Friday, 2 July 2021

My Obsessed Husband #Riansh (Chapter-9)


Many Many Many Happy Returns of the day Jayashree………Lots of love to you dear…… May all your wishes comes true 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎉🎉🎉💖💖


Aryan’s POV starts:-

I was roaming freely in the whole mansion as I don’t have any work and came in front of mom and you all know when there is some function going on in home, All work are given to you. And there is the result, I got it. She asked me to go to help the decorator. I was in garden and felt thirsty I went to my room took my Bluetooth drank water and sat. I want something else also to drink, Beer. No Aryan, mom will kill you if you drink it at home. According to mom, it will make the house impure, does beer contain some chemical named “impure”. Who the hell want to study chemistry here?

I went to kitchen and took fresh oranges from fridge and peel it off and putting it in the machine. I don’t want to listen to its loud noise so I wore Bluetooth again. I turned back and splash. No say for once I’m dreaming, please Riddhima’s Bappa.

What was she doing behind me? It was her mistake. No mine I shouldn’t have put it. I said sorry and she started shouting for calling me bhabhi. Both would-be-husband and wife are psychos and here My Riddhu wants to be psychiatrist. Someone first ask them to fix their brains. Then ask from a genius like me.

Well, I’ve a question. What’s the issue if we call anyone anything…? No there is if I call Angre bhabhi… No Aryan, Bhai will hang you to death I remember when I call him as his wife, how much work bhai gave me.

I came to my room and sat on my sofa. My room’s door got open with a jerk. My door, if she broke it in this process. How will I sleep?

She without saying anything came to my room and shouted she don’t want to marry bhai. What the f**k? Is she serious? First time in century bhai agreed to marry some girl and here a girl is rejecting him. Wow, that’s interesting very interesting.

Then she told me the reason why she agreed. Hell, don’t tell me. Bhai did this…. Seriously. Well it’s nothing new I know he can do many things. I got an instant idea. I have a perfect place in Shimla where she won’t be able to get caught. I asked her to meet me in garden at 3 am in morning as that time all must be busy in dreaming. Till then I will book her tickets.

Aryan’s POV ends-:

Riddhima’s POV starts:-

After all that rubbish with Vansh I saw Aryan in kitchen but again a chaos occur and I couldn’t. I’ll have to talk with him. I asked a servant and he told me he is in his room. I came to his room and saw him sitting on the sofa. I told him everything and shock was perfectly shown on his face.

He asked me to meet at 3 am in morning so that he can send me to Shimla. I agreed and left his room while moving to my room I collided with Uma aunty and she asked me to come down for rituals of haldi and Sangeet. I got ready for both as time is less so she asked to do it together.

Riddhima’s POV ends-:

Vansh’s POV starts:-

I was searching for Riddhima after she left from kitchen. I collided with Saanvi. She, I wish to kill her. I passed her a fake smile and moved. She came behind me. I will seriously kill her now.

Vansh’s POV end:-

Author’s POV:-

Vansh collided with Saanvi and passing her a fake smile moved.

Saanvi: Hi….

Vansh turned around.

Vansh: Bye.

Vansh turned around and took a deep breath.

Saanvi: How are you?

Vansh once again turned around and forced a smile

Vansh: I was fine before seeing your face.

Vansh said it clearly to her making her frown and he royally ignored her but she didn’t.

Saanvi: Are you searching for Riddhima?

Vansh without turning passed her a nod.

Saanvi: She is in her room getting ready for haldi.

Saying so she left and Vansh moved to Riddhima’s room. And he knocks at the door thrice but didn’t get any reply. So he just enters and he looked around but didn’t found anyone. He moved to washroom and knocked but once again no reply he was moving when he saw her coming out from under the bed.

Vansh: What were you doing there?

Riddhima was shocked and removed her headphones.

Riddhima: My locket…. It was….

Vansh once again was about to say something when a voice came. Both looked to see Uma there.

Uma: I asked you both not to meet before marriage now, why you both don’t understand. Vansh move out now.

Vansh was trying to make his mom understand but she moved him out and locked the door. While he sadly left the place.

Uma made Riddhima ready and took her down. Soon all the rituals were done while Vansh was in study with Ajay, Riddhima was in her room packing her important things and Aryan was booking her tickets.

Riddhima’s POV starts:-

I don’t know I’m doing right or wrong but I can’t do the same mistake my mom did by marrying someone I’m scared if he left me ever. I won’t be able to stand once again. If he is marrying me for any reason. If he don’t love me, my whole life will be destroyed. I have to run away. Dad left my mom for Chachi when she was pregnant. If Vansh did something like that then. No I’m not strong as mom. I’ll have to take this step.

Riddhima’s POV ends-:

Vansh’s POV starts:-

I really love her and I’m sure that I’m not doing anything wrong by marrying her I know the way was wrong and I will say sorry for it from her even do whatever she want but I won’t leave her ever in my life. She is the first girl I fell in love with and she would be the last. But if she ever did anything wrong or woke up the devil inside me I swear I won’t be this calm.

