Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 2nd July 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Sagar threatens his girlfriend Suman to kill her and her whole family if she comes again here. Gehna hearing someone near door rushes out and seeing Suman getting into cab calls her. Suman seeing her speeds her cab away. Gehna thinks Suman is definitely related to Sagar. Anant questions about Sagar in Jamnagar. Inspector sees him and asks who is he, he looks new here. Anant leaves. Gehna calls him and informs that Suman had come here, she is pregnant with Sagar’s child, Sagar threatened Suman and sent her away. He says there are many stories about Suman and Sagar and is going towards Suman’s house. A man catches him and asks who is he and whom he wants to meet. Anant says he is Sagar’s friend Anthony Gonzalves and to meet Sagar. Man says there are many Sagars in town. Anant says Jamnagar’s tiger and Dashrath’s son Sagar. Man says only Velji bhai can take him to Sagar. Anant thinks who is this Velji bhai. On the other side, Bhavani slaps Sagar. Sagar acts childish again. She closes door, warns to stop acting, and says she saw him threatening Suman, why did he call her here. He says he broke many locks with Suman and now she is blackmailing him. She asks him to get rid off Suman or else forget Tia. He says Suman will never get out of Jamnagar and calls Velji bhai. Sagar reaches Velji bhai’s den and says he is Sagar’s friend Anathony Gonzalves and heard a lot about Velji bhai via Sagar. Velji bhai says he never heard about him.
Tia rehearses a Radha Krishna play with Krishna. Krishna teaches her to look into his eyes and deliver dialogues. Gehna imagines the scene with Anant and feels shy. Krishna tells Tia let us rehearse again. Kanak watches that and tells Sagar that it looks more real than acting and he should watch out or will lose her. Sagar walks to Tia and insists to accompany her. Gehna reminds that Tia cannot meet him till marriage. He insists that he will not have food else. Gehna thinks she wants to expose Sagar soon. Sagar forcefully takes Tia with him.
Velji bhai asks Anant how does he know Sagar as he never saw him before. Anant says he works in a filmy industry, hence didn’t see him; he came to meet Suman. Velji bhai says he cannot as Sagar called and informed that Suman’s life is in danger. Anant says he works as a body guard in film industry and on Sagar’s order came to protect Suman.
Gehna reminds Tia that she had told that she can senses Sagar’s mind via his eyes, she feels he is fine now and is fooling her. Tia yells at her that she is jealous of her and is acting on Anant’s order as Anant never likes Sagar since before, can’t she see Sagar’s innocence, etc., and warns her that if she cannot be happy with her happiness as a best friend, she shouldn’t ruin it. Gehna thinks Anant loves his sister immensely and is risking his life for her in Jamnagar. Velji bhai’s goons drops Anant outside Suman’s house. On the other side, Dashrath tells Sagar that he need not worry about his plan as both his parents are with him now to support him. Velji calls him and informs that he sent his friend Anthonly Gonzalves to Suman’s house. Sagar says he didn’t send anyone. Gehna calls Anant who informs that he is standing outside Suman’s house. Velji’s goons kidnap Anant. Gehna gets worried for him and tells Krishna that she feels something happened to him. Baa hearing that asks what happened to Anant. Krishna says he sneezed and Gehna got worried for him. Baa relaxes and leaves. Velji’s goons take Anant to him.
Precap: Anant brings Suman to Tia. Tia doesn’t trust Suman’s plea and alleges Anant that he is trying to cancel her marriage with Sagar as he is jealous of Sagar since the beginning.
Update Credit to: MA
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