Sunday, 13 June 2021

Eternal love story # Our Riansh (Chapter-49)


Thank you so much for your lovely comments… I request silent readers to comment, it motivates us…..

Congratulations Radhika, Now party lockdown mein bore horahe the atleast itna to mil sakta hai na 😉 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Flashback Continues:-

Year 2019:-

In RV Mansion:-

Vansh threw away the veil from her and was shocked to see Ragini there, all were rooted to their place and then Vansh held her shoulder and pinned her to the pillar

Vansh- Where is Riddhima, Ragini?

Ragini- Riddhima?

Vansh- Yes Ragini Riddhima where is she….now tell

She pushed him and she kept her fingers on her chin and said

Ragini- Riddhima, woh to gayi (she went)

Sejal- Where and what the hell were you doing under the veil in her wedding dress?

Before Ragini could heard anything they heard a voice

Voice- Vansh

They turned back to see Angre injured on his head

Vansh- Angre what happened to you?

Angre- Vyom…. Vyom took Riddhima with him

Vansh- Where????

Angre- One of the forest, that one…. Yaa…. Aarey forest

Vansh- Angre you stay here you are hurt I will be going there

Kabir- Vansh I’m coming with you

Vansh- No Kabir you and Aryan are needed here for family stay here

Ragini- Vansh you won’t be able to find them

Vansh- Shut up Ragini before I kill you

Ragini just smirked

Veer- Vansh I’m also coming (To Sandhya) Mom you stay here with Ruchi (looking around) Where is she?

Sandhya- She was here right now…..

Sooraj- She must be here only with some work Sandhya look for Ruchi and Vansh I’m also coming with you

Veer, Vansh and Sooraj left and all guest went back and taking the opportunity Ragini left the wedding hall which went unnoticed by everyone

Sandhya came running to hall

Sandhya- Ruchi isn’t here

Kabir- If they kidnapped di also

Aryan- We need to inform Jeeju also

Aryan called him and just heard

“The number you are trying to call in out of network coverage area, pPlease try again later”

Aryan- I guess network isn’t there

At Aarey forest:-

All entered the forest and distributed themselves in different direction and started searching her

Vansh (shouting) – Riddhima…..Riddhima… Where are you please sign something

Anger was now held in his voice and said

Vansh- That bastard Vyom I should have understood when he called me last night suddenly I will kill that bastard

He again started shouting and soon he reached to a place which was near the cliff and he was shocked to see Ruchi and Riddhima tied to the tree and Vyom was sitting on the edge of the cliff

Vansh (shouted) – Ruchi…. Riddhima…..

He moved there but a bullet was shot between them he turned to see Vyom holding the gun in his hand

Vyom- Welcome to your death

Vansh- Vyom You bastard…. Leave them right now

Vyom- No way Vansh after all…… Riddhima is my first love

Vansh (shocked) – What but you love Ragini right?

Voice- No way Vansh we don’t but we are friends even I love you Vansh

All were shocked to see Ragini there and after a while Veer came there and was shocked to see them standing there

Veer- Ruchi…. Riddhima…

Now he moved and just then a bullet was fired to Ruchi and it hit her stomach, all were shocked to see that even Vyom and Ragini while Ruchi was wincing in pain, Veer rushed to her and untied her and she fell on the floor while Vansh untied Riddhima and she dragging herself moved to Ruchi

Riddhima- Bhabhi… Are you ok?

Veer- Ruchi nothing will happen to you open your eyes we are leaving for now (patting her cheeks) Ruchi please

Vyom- Who said you guys are leaving now?

Vansh moved to him and held him by his collar

Vansh- How dare you to shoot Ruchi….How dare you?

Vyom- First of all to I didn’t shoot him and second of all even If I had done I won’t regret over it

Vansh- Freaking bastard she is pregnant

He took out the gun from Vyom’s pocket and pointed at him

Vansh- and Now I’m going to shoot you

Ragini- Vansh leave him or I’ll shoot her

He turned around and was shocked to see Riddhima in her clutches while she was pointing gun at her

Riddhima looked at Vansh with teary eyes and both were in talking with their eye

Soon Riddhima kicked on Ragini’s leg and she flinched back and taking the opportunity she kicked on her stomach and took the gun from her hand and threw her where Vyom was standing and Vansh came to her and hugged her while she was pointing the gun at him

Vansh- Riddhima are you okay?

Riddhima- Vansh I’m fine but bhabhi… Bhai take her please

Vansh- Yaa bhai take her with you already she had lost her consciousness….

But all went unheard to veer as he was rooted to her place

Vansh moved to him

Vansh- Veer take her to hospital (shaking him)

Riddhima moved to him and slapped Veer a hard one a large gasp was heard

Riddhima- Bhai please be in your senses and take her and we will handle them

Veer- Riddhima Ruchi and my child?

Vansh- Veer take them now….. Already there life is in pearl

Veer lifted her and moved but before that he took the gun and pointed at Vyom

Veer- Before going I’m not going to leave you both

But before he could

Riddhima- Bhai we will handle them Bhabhi isn’t well place take her with you

Veer just nodded and left while Riddhima moved to Ragini and clutched her neck in a tight grip

Riddhima- Listen Ragini, I swear if anything happened to my bhabhi or my niece I will rip your head apart and then hang upside down in a tub full of piranhas and I swear Vyom you to will regret the day you were born

Both gulped in fear and Riddhima jerked Ragini and she flinched back and came at the edge of the cliff

Ragini- How dare you Riddhima? How dare you to talk to me like that?

