Happy father’s day to all the father’s of this world, who never came back from their responsibility . I have nothing to say much. I had tried not to make it emotional but I cried while writing it. You might also cry. Sorry for any mistakes because I didn’t have guts to read it again. Ok let’s start:-
Hey!! You all know me very well right? Yes I am Riansh RaiSinghania, son of Riddhima RaiSinghania. I have a sweet sister also. We are twins, but I am elder than her of 2 mins. So she is my younger sister, her name is Riva RaiSinghania. Well now you will be thinking why I didn’t say about my dad. How will I say about him when he is not with us? Now don’t think he died. He is alive and fine also. Then what’s is the problem right? Actually the problem is he don’t live with us. He had left us when we were five years old. He had a fight with my mom. Actually he is a very egoistic person. When someone hurt his ego then his own children also become his enemy. Our life was going very smooth. My mom is a government school teacher. She loves to teach children a lot. Now I and my sister is studying in Class 11. Till morning everything was good but what happens in the morning is really unpredictable for us. Let me say you in detail.
Flashback Starts:-
At 9:00am:-
Riansh and Riva was helping their mother in kitchen for the breakfast. They are making chole bature. Today they will have a very special breakfast. While preparing it they heard the calling bell sound.
Rinash:Let me see who is there.
He comes out of the kitchen and goes towards the main door. While in kitchen Riddhima was talking with Riva.
Riva:What we have to add after that?
Riddhima:Let me add some…
Riddhima was about to say when both mother and daughter heard Riansh’s voice.
Riansh (staring towards the main door with shock and anger):You!!
Riddhima and Riva rush to the drawing room and saw a tall and handsome man, with some white hairs in his beard hair and head hair is standing on the main door. He has a very uncommon smile. The smile which depicts happiness, guilt, and forgiveness.
Vansh:Yes, I am your Vansh and you two’s dad. Won’t you hug me?
Riddhima runs towards Vansh but Riansh stops her.
Riansh:No, you are none of us. You have died for us when you left us and this home.
Riddhima & Vansh:Riansh!!
Riansh:Yes, where were you when we need you the most? Don’t you remember the face of your two children? Don’t you miss us? Leave us, don’t you remember the person whom you love so much? Or the love has end?
Vansh comes near Riansh and says,
Vansh:No my son. I still love you. I missed you all so much. Living without you all was like lifeless body for me.
Riansh:Then why you left us?
Vansh hungs his head down.
Rinash:Say!! We have saw how much mom used to cry every night for you. We know how mom is struggling still now for our studies. Have you ever thought how we are living? What we are eating? How will this lady live without you?
Vansh:I understand all yours complain. But I have some my problems also.
Riansh:What problem?
Vansh:I can’t say that.
Riansh:How you will say when you don’t have any problem.
Riansh fold his hands to his chest and turns his face on other side.
Riddhima:Please forgive him now. Now we will live together. Forget all those.
Riva:Yes bhaiya. We can forget all those and live together now.
Riansh:Never!! I can’t with a person like him. He never love us. He now came back because he is growing old na so he need help now.
Riddhima:Riansh!! (shouting).
Riansh:Today I am not going to hear anyone. This person can never stay with us.
Vansh has started cry. His own son is scolding him. Though he is proud of his son because of this protective nature but he is still hurted.
Rinash:I can never allow him to hurt you more. We have send 12 years nicely without him and we can also spend our rest of the life happily without him.
Riddhima saw towards Vansh with painful eyes.
Riddhima to herself:I knew something will definitely happen like this. But Vansh forbade me to say the truth. How he will get to know the whole truth. God save my family.
Riansh:You can live now. There is no place for you in this house.
By saying he turns to other side showing is back to Vansh. Though he is hurt but still he is his dad and he loves him so much. A tear appears in the corner of his eyes. But he controlled himself. He don’t want to show his weak side to anyone. He is completely like his father.
Vansh didn’t protest anything. He turns and leaves from there. Riva and Riddhima was crying very much hugging each other. Riansh tooks a long breath and lives for his room.
Flashback ends.
By reaching his room he gave up and starts to cry. He can’t control himself anymore. It was too much for him now. He goes to his cupboard and tooks out a photo frame between his clothes. It is Vansh’s photo. He hugs it and cries.
Riansh:Dad!! Why you left us that day? Why? If you didn’t left us then today might have been different. Every father’s day we spent crying for you. We miss you so much.
He wipes his tears and kept the photo in his place again and goes towards the balcony. He kept his both hands on the railing and looks the sky.
Riansh:I know something happens for a reason. May be there is a reason behind all this. But I wish I knew it. I am just fedup of all this.
He was thinking all this when he felt someone’s hand on his shoulder. He knew the touch very well. Without turning he says,
Riansh:Leave me alone for sometimes mom.
