Friday, 30 July 2021

Kkb (Love of Life) Episode 24


When Abhi talks about Kiara parents she gets tensed.. He notices her.

“Listen if you don’t have parents than it’s okay, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings says Abhi noticing Kiara’s expression.
Kiara (tensed) – No, I hv parents… Actually I eloped from my house.
(Kiara remembers her escape from her house)
Aryan (happily) – Where is your boyfriend?
Rhea – Dii tell na where he is? I want to see him.
Abhi and Vikram remain silent and looked at Kiara.
Kiara – Dude I don’t have a boyfriend!
Aryan – Then with whom did you elope… Wait are you married?
Kiara – Idiot.. I am single and I eloped alone from my house.
Aryan and Rhea make a sad face as they didn’t hear what they wanted.
Abhi – Then why did you elope?
Kiara – To live my life freely without any restrictions in short for freedom.
Aryan – Freedom?
Kiara – Yes
Abhi – Where is your house?
London says Kiara which shocks everyone.
Everyone in unison – ‘London’
Kiara – Yes….
Aryan – Dude that’s cool.
Kiara – What cool bro? My life was not less than hell over there… You know I was not even allowed to go out of my house.. and whenever I used to 2-4 bodyguards were around me, making me feel like a slave. I was not allowed to go out alone and talk to strangers and my room was just like prison, inside the room bodyguards outside the room security guards… Can you just imagine! Ahh I have completed my studies in my own house indeed I don’t have a single friend ’cause I never went out.. I was only allowed to go out with security guards and that also rarely… My dad is very possessive..
Everyone get shocked on hearing that while Kiara looks at them.
Abhi – What’s your name?
Kiara – K…(she was about to speak her real name but stops in between)
Kiara’s POV
He is a rockstar then he must be knowing dad  and if I will tell him my real name then he may find out about me… Then I will be back in that prison… No no this can’t happen.
Abhi jolts Kiara.
Abhi – I asked  your name!
Kiara (thinking) – Arya!
Rhea start laughing madly while Aryan bents his face… Kiara feels odd.
Kiara – Did I say anything wrong?
Rhea (laughing) – No.. No..
Kiara – Then why are you laughing?
Rhea (trying her best to control her laughter) – Actually…. Whenever we have to tease Aryan we call him Arya… That’s why I was laughing.
Kiara – Seriously?
If you don’t believe me just look at Aryan his face expression will tell you everything says Rhea laughingly while holding her stomach…
Kiara looks at Aryan and understands everything. She goes near him and places her hand over his shoulder.
Kiara – Well bro, I can’t help you with this.. But you don’t need to feel bad about it after all I am like your sister and brother and sister have similar name so is the case with us.
To which Aryan gives a smile.
Abhi – Who is your dad?
Kiara (tensed) – Sir I don’t want to be rude , but I don’t want to tell anyone about my dad or family.. I came here to enjoy my life and leave my past back… So let it be my past.
Abhi – Okay.. You are right let your past be past … We are not at all concerned about your dad, we just want you to be a part of our life.
To which Kiara gives a smile…
Rhea – But dad where will she stay?
Abhi – I have decided!
Everyone – What?
Abhi – That Arya is staying with us in the Mehra Mansion till the concert gets over.
Listening this Aryan and Rhea rush towards Kiara and hug her tightly.

I am so happy dii now you will live with us… Oh God I can’t just believe, now we will have a lot of fun and I am so excited to show you my room and the whole mansion. It will be a great fun says Rhea while still hugging her.
Aryan ( happily)- Yes! We will have a great time together.
Rhea – So when are you coming?
Kiara – Well right now I need to go to my hotel and then check -out … So till evening.
Rhea – Please come soon.. I can’t wait anymore, so I will text you our address.
Kiara – Okay… Well I need to leave right now.. Meet you in the evening.

Rhea again hugs Kiara… Kiara leaves from there.

In the evening ; At Mehra Mansion
Rhea was continuously taking rounds of the main hall with her eyes stuck towards the main door. Pragya notices her and comes towards her.
Pragya – Rhea! Are you waiting for someone?
Rhea (happily) – Yes mom.
Pragya gets curious to know who was coming as she as never saw Rhea so much excited to meet someone.
Pragya (excited) – Who is coming?
Rhea (creating suspense) – Mom.. You need to wait.
Pragya – Beta pls tell.. I want to know for whom are you so restless? Okay if you don’t want to tell me his/her name, just tell a little about her maybe I  know that person.
Rhea – Well mom I guess that you are not knowing her but I will tell you a little about her.
Pragya gets excited and looks at Rhea.
She is just like a fairy, her voice so sweet and her long hair gives her a perfect look.. She is cute and pretty, her personality will make you fall in love with her on your first meet itself, and you know she is very adventurous and intellectual.. In short she is beauty with brain… Oh I just forgot to tell that she also sings.. her voice is mesmerizing says Rhea with a smile on her face.
Pragya gets emotional as she remembers Kiara…
Rhea – Mom I am so excited to meet her..
Pragya – I also want to meet the girl.
Rhea hugs Pragya and leaves for her room.. Pragya sits in the main Hall and thinks of Prachi, Kiara and Shahana…
After some time a taxi stops out side the Mehra Mansion, Kiara gets out of the car and takes her bag with her..
She sees the Mehra mansion and gets some flashes of her past she feels giddy and holds the gate tightly to get support. She was feeling weak but with slow and steady she enters the Mehra mansion Mansion.. Pragya sees her and feels like if Kiara was close to her.. Kiara was about to fall but Pragya saves her she gives her a glass of water and makes her sit.
Pragya (with a concerning tone) – Are you okay beta?
Kiara sees her and gets some flashes of her moments with Pragya she closes her eyes tightly and then opens them slowly…I am okay aunty says Kiara feebly .
Rhea enters the hall and finds Kiara sitting there she comes rushing towards her and hugs her… Pragya gets happy to see both of them.
Rhea – Dii when did you come? (She looks at Pragya) Mom see the person about whom I was talking is she.. She is Arya dii and dii she is my mom.

She is exactly like that..what you explained about her was absolutely right says Pragya cupping Kiara’s face.
Kiara feels close to Pragya, she gives a cute smile.

The episode ends.
Pls note- from now onwards I am going to use Arya name for Kiara in some places so don’t get confused. And Abhigya is Prachi’s name which she uses to hide her identity.

About the author :- So one of the readers I guess, Prachi was asking about me, so let me tell a little about me… I am from beautiful state of Himachal Pradesh and more precisely from Kullu- Manali.. I belong to a hindu family, though I am from North but my name is of a South Indian goddess… My nickname is Sana so you people can call me Sana…. A huge Pranbir fan. Huge fan of tollywood but not interested in Bollywood… So I guess this much information is okay.. I will reveal my name in the last episode of this ff (none of my family members are aware of the fact that I write ff, though my besties know my every secret 😅).

The post Kkb (Love of Life) Episode 24 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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