Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Molkki 17th August 2021 Written Episode Update: Juhi and Manas to be sent off to boarding school?


Molkki 17th August 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Purvi asks Daksh if the business tycoon panicked so easily. I can fool / scare you just like you. I will support you. You have done so much for me also after all.

Manager welcomes Virender.

Purvi says you got me treated from the best doc when I had an accident. You did so much to make me meet my family. You gave me a new name and made me a part of your family when we couldn’t find anything. How can I say no when you have done so much for me? I wont be able to repay this favour ever. You are my best friend. I can do anything for my best friend. I will become his fiancé for his happiness. He hugs her excitedly. You don’t know that you have saved me big time. They hug.

Chandni tries to feed grapes to Virender but he declines. He asks for Daksh.

Daksh thanks Purvi for the best birthday gift ever. He suggests announcing their relationship in front of everyone. Everything should be sorted before Nani is here. She nods. He holds out his arm for her so they can go together. They walk to the stage hand in hand.

Virender asks Chandni about Daksh again. I have a lot to do. She tries to talk to him. Say something to me. Should I bring something for you to eat or drink? He tries to dismiss her but she goes to bring juice for him. He thinks that he made a mistake by listening to Veer. I will leave after congratulating Daksh. He tries to catch a glimpse of the girl Daksh is talking to but someone keeps blocking his way. He gets Prakashi’s call just then. He goes aside to attend it.

Daksh announces Purvi aka Dhwani as his someone special, his would-be wife. Everyone claps. Daksh says Dhwani agreed to marry me on my birthday. Someone asks about their engagement. Daksh says it will happen as soon as Nani comes from London. Everything will follow eventually. They hug. Purvi thinks I agreed to pretend to be his fiancé. Why do I feel restless though?

Prakashi complains about Manas and Juhi to Virender. They have been expelled from the school. I tried to convince the Principal but in vain. She tells him to take the kids with him on his trips. I cannot handle them. Come over asap and handle them. He agrees and ends the call.

Everyone has gathered around Purvi and Daksh and congratulates them. Virender looks on. He seems to be busy. I will wish him later on message. We will keep meeting anyways. He leaves.

Chandni hugs Daksh and congratulates him. He asks her where she was. She shares that she was looking after his special guest, Virender Pratap Singh. He says he is my special guest too. Where is he? Chandni murmurs that he is her special guest too. He asks her again but they cannot see Virender. Virender texts Daksh. Daksh is glad that he was here atleast. Purvi tells Daksh she is going to terrace for some time. I will feel better and come down soon. He agrees.

Daksh thanks Chandni for her idea. It worked well. Chandni tells him to bring Dhwani closer by using Nani. Make her fall for you. He nods.

Purvi notices her scarf on the terrace and picks it up. She thinks about Daksh’s proposal. I only have to pretend to be Daksh’s fiancé. Why do I feel as if I did something wrong by saying yes to him? Virender sits in the car. Juhi and Manas are getting out of control. I will get them admitted in some school in Delhi. It will be good for them. Purvi thinks this doesn’t feel very right. Is Daksh made for me? Maybe no or I would have felt something for him atleast. Who is it and where is the one who is made for me? Scarf slips out of her hand. Ek duje ke vaaste plays as it lands on Virender’s face. He is about to throw it but then recalls something. Flashback shows Purvi telling Virender not to throw away a dupatta he has found. It might mean something special to someone. Someone might come looking for it. It will make that person happy. Flashback ends.

The scarf gets stuck in car handle. Driver gets down to help Virender. Purvi screams from above but in vain. She runs downstairs. Purvi starts chasing the car. Virender has tired the scarf on the handle. Driver drives away. Purvi wonders who it was who took her scarf.

Next morning, Daksh removes the curtains to wake up Purvi but she shifts in her sleep. He tries to wake her up calmly. He drops something and lies that there is an earthquake. She wakes up. He tells her that he was pranking her. She hits him with a pillow. She lies down again but he refuses. She calls him stubborn. Chandni asks them what they are up to. You just got engaged and this has started already. Purvi says that was drama. Ask him yourself. Daskh says Nani is coming and Dhwani is still sleeping. She is in night suit. Purvi agrees to wear a suit. He tells her that his Nani knows him. She will shoot me if she sees you in suit. She tells him to find another fiancé for himself but he requests her not to back out now. You should dress up like the girls that I have dated. Chandni explains his style. Purvi panics. Daksh tells her to become the kind of DIL his Nani has always dreamt of. Purvi is still confused. He explains in a strange way. Chandni explains that her makeover needs to be done. Simple Dhwani needs to become Patakha. I will do it.

Daksh thanks Purvi for helping him. She swears to teach him a lesson when she will get a chance. I wont spare you when I will get a chance. He tells her not to. You know I can do anything for you. She reaches for his neck but Chandni stops her. purvi tries a few dresses but Daksh disapproves of them. She glares at him. I wont be able to wear this (heels). He requests her to atleast try. She scolds him. He holds her as she stumbles in her step. He tells her to look at him while walking. He holds her hand as she walks. She continues falling nonetheless. They next train her how to use a knife and fork. She asks them if she has to meet Nani or fight with her. Daksh says you should know how to use it. She says I do not. Daksh teaches her how it’s done.

At home, Virender scolds the kids for creating a fuss. You have been expelled from school as well. The only option is to send you to boarding school. I will ask manager to send you to Delhi. What has happened to you two? You had mixed so well with everyone. Juhi and Manas point out that even he used to love them a lot earlier. You only get angry now. He tells them to be quiet. You two have started dancing on my head since Bawri left. You are becoming mannerless. Manas and Juhi are in tears. Manas says you too have changed since Haathi has left. Juhi adds that he hasn’t loved them since haathi left. Virender hugs them and comforts them. He asks Bawri mentally why she left them alone.

Precap: Chandni tells Daksh and Purvi to go shopping but he requests her to go with Purvi instead. I have a very urgent meeting. Virender, Purvi and Chandni come to the same shop. Virender is at the billing counter. Purvi notices his turban from behind and experiencss flashes from her past. Virender starts heading for the door. She approaches him from behind and reaches for his shoulder so as to stop him.

Update Credit to: Pooja

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