Friday, 2 July 2021

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 2nd July 2021 Written Episode Update: Sai’s Master Plan


Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 2nd July 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Ninad tells Omkar that its already 4:15 p.m. and Sai’s college annual function will start from
5 p.m., she had challenged them to attend the function or else she will get them arrested. Omkar laughs and says Sai doesn’t have courage to do that. Bhavani says Sai will use saam, daam, dand, bhed to win, but this time she is weak and cannot win over them; she will not miss the competition and come here to drag them to the venue. Thy both back her. She says its been many days since they went out, so she is thinking of attending Sai’s annual function. Ninad asks if she will see Chavan family bahu dancing on stage. Omkar says he is working hard to take care of family needs and needs a break, so even he is thinking of attending the function. Bhavani says she is right. Ninad says if they had informed him earlier, they would have accompanied the family. Bhavani says they didn’t go not because of him, but because Sai challenged them; this house is looking very silent today without family. Omkar says family will enjoy a sumptuous dinner in a restaurant without them. Omkar says he is a bhukkad/hungry since childhood. Their nok jhok starts. Omkar describes how Ninad visits sweeet shop and eats sweets hiding since childhood and even now. They all 3 laugh. Bhavani says Sai is not bad at heart and cannot hurt anyone unnecessarily. Omkar backs her and remembers how Sai apologized Pakhi seeing her hungry and tried to feed her. Sai says he is right. Ninad asks how can they forget Sai’s 1000 bad qualities just for 1-2 good qualities. Bhavani says she never forgot anything and since only 3 of them are here, she is speaking openly; they both shouldn’t tell anyone about it.

Door bell rings. Bhavani asks who must have come at this time. Omkar opens door and sees police standing. Bhavani tells him that his bahu called police. Ninad says she need not worry, if Sai is IPS officer’s wife, he is IPS officer’s father. Inspector asks if this is Mrs. Sai Chauhan’s house and he is her FIL Ninad Chauhan. Ninad boasts that his son is IPS officer Virat Chauhan. Inspector says Sai met with a severe accident. Bhavani shocked asks if she died. Inspector says she is dead after falling from a height and gave a statement that she was mentally disturbed because Ninad, Omkar, and Bhavani mentally tortured her and wished they should reach there to claim her dead body. They all 3 get more tensed and say Sai wrongly alleged them. Ninad says his son is an IPS officer. Inspector says even Sai’s husband is present there and is in deep shock, so they should reach the college right now. They all 3 panic more and blame each other for provoking Sai, etc. Inspector says they don’t have much time and should reach college right now. Ninad says Sai put them in trouble before dying and looks like their remaining life will be spent in jail. Bhavani says she likes having basmati rice and real spices, so she cannot adjust jail food. Omkar says they will get food only if they work and ask if they make inmates grind chakki. Bhavani imagines grinding chakki, Ninad mopping, and Omkar brooming. Inspector scolds that their family member died and they are talking about basmati chawal and real spices. Bhavani says Sai gave her life to win her challenge. Inspector asks if they are coming nor not. They say they are.

Sai ready for her performance nervously wander in makeup room and thinks what will happen when Omkar, Ninad, and Bhavani will find out she did drama to call them here; then thinks she need not worry as everything will be alright. Virat walks in and says she is looking pretty. Pulkit enters and seeing them apologizes and hopes he didn’t disturb them, he just came to check if Sai god ready, she is looking fabulous. He asks if everything is alright. Sai says she is under performance pressure and thinks of not going on stage. Virat asks what happened that she didn’t want to go on stage. Pulkit says she cannot back off at last moment. She says she wanted to tell them something. Pulkit says whole Chavan family and her friends have come. She says not whole Chavan family. Virat says one who don’t want to come will not come. Sai says she is feeling really weird. Pulkit says she is having anxiety and even big artists get nervous, so she need not worry. Virat ask what is the issue. Sai says she thinks she has to leave Chavan Nivas forever, anyways one who didn’t want to come must have come by now as she made a different arrangement to call them here. Virat asks what did she do. Pulkit says if she has sent car for them, they will not come. Sai says she sent a jeep. Virat says jeep is also normal. Sai says police jeep. Virat stands shocked.

Precap: Pulkit asks Sai if she thinks she can call them here via her fake police. Sai says she messaged she died and they are responsible for her death. Virat stands shocked. Sai says they are coming and shows her team’s message.

Update Credit to: MA

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