Indian Idol 12 has made the record by being the longest-running season in the history of singing reality shows. While the show garnered lots of love and appreciation, it also had a fine share of controversies. The finalist for the show include Arunita Kanjilal, Pawandeep Rajan, Shanmukhapriya, Mohd Danish, Nihal Tauro and Sayli Kamble.
Pawandeep Rajan who became a sensation right from his audition, lifts the trophy, along with the huge cash prize of 25 lakhs. The singer also won a luxurious car. The finale for Indian Idol 12 was a 12-hour affair. Arunita and Sayli were announced as the first and second runnerup respectively. While the netizens are celebrating the wins and the journeys of their favorite contestant, some are also protesting that Arunita should have been the winner of the show.
We wish Pawandeep and the rest of the contestants all the very best for a bright future ahead.
Coming back to the Indian Idol 12 finale, the event was a star-studded affair with celebs like Sidharth Malhotra, Kiara Advani, Nakuul Mehta, and Disha Parmar among others, gracing the occasion with their presence.
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