Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Kundali Bhagya 14th July 2021 Written Episode Update: Mahesh consoles a sobbing Rishab Luthra


Kundali Bhagya 14th July 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Shristhi exclaims everything happened for the good as now one of the chapters is closed, Preeta asks what she means, Shristhi exclaims she cannot understand what has happened as why would Prithvi want to reveal the truth about Mahira because she was the friend of Sherlin and Prithvi, she is glad that Mahira went from their lives, she has always wronged Preeta and tried to create problems in her relationship with Karan.

Shristhi exclaims now they would be able to focus on their first mission, Preeta questions what she means, Shristhi replies that Mahira just came into their lives, and they have to reveal the truth about Prithvi because if he gets married with Kritika it would ruin the lives of not only Kritika but the entire Luthra family, Shristhi asks why Preeta is not saying anything, Preeta replies Shristhi is also saying the same thing.

Preeta reveals that she doesnot want to fight with Prithvi and Sherlin because they always play at some other level, whenever they try to expose them, it causes problems for themselves, she doesnot want to feel bad in front of the family, she would no longer try to expose anyone as she has left it to Bhagwan, Shrishti asks what is she saying, Preeta also advises her to not do anything of the sort, Shristhi was not present in the house and did not see how Rakhi was crying in the baby’s room and was also crying after coming back toi her own room and in that state of distress she only said one thing that only the marriage of Prithvi and Kritika can mend their emotions, she also has to look after her family and cannot create a sense of tension, when they tried to reveal the truth to Kritika she threatened both Rishab and Karan, she has to take care of the relation and will leave everything to Bhagwan.

Shristhi standing asks if she would leave her foes to the will of Bhagwan, Preeta exclaims they have tried to expose the truth, but it never benefited them, so she just desires to take care of the family and focus on her relations.

Mahesh asks Rishab if Sameer brought the medicine, Rishab replies the medicine was not available at the store so he went to find it someplace else, it might take some time, Sherlin says to Rakhi that she is not feeling seeking permission to go back to her room, Rakhi offers to take her but Kritika stopping her offers to help Sherlin instead.

Preeta comes downstairs with the invitation cards, she hands them to Dadi who gives them to Sarla and Sanjana, Dadi exclaims they both have to be present at the wedding because the daughters are a means to join two families so now they all are a single family, she asks Janki why is she still quiet, Janki replies what can she say because they came to inquire about the health of Shelrin and meet with Rakhi jee, however she is glad that one of the enemy has left their house as now Preeta can live without any worries.
Mahesh stands up saying it is time for his medicine so he must leave, Prithvi also consoles Rakhi jee, Rishab leaves the hall going upstairs, Dadi exclaims if the marriage of Prithvi and Kritika brings happiness to the family then they will hold the wedding tomorrow, she exclaims that prithvi has proved to be a son of the Luthra family as he always cares for everyone and even tries to care for everyone, Sarla tries to leave saying she would surely be present at the wedding.

Rishab is sitting alone, Karan comes to him questioning what has happened but Rishab tries to deny anything has happened, Rishab hugging Karan exclaims he can hide it from himself but not Karan, Rishab explains that he might be a bad person, Karan asks who said it to him, Rishab replies that he is crying but not feeling anything, he is feeling bad for Sherlin but not having the emotions of a father, Mahesh hears their conversation from behind the doors, so comes and both Karan and Rishab are shocked, Mahesh replies that he heard everything and now knows there is nothing wrong with what Rishab is feeling because he is of the same intuition, he explains that when Rishab was born he did not feel anything but felt the sense of fatherhood when Rakhi placed him in his hand, and he can see how their relation has been as a father and son, he is sure that Rishab would be a great father, Rishab hugs Mahesh exclaiming that he has removed a lot of gilt from his heart.

Sherlin is in her room, Prithvi coming inside takes her hand, she mentions he has proven he sincerely loves and can do anything for her, Prithvi replies he can even give his own life, she asks if he can take a life for her, Prithvi agrees, he sits to say that Sherlin has said which was not expected of her by saying that those who give happiness also have the right to be happy and he must be married to the daughter of the house which is really amazing, Sherlin replies it is because she has come to realize that their hearts are still connected even if they are married to different people, Kritika enters the door, Prithvi immediately hides, she asks Sherlin who was she talking to, Sherlin replies she was talking to her love, Kritika thinks that she might not have forgotten her child, she sitting explains what Sherlin has suffered is beyond the suffering which a women can bear but what has happened is in the past and her love is also loved by everyone in the family, she must not worry about the past because she will surely pray that Sherlin get what she deserves but for now needs to rest as she is really weak, Sherlin thinks Kritika is right as because of her Prithvi will always be in the Luthra mansion but if he starts being nice because of her polite talk, Kritika will become her biggest enemy and would not be able to live peacefully.

Preeta sitting with Rakhi exclaims she knows this pain is really big but like the elders say that after every pain the happiness always comes, Rakhi accepts she would not be able to forgive herself because she was not able to be a nice mother in law, Preeta mentions she must not feel like this because she is the mother of her daughter in law and not just the mother of her sons, Rakhi exclaims she might have made a mistake as if she had taken good care of Sherlin when she was at her seven month pregnancy, Rakhi asks with what purpose was Mahira staying in her house, she was present because of her friendship with Ramona but she should not have stayed in the house.

Preeta requests Rakhi to not think like this because it would only cause more sorrow, Rakhi replies that she always knew Mahira was trying to create differences in the relation of Preeta and Karan and had she not let Mahira stay things would have been different, she tried to send her away, but Mahira insisted that she would leave when her studies were complete. Preeta replies that at some point in her life she was not able to live and even a day felt like months, people used to say that Preeta is really strong and adamant but in reality, she was broken then Sarla one day told her that just like the good time of her life went away, so will these times of pain, she must remain strong. Rakhi replies that Preeta is right as it just takes a small match to light the beacon of hope and for their family it is the wedding of Kritika and Prithvi which will once again cause happiness in their lives, Kritika standing at the door is weeping, she exclaims that everything would be perfect just like Rakhi dreams.

Precap: Preeta is on a chair with a garland. Kids are running and they hit the chair. Preeta loses her balance and the garland goes flying. Karan runs and catches her in his arms and the garland falls on him. He smiles looking at her. Prithvi is getting ready as a groom. He sees himself in a mirror and says, you must be very happy today. You’re marrying this house’s daughter. Other hand, Srishti plans to stop Prithvi’s marriage.

Update Credit to: Sona

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