Sunday 23 May 2021

Twinj: Meant to be: Episode 14


Hello everyone!! Thank you so much for all of your love for the story! Alright, so the last episode introduced a character we hadn’t seen direct references to before – through the phone call, and that definitely changed a lot of things, you’ll see how real soon. But also, other things have been changing, have you noticed? ðŸ˜› Happy reading! 

Twinj: Meant to be: Episode 14 
A quick recap: Kunj turns up at Twinkle’s café where they spend some time together before heading to the Sarna mansion where Twinkle is asked a set of questions by a suspicious Bebe. Kunj handles the situation. Meanwhile, things worsen between Twinkle and Leela, to whom the former lies about a groom.  
Yuvi had been rushing out of the house in the wee hours that morning, hoping he could sneak out to meet Aditi before the rest of the house was up, lest he should have to answer so many questions. “Good morning, Romeo!” He heard Kunj’s voice call out from behind nevertheless, making him groan. “Haha, very funny.” He retorted, turning to face Kunj and quickly looking around for anyone else being present there too. “No, just me. Don’t worry.” Kunj informed him, reading his expression like the back of his hand. “What do you want?” Yuvi asked irritably, gaining a chuckle from Kunj. 
“I just had a message for ‘Diti’, wanted you to convey it to her.” Kunj said a moment later, air-quoting the nickname for emphasis, earning a glare. “Only I get to call her that.” Yuvi reminded him, and Kunj threw his hands up in defeat, laughing now. “Oh look, someone’s being possessive. Romeo!” Kunj teased some more, getting ready to run for he was sure Yuvi would chase him, and in fact, Yuvi had even begun in his direction with a cushion from the nearest couch, but he stopped midway. “Aditi will be my wife in a couple of days, Kunj. But I hear you’ve been hanging out a lot with Twinkle these days? Now who should be called Romeo?” He hit back, making Kunj still. 
“It isn’t a lot. I only own up to going to the café that afternoon. After that we’ve been running into each other because we’re supposed to be handling the preparations for your wedding!” Kunj laid out his well thought out answer a balanced moment later, and Yuvi threw him an ‘I don’t believe you!’ look. “I swear. I know you said you would speak to her; I’m holding off completely until then!” Kunj said sincerely and Yuvi nodded, gulping hard, recalling the last time he had spoken to her. He hadn’t been able to catch up with her for four days. Ever since he had found out that she had agreed to get married that is. How was he going to tell Kunj that now? 
Yuvi’s dilemma was resolved immediately, for now he had spotted a bundle of papers on the teapoy, assumably left there by Usha. One glance at them was all it had taken for him to recognize them. They had struck in him an idea that he had never thought of it before, and it seemed to be the prefect way out. He smiled at Kunj, muttering an “I hope you haven’t been troubling her too much. She’s my best friend, I’ll kill you.” loud enough for Kunj to hear. “Hey! I’m your best friend!” Kunj protested, and Yuvi grinned as he pulled him into a tight hug and whispered, “You’re my brother, idiot!” 
Twinkle sighed as she glanced around her living area, hating how much of a mess it had become. She had had to make a dash for everything ever since that meeting with Usha, leaving her absolutely no time to clean up. Turns out Usha had informed the wedding planners that Twinkle could be trusted to make most decisions as well. So at least that had gone well. ‘And what about the fact that you’ve been getting to see Kunj at least for hour every day since?’ Her mind taunted, but she turned down the suggestion without second thought.

Of course, that wasn’t wrong. Both Kunj and her had been putting in their hearts and souls into this wedding. It meant everything in the world right then to them, and they were willing to do more if the situation demanded it. Kunj had accompanied her to the planners’ office twice in the last four days, and then they had gone shopping with the team for decorative material and gifts too. She had gotten to know Kunj more during that time, enjoying herself thoroughly given his sense of humor and ability to keep the tension at bay for both of them, making sure the situation always stayed light. 