Riddhima- Dare you Ragini… Dare you t0 say a word more and this bullet will directly pierce from your head

Ragini was about to move towards Riddhima but her leg hit the stone and she moved back and fell from the cliff

But to her good luck, Riddhima moved to her and held her hand

Riddhima- Ragini try, you will be able to come up? Ragini try for once

Ragini- Leave me Riddhima it’s just because of you I’m here

She removed her hand from Riddhima’s grip shocking her and fell from the cliff not before whispering to Riddhima

Ragini- I’ll be back Riddhima to take my revenge from you

Ragini fell and Vansh held Riddhima to balance her and all were shocked Vyom fell on the floor and

Vyom- She was my best friend… (Eyeing Vansh)  it’s just because of you Vansh…. I’m going to kill you both now

Vansh- Vyom? What I did? What’s our mistake in it?

Vyom- She loved you and I loved Riddhima and you came between me and My Riddhima

Riddhima- Vyom….Shut up, I never loved you stop this nonsense and put the gun down now

Vyom- Never Riddhima this Vansh came between us you always loved me he was the one to come between us

Vansh- What rubbish are you saying Vyom?

Vyom- You know what Riddhima that day when you fell from the stair in college it was for Vansh so that he can’t meet you but god knows from where you came at exact same time and fell

Vansh- WHAT? Vyom…. You have turned insane…. Listen put the gun down

Riddhima- Listen to us Vyom

Vyom- No way Riddhima I’ll kill this Vansh and then we will live together all alone…

Riddhima- Shut up Vyom and put the gun down

And he didn’t listened and pointed to him and he shot at him but before the bullet missed it shot as they bent down

Riddhima- Vanshhhh….. (taking a sign of relief) Are you okay?

Vansh- Yaa Riddhima (eyeing Vyom) Are you mad Vyom?

Riddhima- Don’t you get that I’m not yours just because of her own obsession she died Vyom neither Vansh nor I killed Ragini

Vyom- I know Riddhima but Vansh is between us and for that he need to die

Riddhima- Vyom stop it please….please don’t kill him

Vyom- I won’t kill him but on one condition

Riddhima- I accept all your decision

Vyom- Baby doll first listen it

Vansh- Riddhima you won’t accept anything

Riddhima- Shut up Vansh you are more precious than anything (to Vyom) what do you want?

Vyom- You…. And I’ll leave him

Vansh- No Riddhima, you won’t accept his rubbhish demands

Vyom- Then die Vansh

He was about to shoot but Riddhima came in between and bullets were shot and to shock the bullet hit on Riddhima’s temple

Riddhima instantly fell on the floor and Vansh took her on his arms

Vansh (crying) – Riddhima open your eyes…. Riddhima

Riddhima (crying) – I love you Vansh

Riddhima went unconscious and

Vansh (patting her cheeks) – Riddhima open your eyes…… Riddhima you can’t leave me (shouting on top of his voice) Riddddddhhhhiiiiimmmaaaa

His head fell on her head and he kissed on her forehead

Meanwhile Vyom was shocked and took a rod from nearby and hit hard on Vansh’s head and Vansh fell on the floor but he went on hitting on his head

And after he was satisfied he fell on the floor and after a while a hand came on his shoulder

Voice- Well done boy well done but why the hell you shot my child

He turned around and saw Sooraj

Vyom- That means you were the one to shoot those bullets on your Daughter in law and your daughter

Sooraj- Yes….. For Ruchi I don’t want that child so I killed her as it was just a mistake of my son nothing else and don’t worry I don’t have any issue with Ruchi after all she is my Daughter-in-law I love her but this Ajay and Vansh I won’t let them stay happy ever because I have a good reason to do that with Ajay

Vyom- And your daughter what she did?

Sooraj- That bullet was for Vansh and she took it

Vyom- Then why you involved us in it why you blackmailed me by taking my wife in your clutches

Sooraj- Because Vansh already had a doubt on you since college and to ignite it I need you help

Vyom- And Ragini

Sooraj- Ragini is my…. Wait why am I telling you this all

Vyom- Ok I don’t want to know but leave my wife now

Sooraj- Yaa….. I left her

Vyom- Thank you

Sooraj- But you can’t leave after all you know many of my secrets

Vyom-What do you mean?

Sooraj- Don’t be tooo innocent now say Good Bye….

Vyom- Please leave me my wife is pregnant

Sooraj- Hey don’t worry your wife will reach to you safe and soundly

Vyom- Please I did all you asked I will leave the country and won’t tell it to anyone please sir

Sooraj- Inspector Vyom don’t forget an IG officer can make you do anything so I did and now I want to kill you and I’m doing it

Vyom- Sir please don’t do leave us please sir

Sooraj- Shut up Vyom and say good bye to the world

Saying so he shot him on his stomach and he fell on the floor with a thud

Back to Present:-

A voice echoed in the whole hospital

Voice- Vanshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…………..

Episode ends

Precap- {Can’t tell guys your response will tell you the precap 😉 }

Do comment guys if you like the chapter and please tell me the answer guys and Sorry I know it will be short but I need to end Flashback here so I did 😉

Sorry for any grammatical mistake………….

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