ishani – Yr i am getting bore..angre is not letting me doing any work..
Riddhima (excited)-Ok let’s play something..u like ludo na.. let’s play..
Ishani – Noo yr riddhu..i am not in mood .
Riddhima – Ok lets talk about something..
Ishani (excited)- Oh yes.. let’s talk .
Riddhu plz send nilaanjna to my room na..we both mingle perfectly with each other . mutual feelings u know..
We both complaint about our husbands who behave as extra possesive creature now days..
Even our mood swings are same..this pregnancy made us both so smiliar .
Riddhima leaves .. passing a fake smile .
Flashback ends.
Ishani – God knows what happened to us .she was vulnerable in front of us and we failed to see ..
May be we were so lost in celebrating our happiness that we forgot how she must be feeling seeing me and nilaanjna..
Vansh – But i did the worst..i stopped pampering her..fullfiling her childish wishes ..i didn’t do that intentionally but i hurted my sweetheart unknowingly..
Nilaanjna comes from behind.. holding Nakshatra’s hand..
Nilaanjna – She came..she is in her room now .
Guys go and pacify her .
Angre – You also come na …
Nilaanjna – No bhai .she needs to be handle gently.. I don’t want her to feel that i snatched her share of happiness..from her .
Nakshatra – I think..vansh u should go alone .
Vansh leaves.. making a determined face to pacify his Sweetheart..
Scene 2
Riansh room .
The whole room is dark..and riddhima is standing near window gazing at starts (its night) sadly…
Vansh comes from behind and hugs her resting his chin on her shoulder …
Vansh – Sweetheart!!
Riddhima – Hmm!!
Vansh – Are u tired .where were u..u didn’t inform me even i was worried..
Riddhima (sadly)- why u came to room early today …
Don’t u want to spend some time with our baby…
If u are here then who is with nilaanjna..
Vansh-She has her husband to take care of her . don’t take stress .
Riddhima (smiling sadly)- Yaah.. everyone has their husbands to take care of them except me..
Nilaanjna has nakshatra jiju…
Ishani has angre bhai .
And my husband is busy in taking caring of them..just because they are pregnant..and i am alone ..i am not gonna give birth to any child not now not ever..
Vansh (cupping her face)- Riddhima..plz.. don’t say like this .i am here for u only …
. I don’t care u can conceive or not..for me u are important .
Riddhima – sirf kehna kaafi nhi hota vansh..your actions speak louder than words..
I can see how u were with me..when i was crying whole night because I was feeling alone .
I can see how u were with me..when i was feeling vulnerable to see Ishani and Nilaanjna’s happiness.. how the whole family was pampering them..
My mom who used to roam around me whole day was not even glancing at me just because she was busy in taking care of the mother of their to be heir .
Its not like i am jealous…that baby is mine..nobody can change this fact..
Kokh chahe kisi ki bhi the end of the day..maa me hi kehelaungi us bacche ki..
But i am a human..i too feel insecure..
But u guys were far away from my ordeal..and eventually i stop showing my miserable side also …
And now u guys too have problem when i distant myself…. just tell me what should I do..
When i am with u..u guys don’t bother to look at me even..and now when i am away..u guys keep asking me what happened..what happened..
Why …are u all blind . can’t u see..what i am feeling ..
And vansh u ..u could be able to know my feelings even before me then what happened this time..
Just because i m not pregnant u guys just ignored me like hell..
She collapsed on the floor and vansh instantly pulls her in his embrace…
Vansh ()- I don’t know sweetheart what happened to all of us .
But we didn’t do that deliberately..nobody in this house can hurt u intentionally..
Plz jaan forgive your husband..i know i did wrong but..i need u..your vansh needs u .
I can’t see u going away from be day..i miss those talks..those banter..those leg pulling session..your love your care .your fragrance..i am missing this things like hell
Don’t punish me like this..u can kill me if u want …but don’t go away..
Riddhima (crying)- Now u are hurting me more by uttering this bullshit..
Can’t u just do things that gives me happiness rather than uttering this shit..
Vansh smiles and wipes their tears..
Vansh – no more crying..only me and my sweetheart..
Its will be our time .only ours.. nobody else..
He picks her in his arms and sit on bed keeping her on his lap .
Vansh (chuckling)- I can imagine u and our baby fighting for sitting in my lap..
Riddhima (pouting)- It will be my right first always..
First i will sit and then allow our baby .
Vansh chuckles and kisses her forehead..
Vansh – I love u sweetheart..
Riddhima – I love u too ..
Done done dana done
Precap : happy ending????
Hope u like it
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Lob u all
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