Then again, it also meant that the more time they spent together, the more they were doing goofy things together, right from laughing at each other’s antics, being dramatic together to convince the planners for something, signaling each other from across the room while making decisions on the colors of lights and whatnot. It also implied, as Twinkle learnt grudgingly, that Kunj was usually too close to her, never intentionally it appeared, but every such instance made her gasp or flinch. She didn’t know why, and she hated it. More because she knew the answers by now even if she didn’t accept them, but Kunj already had someone in his life, damn it! But not once had he mentioned that, had he? Why couldn’t her heart understand! 
Needless to say, Leela had been calling her up more frequently now. Twinkle didn’t know whether she had to term this persistence as concern or curiosity. However, she had refrained from receiving any of those. ‘Not until Yuvi’s wedding, Twinkle! I can’t be letting my woes prick into his happiest day!’ She reminded herself a hundred times a day now. Just that she found it was easier when Kunj was around. She didn’t know why.  She jumped up when she heard her phone ring loudly out of the blue and picked it up, dreading the worst, only to calm down when she realized it was Kunj. But as her mind fully processed that, she stood up and headed for the door. He was probably already at the café, waiting for her. They were supposed to start working at the location from that day. 
Twinkle smiled hesitantly at Kunj after handing Maya the keys to the café and informing her of a few things she had to take care of in her absence. “I’m sorry for the delay!” She muttered, earning his cheerful grin despite having had to wait for quarter an hour. “No problems at all!” He said, leading her to his car. “You ought to know though, we’ll be working even harder today onwards. And you look tired already!” He said as he started the ignition. She only shook her head, which he found strange, but knew better than to prod her further about.  
Her mind dwelled on the tiny bit of disappointment she had already begun to feel in herself, for she hadn’t really been able to shape herself into as independent a woman as she would have liked. Even now, she wished she could have told Yuvi about the problem she had brought upon herself by lying to Leela that she had already found herself a groom. She wished all her resolutions didn’t weaken when Kunj was as close to her as he had been when they had to make a choice of the curtains for the venue from the overcrowded shop in the market. One glance at him, and she felt her walls crumble down like she had never built them around her, and out of nowhere, her mind had begun to resent him for it. Just a little perhaps, but it was still bitter. 

Whether she could choose her independence when her other choice had been the warmth that Kunj brought along was a question she didn’t want to answer right then. So, she turned back to him and returned his smile, nodding along to his latest joke and pretending not to find it funny, but she couldn’t hide her laughter for too long either. He told her amusedly about catching Yuvi red-handed that morning, making her chide him, but she laughed along some more too.  

Kunj lowered his window at the huge gates to the wedding venue, where a man dressed in a complete suit, presumably the head of security there greeted him with a “Good morning, Sir! Fortunate to have you here! Also, glad that you’ve brought along mam with you, Sir!” Twinkle’s head snapped towards Kunj, knowing that the man had presumed the two of them were a couple, but Kunj hadn’t corrected the man. “Kunj, what-” She questioned the minute she was sure they were out of eavesdropping distance, but was cut short. “I didn’t see the point in correcting a security worker, Twinkle. Besides, if I did, we would have to give your identity proofs and other credentials, only delaying things.” He got off the car at that, having parked beside an already parked car that she recognized too well. 
“Twinkle!” Yuvi greeted cheerfully, standing in front of the other car, and she smiled her best at him, what with all the thoughts bombarding her mind. She probably would have said something else to fool him into believing everything was alright, but then Kunj stepped forward to hug Yuvi and the two quickly began chattering excitedly. “I’ll see both of you inside.” She said abruptly, excusing herself and heading into the huge convocation hall. “Twinkle?” She heard Yuvi call after her, and thought she had been caught, which she was, but he wouldn’t tell her so because he already knew she wouldn’t reveal anything right then either. “I’m headed home, actually. So, I’ll see you probably tomorrow? Usha aunty thinks the groom shouldn’t step out of the house at all.” He explained.  
She grinned at him teasingly, knowing that although he could go and proclaim his love for Aditi in front of the whole world, he did get a little shy when it came to discussing his wedding with people who weren’t Aditi. He smiled at her with a shake of his head, the heat visibly rising to his cheeks. “You’re cute! I’m so happy for you, Yuvi! Now go home, and get all the rest you can! I know you’re all coming here tomorrow night, so you’ll need all the relaxation!” She told him, pulling his cheek. She laughed when she saw Kunj pull his other cheek, mouthing a ‘Cutie!’ But the moment her eyes landed on him, she was reminded of the incident a few minutes ago, so she looked back at Yuvi and patted his cheek lightly before excusing herself. 
“What’s up with her?” Yuvi asked Kunj, with an ‘I know you have no idea, but anyways!’ tone, only to end up surprised when Kunj explained the security officer’s blunder. Yuvi laughed heartily, teasing Kunj for it – never letting go of an opportunity for that. “Shut up. Go home.” Kunj shooed him, giggling to himself at the possibility of that coming true as he walked towards the hall, his cheeks hurting from smiling ear to ear at the idea of getting to spend two whole days with Twinkle before the others arrived. 
That’s it for now, guys! Please let me know what you thought about that. This has been fun for me, personally. Stay safe and take care!! Much love!   

The post Twinj: Meant to be: Episode 14 appeared first on Telly Updates.

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