Monday, 24 May 2021

Love Story Of A Gangster (Epilogue) RiAnsh


Vansh takes Riddhima along with him to the place where they net for the first and says,
“Do you remember this place Riddhima? This is the place where we met for the first time and see what a coincidence today also I’m wounded, that day also I was wounded. Today also you are with me, that day also you were with me. Still there’s a difference today you are not hiccuping, my love have stopped all your hiccups. Second difference is that, thewounds I have got today are very deep and you can’t heal them with your antiseptic.”
He hugs her tightly, adoring her and says,
“I’m very lucky Riddhima that I have find you. You have loved me, I have loved you. You again made me Vansh, you returned my identity which was lost years ago. My mistake was that I turned into a simple man, I saw a dream of having a cute little family. You, me and our little kid. But it didn’t fulfilled. Our story would have been better if it would have started from here and not from there where you shot me. My mistake was that I was unable to forget the scar which was near my heart, given by you. This smell of your hair Riddhima, this smell of your hair…. When you removed your mask and kept your head on my chest to see whether I’m dead or alive, those smell of your hair brought back my consciousness Riddhima. Our story would have been better if you would have not agreed with me in killing everyone…. But no….. No what you did is, you, yourself kept gun on my hand and sent me to kill everyone, you allowed me to kill everyone and fulfilled all your evil motives through my hands. You again pushed me to same dark world which I left for you and this is what my mistake is right? It would have been better, if my love would have won, though I was aware of what all you have done, I didn’t asked you anything and was doing whatever you wanted because during our marriage I promised you, that I’ll never question you. I was hopeful that you, yourself would come to me and tell me that why you shot me and that was my fault right? I just kept waiting that you’ll tell the truth…’ll tell the truth, that why you did this and that’s what my mistake is right? It would have been better Riddhima that whatever your grudges, anger was there you would have kept it till me at least our child and Angre would have bern alive. Chalo keep our child aside I have not even seen his face, but Angre, my brother, for him friendship was greater than love, so for me also friendship should be greater than love right Riddhima? Now I have to repay the debt of his friendship right, if I have killed all his murderers how can I leave you. Now lets clear everything”

Saying this Vansh removes his gun and points on Riddhima. In return she also do the same and says,
“What you’ll clear haan? Now I’ll clear everything. It’s hurting right? It’s paining, that’s why I didn’t tell you anything, that’s why I hide the truth so that you can feel the same pain, good…. Good now I’ll tell you the truth, now each and every line will be truth”
“You are late Riddhima, you are….. late to reveal the real you. I pointed gun at you, because I just wanted to see that are you able to point gun at me, but you did it……. Good…… Good. You wanted to kill me right? Ok then (saying this he throws his gun) kill me…. C’MON RIDDHIMA SHOOT and yes….. don’t tell me the reason behind it because now neither you have right to tell the truth nor I have right to know it, because neither Angre will come back nor my child and nor Guru will ever become Vansh again… c’mon shoot and end this story here right now.”
“I’ll shoot Guru….. I’ll shoot…. I’ll kill you and yes even I was saddened by Angre’s demise, because I never wanted him to die, but….. baby? Baby would have died if he would have existed Guru. That day when Angre came along with his wife and child, I saw how happy you were with his child. That moment this fake pregnancy plan came in my mind and all those attack on me was planned Guru, it was all planned by me, that baby never existed”
“I don’t believe you can be so cheap Riddhima”
“It’s hurting right? it’s paining a lot……right? Good…. Good….this is what I always wanted…….that, you should feel all this pain. Malik came to know about all my plan, that’s why I joined hands with him and I shot you that day. I always wanted you to be Guru the Gangster that’s why I shot that bullet on Vansh so that you can again turn into Guru. Vansh to Guru…. Guru to Vansh it’s hurting right? Yes feel that pain Vansh, feel that pain….because from last 1 year each and every day, each and every sec I’m suffering from same pain. I died the day you killed my Kabir”
“Ka.. Kabir”
“Yes Guru yes…wait, I’ll make you remember……”

Flashback starts
When Vansh held Kabir at his gunpoint Riddhima was inside the house and she sees Vansh. So she decides to call police and goes inside the room, but till she could call police, Kabir was shot dead.
Flashback ends

“You only told na Vansh that blood stains don’t get wiped easily, so how do you thought that Kabir’s blood stain will get wiped easily?
My Kabir was a gangster……. Like……………
My Kabir changed himself for me……… Like…… You
My Kabir used to love me a lot……. Same….. Like…. You
But… how he died? like a criminal……and now even you’ll die in the same way.”
Vansh was left in shock and says,
“Oh Riddhima…… You stayed so many days with me at least this much you should have find out about me that, when Guru kills someone I don’t even leave a stain of blood….. for crying at least you got to see Kabir’s dead body dammit. I used to think that I’m the only one who is this blind in love…. but you are more than me. Those who killed your Kabir, you joined hands with them only”
Listening to truth Riddhima was crying continuously, she was feeling guilty for what all she did with Vansh, who loved her from core of his heart…
“Van….. Vansh… Please… Listen.. ”
Vansh stops her and was walking backward to the middle of the road and says,
“Now it’s too late Riddhima…… Now you can’t do anything……. I did everything in your love and so damn easily you said that you don’t love me…….. Riddhima do you really think that you don’t love me?
My love is a lie….. If you don’t love me,
My love will get defeated…… If you don’t love me,
If your eyes doesn’t get filled with tears……. then you don’t love me,
Without me if you don’t feel lonely……..then you don’t love me,
Seeing me if your hiccups don’t get started…….then you don’t love me,
But…… But if in your heart there is even 1% love for me then your love will again bring me back to you……… “
And booom a truck comes and hit Vansh and she shouts,
He was lying on ground bleeding heavily, tears were flowing from his eyes, not due to pain of wounds but due to pain given by his love, slowly his eyes were getting closed, last time capturing the image of love of his life. She comes running to him and was whining for help, crying in guilt, but…… but it was too late to save him. His heartbroken soul has left this world, police arrives there and takes his dead body with them. She was sobbing for him, holding officers hand and requesting them that please don’t take him. As he told his love was not fake and even she loves him…….and guess what? her eyes were filled with tears, she was feeling lonely. How his love can be fake who kept his promise till his last breath, who promised her that he’ll not die without meeting her. Police took his body away from her, but the only thing which was left in her hand was his locket. May be her love can’t bring him back but……..but may be this locket will always keep them connected. Now he is free from all the pain, all the sufferings, even his body is now taken away and she is left all alone on road………..shattered.

Final Narration,
My heart feels that I should forget everything,
Get return back to you and start a new beginning,
But……..but if now you’ll look into my eyes,
YOU’LL feel the pain,
That’s why I once said,
On the path of life when you hold someone’s hand,
And walk till far, to return alone from there is very difficult,
But still………you have to walk,
Sometimes to come closer,
One has to get separate…………… Riddhima ❤

Authors Note: Their love story has ended, so do my OS. I hope you liked it. I know many wanted that I should not separate them, I’m really sorry for the disappointment, actually I didn’t change the actual story. As it was not my own story and I can’t take whole credit for dialogues as they were in movie (of course some changes I have made) but they were in other language, so I tried my best to pen down and describe their emotions and scenes in words, in other language. I hope I was not that bad in it. Let me know in comments till then stay home, stay safe and loads of love 🤗❤



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