Pandya Store actor Akshay Kharodia has finally tied the holy knot of matrimony with his longtime girlfriend Divya Punetha last night (June 19). It was an intimate ceremony observing all the restrictions of COVID-19. The two exchanged vows in front of the family members and took place at Divya’s house in Dehradun.
Talking about his big day, Akshay told ETimes that he had tears in his eyes when he saw her for the first time in a bridal attire.
“The Wedding was superb. It was beyond my expectations. My family, Divya’s family, enjoyed ourselves a lot. We had only 10 people at the wedding, 5 from my side and 5 from my girlfriend’s side. It was an intimate home wedding. We had a traditional Indian wedding. It was raining in Dehradun but luckily when I was about to go ahead with my wedding procession (Baarat), it stopped. So we enjoyed it. I also danced with everyone while I was seated on the horse. I was very excited,” revealed Akshay.
To make their wedding rituals memorable, Akshay and Divya wrote down their own vows, “We did something special for our wedding. We already had written down our own wedding vows and we agreed on that first. It was like we won’t fight and we will balance the situation together,” said he.
When asked about the most memorable moment from the wedding, the actor shared, “There were two memorable moments. The first was the moment when I saw Divya. I was waiting for that moment for a long time so it was special for me. And another was when we were taking wedding rounds in front of everyone and Pandit Ji. And we were repeating the mantras and vows with Pandit Ji. Those were the most special and memorable moments.”
Akshay also went on to talk about how he was almost teary-eyed when he saw his bride Divya in the dulhan ka joda, “I was almost crying. There were tears in my eyes when I saw her for the first time in the Dulhan ka Joda. It was a special moment for me. I can never forget it.”
The good-looking actor shares that it has always been his dream to get married to Divya and he is over the moon as the day is inching closer, “I am one person who has always been very excited about the wedding. Usually, we say girls dream of having a grand wedding or getting married but in my case, everything is the opposite. It was always my dream to get married to Divya and I am excited that it is finally coming true. She has been with me through thick and thin when I was nothing. Also, our parents were not very convinced about the marriage as she is a Brahmin and I am a Rajput. So they had their reservations. There were a lot of conflicts. I was not settled and Divya’s family, like every parent, wanted someone with a secure job. They would tell her that you are a doctor, he is an actor and what are you. But we kept faith and love won in our case. She supported me in my tough times. I am super excited and I have been literally dancing every night with my Pandya Store team, even though they are equally happy for me,” he said.
Akshay has just got 7 days leave for the wedding and will be resuming the shoot of Pandya Store immediately after his marriage and says he has not made any honeymoon plans, “I am not getting holidays because I am part of a daily soap. I feel you should have a break after marriage to spend time with your partner, but work is also a priority, so I will resume work within 7 days. I will have to manage everything during these 7 days. Honeymoon plans will have to wait as I don’t have leaves. I think if the situation is better next month we will go for it. We don’t want to get infected or have problems. She is a doctor and is right now posted in Uttarakhand. So I don’t want to put things at risk,” he concluded.
Picture curtesy: ETIMES
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