Thursday, 3 June 2021

Soul Forever? #Riansh FF..Part Aayu



so let’s start..

one thing:-Bye mistake instead of writing chapter 8 I wrote 10 so don’t get confused..Two table of contents are missing after chapter 7 there is chapter 10 and I will carry on with 10 as it will be confusing so…..

Vansh was shocked by her sudden action..

he understood that she is scared..

Vansh:-Relax You are safe…

Riddhima realized and back off…

Riddhima:- I am sorry..v..o.h

vansh:- It’s okay..

Riddhima:-Who are they and why they wan….

Vansh:- shhhh…..

he closes her mouth with his palm and

drag her not in a way to hurt her..behind the bed…

and make her kneel down..

and At the very next moment door opened…

man 1 :-No one is here also..

man 2:-Let’s check another room..

Riddhima was tensed..what is going..

She whispered…

Riddhima:-V..o.h pari..she is in the very next room what if they try to harm… noo…

Vansh:-NO nothing will happen to her Angre is with her…I mean in that room..and they will not harm her..they are searching for you and me..

riddhima:-Us? why?

vansh:-It’s not the right time to tell you the whole story so pls for God’s sake don’t ask any questions..already my head is paining…

ridhima:-If your head is spinning this much saving me so why are you here go to your city and rest….and why are you saving me? when at last you have to torcher me…

Vansh:- huh! Torcher?


Vansh:-will you tell me how?

Riddhima:-You were responsible for parita’s condition….and that is equal to torturing me she is only one left with me..and what you did? ruthless, arrogant, selfish money minded..

Vansh:-will you just stop!! at top of his voice…

And this he did wong the men who were just standing outside the room listening the voice came inside…

Man 1:-So you were hiding here…

he put his gun out and pointed towards both of them…

Riddhima:-Pls put the gun’s not a toy..

Man:-Hey!! shut up..It’s a toy only for us..we play with this every day..and who asked your advice?

come go down and no smartness….pointing the gun…

The man takes them to the hall…where their boss was sitting…

Boss:-welcome VR glad to see you here in Shimla..

I don’t know for saving her life you will risks your..

well good…I don’t have to go to two different places, I can kill you both here only..

Riddhima was just listening and was shocked..she can’t able to decide Vansh is what, a saver or an enemy for her

boss:-Any last wish?

Vansh:- Chang!! You have enmity with me so why are you dragging her..

boss:-Because she is the daughter of that bastard Sharma..

Vansh:-Chang you are not doing right..

chang(to his men):-What are you waiting for..shot!!

Chang:-Let me do the honor…

so who wanted to die first..

riansh:-shoot me first!!

Chang:- wow!! You both don’t know each other also but also..

okay so let me start with the bastard’s daughter..

Vansh You will be happy to see that you were didn’t able to fulfill your promise..

he pointed his gun towards Riddhima…

he was going to pull the trigger…

Chang:-wait!! beta just convey my message to your father that “Chang never losses”..

and he pulled the trigger….

To be continued…

so many questions…

isn’t it?

you will get them all..

stay tuned…

Hope you are enjoying the story..Do tell me…


take care…

The post Soul Forever? #Riansh FF..Part Aayu appeared first on Telly Updates.

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