Hello My Dear Readers,
Thanks a lot for reading n appreciating so much.
Yes I am rushing through plot a little as i wanted to end this ff soon
Because due to my health i am not able to post regularly
N didnot want to give it abrupt ending
So here is some more twist
Hope u find it interesting
Twinkle is singing lullaby
A cute 5 year old boy (shivansh kotia aka child naksh from yeh rishta kya kehlata hain star plus)is lying in her lap
She caresses his hair
Kunj looks on from outside
Gives flying kisses to his beautiful wife
He enters the room
Gives a kiss to his darling son.
Vishal-gud night papa.
Kunj-good night my prince.pls sleep fast fast.
Papa needs mumma now
He cannot sleep
Mumma will make papa also sleep
Twinkle beats kunj
Vishal-she will also give u kissie??
Twinkle blushes-no kissies are only for my prince vishal and princess khushi
Kunj-papa will give kissie to mumma
He kisses twinkle n asks vishal to sleep fast n twinkle to come soon as he is waiting for her
Twinkle is all smiling
Slowly vishal falls asleep
Twinkle sets his toys n things properly in room
Covers him with blanket
Goes to kitchen
Cleans utensils
Kunj is waiting in room for
He is working on his laptop
He yawns
But keeps waiting
Twinkle sets things in living area
She goes to massage bebe’s feet
Next gives milk to usha
Finally she enters room
Kunj was about to sleep
But seeing her his eyes open wide
Kunj-All work done swty heart?or anything more left?
Twinkle-All done I am sleeping
Kunj -How rude I am waiting since a hour n u are ignoring me n sleeping .not done.u sit properly.i also want to lie in ur lap
Sing lullaby for me
Otherwise i will assume u love vishal for than me
Twinkle-enough of ur nautanki.come lie.
Kunj lies in her lap
N smiles
Twinkle lovingly caresses her hair
Kunj enjoys it-now feeling so better.
Twinkle tommorow evening ur seminar is lined up right??
Twinkle -Yes tom is mental health day and my seminar is on How to stay away from suicidal tendencies
Kunj-I am sure the whole seminar hall would be flooded with ur fans
Twinkle-But u be there on time without fail
Kunj-without fail swty heart.I love listening to ur motivational talks always my darling counsellor wife.
Twinkle laughs-now pls i am very tired.can we pls sleep.
He instantly jumps out of her lap
Asks her to set her feet straight.
Kunj-do as i say
Twinkle spreads her legs
Kunj gets an oil in a bowl
N starts massaging
Twinkle instantly moves her feet away-R u mad?u are my husband Donot do all this
Kunj-Pls let me do orelse i will get very upset and angry with u
I know full day u keep running from here to there
Looking after both vishal n khushi
As well as house
All family members
N then u go and sit and counsel ur patients
I know ur days are extremely hectic
N bebe was telling me since yesterday u had knee pain
Twinkle smiles
Kunj forcefully makes her set her feet upright
N massages it lovingly.
After sometime they get to bed
Kunj spreads his arms all around his lady love.
As they are about to sleep.
A small girl comes running(barbie sharma aka child pari from silsila badalte rishto ka colors)
And gets in between them
Kunj takes his arms away
Twinkle lovingly embraces her
Mahi comes following
Mahi-I am so sorry.khushi beta pls come sleep with mummy papa let chachu n chachi sleep
Khushi tightly holds twinkle
As if she will not let her go
She starts weeping
Twinkle(lovingly)-oleeee no khushi donot cry
Sleep here no problem Donot cry beta chachi loves her khushi
Mahi-I am so sorry.pls let her fall asleep
I will take her
Kunj(smiling)-no problem mahi u pls sleep here I will go and sleep with vishal.
Khushi may need u
Mahi(tear eyed)-I feel very embarrassed everyday now khushi is doing this.
Kunj-what is there to feel embarrassed?she is our daughter too.
He kisses khushi’s forehead n leaves
Twinkle lovingly makes khushi sleep
She gestures mahi to calm down
Scene shifts
Sun rises
Vishal is brushing his teeth
Twinkle helps khushi brush her teeth
Vishal spills water over khushi
She too does the same n giggles
Vishal and khushi play and have fun while brushing.
