Friday, 13 August 2021

Love For Eternity. #RiAnsh #Sirav #Gurnam #Sonam. Episode 1


Hi guys, here we go with the update hope you’ll will like it 😀.

Episode Starts With:

A girl in her mid twenties is seen sleeping cuddling her pillow, when someone came there and pour a whole bottle of water on her face making her wake up with a jerk and shout.

Girl: What the hell yaar!!

Girl 2: Ohh maharani sahiba time dekhiyaa kyaa ho rha hai its 12 noon get up now.

Girl 1: Yaar please let me sleep peacefully.

Girl 2 took a pillow from her side and started doing pillow fight with Girl 1.

Another girl entered in the room and shouted.

Girl 3: STOPPPPP IT!!!

Both looked at her and stopped.

Girl 3: What are you both are doing?? You are not 2 years old kids yaar. And Riddhima you are sleeping from yesterday night now just get up.

Riddhima: Simar it’s not my fault it’s Gurpreet’s fault.

Gurpreet: Accha my fault!! I’m not gonna leave you.

Saying so Gurpreet and Riddhima again started fighting while Simar looked at them in disbelief and was fuming in anger.

Simar: Stop now!! Gurpreet in your room now and Riddhu you in washroom.

She said in her commanding voice while both the girls went from there.

A huge and lavish mansion.

A boy in his mid twenties is seen doing something on his laptop when another man came there with coffee in his hand and gave it to the boy 1.

Boy 2: So did you get any thing about them.

Boy 1: no, naa yaar I’m fed up know. I’m not getting any clue about them how will I find them damn it

He said and banged his hand on the table angrily. Another boy came there and sat in front of them.

Boy 3: Vansh why are you taking tension just calm down okk. I’m sure we will find them.

Vansh: But how Gurnam, I’m finding them from past three years but still I’m not getting any clue. I’m tensed.

Gurnam: Vansh, I’m sure that you will find them soon but now I and Aarav are going to our office.

Saying so both Aarav and Gurnam went from there to their office. While Vansh again started doing his work on his laptop…

PRECAP: Someone’s accident. Riansh meet.

So hi guys, that’s it for this part hope you’ll liked it. I know it’s small but please bear with it. This story is full mysteries and love hope you’ll will like it and will enjoy reading it…

Your Author


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