Vansh’s POV ends-:

Aryan’s POV starts:-

Whatever Vansh bhai did was wrong and this is the reason I’m helping Riddhu, I have booked her ticket and I won’t let anything wrong happen with her. Even if Bhai loves her. She is right in her insecurity. There was no one with her mom but I’m always there for her as her best friend and helping hand. I have booked her ticket and just waiting for the clock to strike at 3 and she’ll be out for this mess.

Aryan’s POV ends-:

Author’s POV:-

After all the rituals were done, all went to their room taking rest while two were not sleeping and was just waiting for their time.

At 3 am:-

All were in deep sleep, while the cold wind was caressing Riddhima’s face who was sitting in garden waiting for Aryan. She saw Aryan coming towards her running with an envelope in his one hand.

Riddhima: Thank God Aryan you came. I thought you slept.

Aryan rubbed the back of his neck.

Aryan: Well Yes I slept while pacing around the room, but thanks to my brain it reminded me. Ok forget about all this. See just come with me but watchmen.

Riddhima looked around.

Riddhima: Aryan had you ever climb on trees?

Aryan looked at her.

Aryan: No but bhai did in adventure activities. Should I call him? Wait here.

Aryan turned to leave when she held his hand.

Riddhima: If you will call him then will he let me run away? Idiot. Come we need to jump.

She said pointing towards the wall.

Aryan: Ma’am I love my bones. I can’t……

Riddhima ignored him and brought him there and she jumped from the wall. After that Aryan did and he fell on the floor winching in pain.

Aryan: Why don’t we want me to see married?

Aryan said it while Riddhima saw him in confusion.

Riddhima: How this matter is related to your married life?

Aryan got up and cleaned himself

Aryan: Nothing let’s go.

Aryan held her hand she stopped him.

Riddhima: Am I doing right?

Aryan just gave her a nod and holding her hand brought her to a place where there was a car waiting for them. Aryan started driving it while Riddhima was sitting beside him.

Aryan: Bhabhi open this envelope and see there is your ticket. Ok I will leave you at airport and from there you can leave for Shimla. At Shimla, you will find one of my friend. She will help you there and don’t worry bhai will search you for few days but then he’ll leave the matter.

Riddhima frowned when he called her Bhabhi once again.

Riddhima: Aryan just do let me know are you sure you are helping me in running away. One side you call me bhabhi and other side you are helping your would-be bhabhi to run away.

Aryan hits his head with his hand to do the mistake again.

Aryan: Will try.

Riddhima passed him a smile and soon they reached.

At Airport:-

Riddhima came out from the car and hugged him.

Riddhima: Thank you so much Aryan for giving me such a wonderful birthday gift.

Aryan frowned as he didn’t gave her anything yet.

Aryan: But I didn’t gave you anything.

Aryan said in confusion.

Riddhima: My freedom.

Aryan hit her head with his hand

Aryan: Idiot…. Happy Birthday Riddhu… I didn’t bought anything I’m sorry actually in all this chaos I forgot about it.

Riddhima when she saw his sad face.

Riddhima: It’s ok Aryan……I got the biggest gift.

Aryan gave her a small smile and hugged her again.

Aryan: Bye I’ll miss you buddy ……

Riddhima smiled as she saw him first time with moist eyes and tears roll down from her eyes too.

Riddhima: Will miss you too buddy….

Riddhima turned around and left for checking in but before gave him a glance and both waved their hands towards each other bidding each other a goodbye.

Soon Aryan left for Mansion while Riddhima boarded the plane.

Aryan reached the Mansion using the same wall and walked to his room without letting anyone notice him. That’s right who will know that Vansh had even planted spy cameras in the whole area of Mansion.

At morning, all decorators were busy in decorating the whole Mansion while family members were waiting for Riddhima and Vansh to come and take her breakfast.

Just then Saanvi comes there panting.

Saanvi: Riddhima is not in her room.

All were shocked except Aryan but he maintained his shock look

Ajay: She must be in bathroom have you searched there?

Ajay asked being tensed

Saanvi: I searched in whole room, she isn’t anywhere.

Saanvi replied nodding.

Aryan: She must be somewhere roaming.

Aryan said in tensed tone.

Uma: Let’s check…

All were about to leave when they heard Vansh’s voice.

Vansh: What you have to check, Mom?

Vansh said in same intimidating voice which can make anyone fear.

Uma: Riddhima, I mean she isn’t in her room so Aryan said to check her in whole Mansion

Now before anyone of them say anything Saanvi said

Saanvi: But If she ran away.

Vansh looked at her and moved to her taking his dangerous step.

Vansh: Then I’ll slit your throat.

Vansh said it in calm but a very dangerous tone making her flinch back.

Vansh just sign everyone to search her and everyone left.

Meanwhile Riddhima was peacefully sleeping in plane as if there is no tomorrow. She was hugging her bag closed to her chest. A small smile had worn on her face as finally on her birthday she got the most precious gift of her life, her freedom. Now she could led her life happily.

Whereas in Mansion, Vansh got to know Riddhima is nowhere. He clutched his fists in anger.


Precap – Vansh beats Aryan.

Hope you liked the chapter…………

Do comment if you like the chapter

Sorry for any grammatical mistake………

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