Sunday, 22 August 2021

Happy Raksha Bandhan OS by Parita


Raksha Bandhan- OS

Heyy guys…wishing everybody a very happy Raksha Bandhan.

I’m here with a short OS to celebrate today.

There’s a message from Tanvi

Hi everybody, hope you all are doing good. A very Happy Raksha Bandhan to you all ❤ I was very excited to write an OS but my body is not cooperating with my mind. Viral has taken enough down. Will be fine super soon  and then back with the updates. 



Vansh, and Aryan were both tapping their feet on the floor, waiting for their sisters to come down. After a wait of 1 hour, finally Siya and Ishani descended the stairs in descent and fancy Indian traditional wear. They came down with a plate that was decorated with flower petals, rakhis, kumkum and some sweets.

Dadi, Angre, Riddhima surrounded them plastering a beautiful smile on their faces seeing their bond. The two sisters approached them with their antics, their cute banters.

Siya: No this time I’m going to tie first, last time you tied first Ishani. (Arguing)

Ishani: No way Siya, I’m elder so I get the first chance as always

Siya: No me!

Ishani: Me first!

Vansh: Both of you keep quiet! (Loud)

Aryan: Exactly….why are you fighting. This time Ishani can go first.

Vansh: No Aryan, my princess will go first, Siya come on.

Aryan: No Bhai, Ishani

Vansh: Siya!

Aryan: Ishani!

Ishani: Now you both stop fighting. (Interrupting)

Siya: Exactly those who were explaining us are the ones who are fighting now. (Laughing)

Dadi: come on now….let’s start. Come both of you.

Ishani and Siya stood next to Riddhima. Giving the chance to Siya, she went first to Vansh and did his Aarti, she then tied her rakhi around his wrist and fed him some sweet. She moved on to Aryan and repeated the same. He pulled her closer and gave a soft peck on her forehead.

She kept the plate aside and stood in front of them, raising her eyebrows.

Siya: I’m waiting (Smiling)

Aryan: hmm so for princess I got you favourite book set (handing it over to her)

Siya: wow! Thank you so much Bhai! (Excited) Vansh Bhai?

Vansh: hmm I….got you nothing!(looking down)

Siya: Vansh Bhai! (Whining) okay (sad)

Vansh: Have I ever made you sad….then how can I today. There it is (Pointing toward the door) A poodle!

Siya: Awwww! It’s so cute (hugged him and ran towards the dog)

Siya was extremely elated and took the cute poodle on her arms, caressing it. All of them adored her.

Ishani came forward and tied the Rakhis on both of them. Aryan gifted her a make up kit and Vansh gifted her a Lamborghini. She hugged them tight and they all rejoiced.

Vansh looked around to see Riddhima missing, he understood and went to their room to find her neatly packing a rakhi in a box which had Sejal’s picture. She sensed someone’s presence in the room and quickly wiped her tears off. She looked up to see Vansh leaning against the wall, she passed a quick smile trying to cover her sorrow.

Vansh went near to her and engulfed her in to a tight hug. She weeped a bit making his sherwani wet and he chuckled over her cuteness.

Vansh: what happened Sweetheart?

Riddhima: Sejal, ever year I used to tie a rakhi on her as she was my only sister, friend, brother, family….everything of mine. And today she isn’t here. (Sobbing) I miss her a lot.

Vansh: Call her up (suggesting)

Riddhima: She’s busy in her work….she’s in fact not even here, She’s in Dubai for a course.

Vansh: Riddhima (Wiping her tears) Though I’m not your brother but I still can’t see tears in your eyes.

Riddhima: trying to say I should tie a Rakhi on you? Make you my brother! (Chuckling)

Ishani: wow (from the door) #SaiyaanbaneBhaiyan (laughing)

Vansh: Shut up Ishani! And Riddhima no way!

Ishani: Bhabhi come downstairs…..there’s a small surprise for you. (Smiling)

Vansh took Riddhima along with Ishani downstairs where she found Angre sitting on the sofa waiting. He stood up and spoke

Angre: Riddhima Bhabhi, I don’t have a sister so will you be my sister? Can you make me tour brother and tie a rakhi? (Innocently)

Riddhima: (in tears) Of course Angre!

Riddhima went to him and took the plate performing all the rituals and tied a Rakhi on him. She then also went to Aryan who happily agreed at the thought of getting three sisters for free. Angre and Aryan stood together and signed towards the door for her gift.

She looked on shocked when she saw a figure at the door step, widely smiling. She shouted in excitement letting out a few tears of joy. She ran up to her and shouted loudly

Riddhima: Seju!

Sejal: Riddhu!

They both hugged each other while Riddhima shed a few tears.

Sejal: Yaar Riddhu stop crying….stop being an emotional baby!

Riddhima: couldn’t stop myself!

They both entered and Riddhima thanked both Aryan and Angre for the surprise. She took a Rakhi and tied to Sejal while she did the same.

They both enjoyed their time with everyone, rejoicing and celebrating the festival with love, care and lots if cute banters.

Who says only sisters are supposed to tie on brothers…..sisters can tie on sisters too! Like me, I have no brother of my own except that my cousin from my mum’s side is just like my actual brother but I would tie on my sisters….those who I’ve made as friends here online!

Specially to Priyanshi Didu, Tanvi, Aarushi, Divi (Divya), Menna Di, Mithu (Krisha) Aayu, Radhika, Niyati di, Aswathi di, Gauri, Tanya, jayashree, Aisha di.

Sorry if I forgot someone, you all are my sisters, all special to me.

A Virtual Rakhi to you all❤❤

Hope you all liked it.


The post Happy Raksha Bandhan OS by Parita appeared first on Telly Updates.

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