Riddhima:I will give you time but first listen to me. It’s important. If I don’t say now then it may happen you have to repent for your whole life.
Riansh:Mom!! (turning towards her with suprise).
Riddhima:You might have remember that your father had an medicine factory. He owned a company. The name of the company is “VR Medicines”. So many workers used to work under him. Your father used to work legally. It was going very good. I met with your father in a relative party. We likes each other seeing there and then we inform it to our parents. They also agreed and we got married. After one year you two borns. Our life was going good. But some evil sights fell on our family. Our life got covered with black clouds. Kabir Trivedi is a drug dealer. He wanted your father do sell drugs with the medicines but he forbades. For him lives of those millions person is more precious than those money. But after forbading it Kabir didn’t stop. He starts to attack your dad and me. One day he also point gun to you. But your dad was not less, he also fights with him. After all this Kabir understood very well that he can’t do anything by strength. He have to use his mind. He provoke your dad’s worker against him. They starts to hate him. They troubled your father a lot. And one day Kabir plays his master stroke.
Flashback Starts:-
Before 12 years:-
Kabir:Now we will play our last and best part of our plan. We have to add dangerous drugs in all the medicines so that all the peoples die and Vansh become responsible for it.
He ordered all the workers of Vansh to do this. They had done all this. The medicines were supplied all over India and people starts to die after eating those medicines. People starts to accuse Vansh. All are bullying him that if he is responsible for this then he have to pay for this. His factory were sealed. CBI Officers took the case in their hands. They starts to find the truth.
Officer:We have to go inside factory.
Vansh:Yes, you can.
Kabir:Please find the truth. I am sure he is responsible for this.
Officers go inside the factory. They collect all the ingredients and sends it for lab test. After one day the results come.
In VR Mansion:-
Vansh:Sir I hope you got to know who is behind this. (seeing towards Kabir).
Officer:Yes, and we came to arrest him only.
Vansh:Who is he?
Officer:Yes, we got the harmful drugs from your factory.
Vansh:Impossible!! You can ask my work…
Officer:They only said us. (cutting him middle).
Vansh understood very well that he is trapped badly. Now no one can save him for this. He took a long breath and says,
Vansh:Give me five minutes to talk with my wife privately.
Vansh drags Riddhima with him who is crying like hell.
Riddhima:Why it happened with us? How will we live? See your children. Let us ran away.
Vansh:I can’t run away. You know I don’t like all this. I have no other option than to go with them. Sorry.
He caresses his face.
Vansh:It may be our last meet. Take care sweetheart. I love you. And don’t say about me to our child. I don’t want my children listen that there father is an criminal. Don’t tell them. (choked voice).
Vansh kiss on her forehead and leaves from there without turning back.
Riddhima:Vansh!! Don’t leave me. I will die without you. Don’t go away from me. Vanshhhhhhhhh……
Flashback Ends.
Riddhima was crying bitterly same with Riansh also. He was feeling very bad for his dad. How can he say him like this? He left them for their goodnees and he? He immediately runs to search his father.
He was running here and there asking had theg saw him or not. After running for 1 hour in that strong sunlight he got him. Riansh stops seeing him. He was sitting under a tree. He slowly walks towards him.
Riansh:Dad!! (with happy tears).
Vansh turns and saw his son is standing with his arms streched for a hug.
Vansh:My son.
He runs and hugs his son. A best moment of the life. They are crying hugging each other. Their first hug.
Vansh:My ears are aching from so many years to hear this word.
Riansh:I am sorry dad, I misunderstood you. Forgive me.
Vansh:No my son. It was not your mistake, it was the love for your family, the duty for your family, THE RESPONSIBILITY!! It is the duty of all men to look after their family. I haven’t complete my responsibility but you have done it. I am feeling so proud of you.
Riansh:You are the best dad. I want you as my dad for all of my life. I love you dad.
21st June, 2021 Father’s Day:-
Riansh and Riva is preparing for the father’s day party. They are gonna celebrate it in their own way. Riansh and Riva has made a drawing for their father.They have also sang a song for Vansh.
Riansh and Riva: Ungli pakad ke tune
Chalna sikhaya tha na
Dehleez oonchi hai ye, paar karaa de
Baba main teri mallika
Tukda hoon tere dil ka
Ikk baar phir se dehleez paar karaa de
Mudke na dekho dilbaro
Mudke na dekho dilbaro
Riansh:Atlast I want to say one thing, father is like a banyan tree for us. We live in his shade. He do his responsibilities by hook or by crook. For him his family matter him the most. Father is the another name of responsibility for me, who spends his whole life by completing his responsibility. Hatts of to all the father in this father’s day. I know all fathers are not same. There are many who don’t complete their responsibility. All fathers are not father. But for me my father is that one who can even sacrifice his life for us. I love you papa. .
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