Next twinkle makes both ready
Kunj combs vishal’s hair as he unable to do himself and twinkle is busy dressing up khushi.
Twinkle-Vishal take khushi out n both of u play for sometime Ur friends might have come.I will prepare breakfast
Vishal nods he lovingly holds khushi’s hands n takes her out
Kunj-vishu be careful tc of khushi
Vishal-yes papa she is my doll.
Before twinkle could leave
Kunj holds her hand
Takes her in his arms
N asks for morning dose
She kisses him on cheeks-now pls go,n supervise kids,
Kunj smiles n leaves
Some kids come in garden of sarna house
They see vishal walking with khushi
They start moving away
Vishal-what happened?
One kid-take her away she gets angry anytime
Another kid-mom says she can harm us
Third kid-we will not play with her.
Tears fall from khushi’s eyes.
Yuvi has come there
He has overheard it
He is about to go n bring khushi
Kunj holds his hand
Vishal-wokay bye bye pls go home I will play with my doll.bye
Kids are shocked at his behaviour
Vishal asks khushi to sit down
He brings toys
They start playing
Khushi is all happy.
Yuvi gets emotional-I was so right in selecting his name Our vishal has a vishal heart just like his parents
Kunj hugs him-Trust me khushi will get perfectly fine Promise.
Bebe and usha come n sit in garden
Vishal goes n hugs them
Khushi imitates vishal
Anita comes
She is walking on a walker
She carefully sits with bebe n usha
Vishal cutely greets her-Good morning bua dadi
Anita kisses him fondly
She gives him a small chocolate
Vishal-Doll ,see bua dadi gave us a chocolate come lets eat
He makes her eat
She eats it fully
Anita-khushi u should also learn to share That chocolate was for vishal
Khushi’s face falls
Vishal-but khushi is vishal’s doll.
Anita-Bebe ,bhabhi this boy is typical carbon copy of his parents
I just love him
He shares everything with khushi
Usha-Khushi is his jaan
Mahi n twinkle together come to garden with breakfast for everyone
Twinkle feeds khushi
Scene shifts
It is evening time
Vishal n khushi are sitting on floor n colouring
Suddenly some sounds of crackers are heard
Khushi starts panicking
She instantly gets up
N starts shouting
Vishal rushes to call twinkle
All come
Khushi doesnot let any one come close to her
Yuvi-khushi stop screaming beta
Khushi starts tearing book pages
Vishal is scared
Kunj hugs him
Mahi goes near her
She starts crying loudly
Bebe usha all are worried
Suddenly a sweet voice is heard-meri pyaari sii rani meri ankoo ki sitara mera chanda merii pyaari sii rani meri khushi meri rani
Twinkle slowly goes near khushi
By now khushi is absorbed in her song
Twinkle goes n hugs her tightly
Yuvi n mahi take a sigh of relief they notice khushi has actually hurt her hand herself when she was getting hyper
Mahi with tears in eyes applies ointment
Vishal goes n kisses her
Bebe(tears falling from her eyes)-Donot know how waheguru could do this.why has he made our khushi like this?
Anita-bebe all our fault It is all because of our karmas.
We always tried to harm twinkle
N today she kunj and vishal protect our khushi
Khushi is being punished because of us.
Usha-no anita.pls donot think all this
Yuvi (keeps hand on his head)-now she is just 4 year old.I just cannot understand how we will manage a girl child having mental retardation
She has started to harm n hurt herself from now
Kunj (keeps his arms around yuvi’s shoulder)-yuvi pls donot use that word
Our khushi is a spl child
N we can get that treated
I promise u we will get her best treatment
Last week Dr Batra had said her level is low she can recover
Today evening u and mahi come to twinkle’s seminar
De batra is also invited as a guest
We will approach n talk to him
Donot lose hope
Yuvi breaksdown-I cannot see my princess this way….
Precap-Twinkle is giving speech
Whole auditorium including entire family gives her standing ovation
So yes dear presha u were right
Khushi is yuvi n mahi’s daughter
She is mentally retarded since birth
N gets hyper out of control
At certain noises
She can harm herself as well as others
Thanks for reading
Take care
Stay safe
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