Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 19th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Raghav sees note is written in Hindi, Pallavi says stop starring at paper and talk, Raghav says I wrote a Shayari for you, Raghav reads it all wrong, Pallavi says are you mad, Raghav stops her and talks to her in Telugu, Pallavi says I don’t understand Telugu and leaves angry.
Kirti meets Rocky and asks het to relax and calm down and hands her Sunny’s phone, and says that boy was not Sunny, Kirti asks where is he, Rocky says I don’t know where he went, and he is Sunny he can do anything, Kirti says he can’t runaway I trust him and asks Rocky his parents’number, Rocky says he can go at his cousin’s, he can visit Nidhi.
Raghav asks Milind and Krishna what to do to convince Pallavi, Milind asks do you hear old hindi bollywood songs, Raghav says who does that, Milind says first get rid of this attitude and then do what I say, Krishna says you have to sing, Raghav says neighbours will throw me out if I sing, Milind says I will help you with karaoke after dinner.
Jaya says to Milind thanks for joining foe dinner,we first time have Pallavi’s family member, Milind says soon whole Deshmukh family will be here, Krishna asks where is Kirti, Jaya says she is in her room unwell.
Pallavi says Amma I am done and little down to will go to my room, Milind stops her with bollywood lyrics, Pallavi answers similarly, Jaya says old hindi songs wow, even I like old songs, Pallavi says me and kaka always chat like this, Milind says tonight old songs and my special filter coffee.
All agree.
All sing songs and enjoy, Pallavi says it’s late I have to leave, Raghav says wait I have to say something, Krishna says he has prepared hindi song, Pallavi says its not his cup of tea, Milind says Pallavi let him, Pallavi says okay. Milind plays track, Raghav saya Pallavi I juat want to see you happy and so I did it and takes mic and says I made you sad so I will make you happy now, Raghav starts singing and lights go off. Pallavi says even god doesn’t want your song and leaves.
Raghav starts singing, Pallavi stops, and returns and hears Raghav sing, Pallavi joins him sing, Everyone smiles. Electricity comes back.
Pallavi and Raghav look at eachother and smile.
Milinf reaches home and slowly sneaks in and says now no one will know I was at Pallavi’s good all are sleeping, Sulochana asks where were you at Pallavi’s house right, Milind says yes, I will keep going and let them bond what will you do, Sulochana says I won’t he will and points at Vijay, Vijay says living with Sharda is my responsibility but not with you, Deshmukh house is mine I can throw you and your wife anyday out of this house.
Pallavi near pool thinking about Raghav, Raghav sees her and walks to her, Pallavi holding something drops in pool, Raghav says you were thinking about me right, Pallavi asks why will I, and it was okay okay, Raghav says appreciate my effort I never listen hindi song, Pallavi says how can you not listen to music , its shocking my husband doesn’t know hindi songs, Raghav says it was so nice to hear my husband from you.
Kirti walks to them and says wow, Pallavi asks what’s wrong, Pallavi says my Sunny is missing you two have no idea what I am going through, I was asked to see a body if it was Sunny, thankfully it wasnt, Raghav just tell me truth what you did with Sunny, just tell the truth, you killed him right, you will kill me too and have no shame, Jaya asks Kirti to calm down, Kirti says I beg you please tell me where Sunny is, Pallavi says I will go find him tomorrow but calm down.
Sunny says thanks for 5 Cr Raghav now see my 10.Cr entry.
Pre cap. Raghav says to Pallavi I need help from you.
Pallavi says sure first help me dry my hair, if you need help.
Sunny at Rao’s house says here 5cr and 11 rs now give my love back with this money.
Vansh back.
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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