Sunday, 25 July 2021

Angels and Suitors ft. Mishibir, Kuhukunal, Samaina and Mineil – End


Hi all!!!!

It’s been a long time and finally after battling covid, I’ now resuming my normal works. So, I’m working for almost 11-12 hrs a day and I’m not finding time to write the episodes. So, I’m gonna take a break from writing for some months.

I’m really sorry. I have taken this decision after tyring out every possible way to update the episode. But some messages are really hurting and sure it will hurt more in future. The reason for stepping back from writing is due to these reasons.

  1. Lack of time.
  2. All my ff’s are long episodes with more scenes. I thought to make it a short episode but if I do that in a multi starrer then definitely some couple scenes will be missing in certain episodes, and their fans will start to bash me or the readers will drop off.
  3. And also, I don’t know how frequently I can update the episodes.

With these things in mind, I tool this hard decision to step out from Telly updates. These 8 years had been wonderful here. I got some genuine friends here. Thanks to everyone who had supported me in all my ff. Sorry to you all for disappointing you to end these ff’s.

And also, I’m thinking to explore other genres rather than couple’s love. For that I don’t think TU will be the correct place. As I always say, for me story is more important than the couple scenes. But recently I’m forced to have couple scenes for increasing the readers. So, I’m planning to write my stories in Wattpad. I might start after 3-4 months. If possible do follow me there @Supriya_R

For now, I’ll just give the gist how I planned the story…

Mishti comes to know about Priya-Kuhu’s tiff. At first Priya manipulates Mishti against Kuhu and they both fight. Later with the help of Parul, Kunal and Abir, Mishti gets to know about Priya and lashes her out. In the course of this process, Kunal finds many similarities between him and Parul. He starts to like Parul. He gets doubt on her and confronts everyone to tell him the truth. Meenakshi says him the truth. He breaks down hearing it. He apologizes to Parul for humiliating her many times. Kunal have a beautiful moment with his both mothers Meenakshi and Parul. Seeing all this lovely moments, Abir-Mishti’s relationship goes to next level and she becomes pregnant. Uma comes from hospital and claims that Mishti is carrying his child. Everyone get shocked. Meenakshi doesn’t support Mishti as Uma brings pics of them together in bed. Priya decides to take revenge on them and joins with Uma. Abir fights with his family and he leaves with Mishti, Kunal and Kuhu. Meenakshi creates a huge ruckus. Parul makes her understand how good she is and also about the past events how she accepted her despite being her home wrecker. Meenakshi comes to know about everything by hearing Priya talking with Uma. She lashes at both and apologizes Mishti and everyone. All gets happy and they are united. Kuhu delivers a baby girl and Mishti a baby boy. They live happily with both kids.

Naina-Sameer work hard in their passions as well as in their studies. Their love grows more when Sameer helps her during exam preparations. Beena and Bela discuss how alone Rakesh is. So, after convincing Beena’s husband, they both decide to remarry Rakesh. Naina and Arjun are shocked at first but they understand that their father needs a partner. Rakesh doesn’t agree to this but Naina and Arjun convince him.  Meanwhile, Sameer and Naina see the bonding of Rakesh and Shanti. They tell the same to Bela and Beena. And everyone convince rakesh and Shanti to agree for the marriage and they both get married for the sake of families. They agree to be each one’s partner and friend, but days goes on, they both fall in love. Munna decides to take his dad’s business in foreign. Swati pleads him to talk to her parents. And finally, he speaks to his dad and he agree to talk to Swathi’s parents. Her parents also agrees and they both get married. Pandit and Preeti’s love also gets approved after a long struggle. After some years, all of them are independent and in good position. All three pairs get married on the same day and start their life.

Mini and Neil try hard and make Patiala Babes restaurant a huge success. Babita gives birth to baby boy and everyone are happy. All live in a united family. Ashok apologizes to Babita and Mini for his past mistakes. Babita and Mita asks Mini to start her family life. Mini also thinks and decides to have kids. Mini and Neil later have a twin baby. All lives happily in the same house.

The end!!!!!


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7/25/2021 07:11:00 pmFilmSchoolWTFNo comments

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